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Super-conducting damping wigglers; specifications and solutions

Super-conducting damping wigglers; specifications and solutions. Remo Maccaferri. CLIC Technical Committee. December 1, 2009. Original Program. Two wiggler short-prototypes 2.5 T , 5 cm period, built and currently tested by BINP 2. 8 T , 4cm period, designed by CERN/Un. Karlsruhe

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Super-conducting damping wigglers; specifications and solutions

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  1. Super-conducting damping wigglers; specifications and solutions Remo Maccaferri CLIC Technical Committee December 1, 2009

  2. Original Program Two wiggler short-prototypes 2.5T, 5cm period, built and currently tested by BINP 2.8T,4cm period, designed by CERN/Un. Karlsruhe Short prototypes built and magnetically tested (at least one by CDR 2010)) 2012 Prototype Installed in a storage ring (ANKA, CESR-TA, ATF) for beam measurements (IBS/wiggler dominated regime)

  3. Original Parameters

  4. Wigglers  beam size BINP Permanent Magnets BINP NbTi CERN Nb3Sn

  5. B (peak) Gap size B [T] Gap [mm]

  6. ARMCO vs PERMENDUR Vanadium Permendur: Bsat > 2.3 T Soft magnetic alloy of 2% vanadium, 49% cobalt and 49% iron

  7. Permanent magnets? Sintered magnets: Sm2 Co17 (VACOMAX 240) Bmax 1.2 T • To build a suitable wiggler we need pole concentrators • We can use permendur but the maximum pole field will not be more than 2.3 T • With a gap of 14 mm the peak field on the mid plane will be in the order of 1.1 T ! ADVANTAGE: No Cryogenics !

  8. Hybrid solution? Could not succeed….

  9. Nb-Ti  Nb3-Sn

  10. Nb-Ti  Nb3-Sn Heat load capabilities “ sacrificing Nb3Sn current density in favor of temperature margin can provide very good heat transfer capacity: more than 1 order of magnitude bigger than Nb-Ti” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 11, 082401 (2008)

  11. Nb-Ti/Nb3-Sn Wigglers optimization

  12. Wigglers Design CERN BINP

  13. BINP short-prototype

  14. CERN short-prototype

  15. Vertical Race-track coils test

  16. Vertical Race-track coils test Obtained Mid-plane peak field vs. current for 40 mm period and scaling for 50mm period 50 mm period 40 mm period

  17. Operating load line

  18. Vertical Race-track short model status • Modeling: • Magnetic 2D : Done (Maccaferri, Schoerling) • Forces calculations : Done (Maccaferri, Schoerling) • Magnetic 3D : On going (Schoerling, Bernhart) • -Multipole analysis : To be done (Schoerling, Bernhart) • ANSYS : To be done (Schoerling end 2009) • Prototyping (NbTi): • -Mechanical design : Done(to be updated) • -Winding and impregnation : Done (J.Mazet, JC Clement) • -Cold test : Done week 41 (09)

  19. Milestones

  20. Thank You !

  21. DR layout 125m 39m 125m Y.P., 21/08/2009 CLIC meeting 21

  22. BINP Proposals • The use of another type of epoxy could be very desirable. The Araldite MY740 is probably not perfect for our tasks. • Another one is to make another test run (runs) to understand the quench behavior and to make magnet measurements. • First approach is to make short wiggler prototype without use of the GFP elements. The manufacturing of this design will start in close days. The SC cable for this short prototype is available yet.

  23. Heat-load protection Internal Cu liner at liquid Nitrogen temperature protects from SR A cryogenic cooler SUMITOMO SRDK408S2 permits to evacuate up to 50 W power from 60 K liner.

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