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Thomas Franz, Psy.D Program Manager, Small Business Innovation Research, Code 46T

Securing Govt/Military R&D Contracts. . . Thomas Franz, Psy.D Program Manager, Small Business Innovation Research, Code 46T. 1. Research and Technology Program Office (4.6T). Director Maureen Bergondy Wilhelm. Military Deputy LCDR Jefferson Grubb. Deputy Director Robert Seltzer.

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Thomas Franz, Psy.D Program Manager, Small Business Innovation Research, Code 46T

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  1. Securing Govt/Military R&D Contracts . Thomas Franz, Psy.D Program Manager, Small Business Innovation Research, Code 46T 1

  2. Research and Technology Program Office (4.6T) Director Maureen Bergondy Wilhelm Military Deputy LCDR Jefferson Grubb Deputy Director Robert Seltzer S&T Project Administrative Specialist AdministratorHuman Research Protection Program / Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects Small Business Research S&T Programs Technology Transfer Transition Research 2

  3. NAWCTSD Research Portfolio • Office of Naval Research Science & Technology (6.1 – 6.3) • Basic Research (In-house and Academia) • Applied Research • Advanced Development • Navy Demonstrations and Validation Research (6.4-6.7) • DoD Research • Joint/OSD/JFCOM • Army/USAF/USMC Research • Technology Transfer (Gov/Non-DoD Research) • DoD Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR/STTR) NAWCTSD is a R&D Performer and Partners with Industry on Proposals and subsequent Research Efforts 3

  4. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Opportunities • WHO? • WHAT? • WHERE? • WHEN? • HOW? • OUCH!!! • Next Solicitation (12.2) • Pre-Release 24 April -23 May 2012 Most important time. • For talking to the topic author, ask how the topic relates to fleet requirements • Officially Opens 24 May 2012 • Watch for posted Questions and Answers • Closes 27 Jun 2012 • Don’t be late, get it in at least a day early! Acquisition Strategy Period of Performance 12.2 Solicitation Milestones • Phase I: 6 Month + 6 month Option • Phase II: 24 Month+ 6/month Option • Phase III: Open • Phase I: Firm Fixed Price • Phase II: Cost Plus Fixed Fee • Phase III: TBD 24 May 27 Jun 15 Nov 2012 RFP RFP Contract Release Closes Award Current Contract/Original Developer/OEM (if recompete) Point of Contact Funding • Year 1 RDT&E $150K • Year 2-3 RDT&E $1M (Total) • Year 4+ Non-SBIR $s; No Limit/No. • Competition Required Name: Dr. Thomas Franz Organization: NAWCTSD, SBIR Pgm. Mgr. Phone: 407-380-4631 Email: thomas.franz@navy.mil • TBD – Up to 2 awards planned/topic See http://navair.navy.mil/sbir and http://www.navysbir.com 8 3 The information provided is for planning purposes and is subject change without notice. 4

  5. RECENT NAVAIR / NAWCTSD SBIR Topics (12.1) Innovative Collimated Controller Displays (N121-041) Advancements are needed to improve the depth perception of vertical and short take-off and landing aircraft operators during simulated hovering operations. Develop innovative visual displays to provide variable collimation and improved 3D depth perception for rotary wing chin windows and cargo hatch operation. A new and innovative visual display design that is light-weight and thin enough to be incorporated into existing rotary wing and short take-off and landing simulator housings is sought. Improved Radio Frequency Modeling for Correlated Environment Communication System Simulators with Sensor Simulators (N121-011) Most aviation accidents occur when sensor degradations are present due to atmospheric/weather, terrain, and cultural variables, yet simulations maintain artificially physically consistent representations of these sensors. Topic seeks an innovative approach for on-the-fly, physics-based radio frequency propagation modeling - that appropriately interacts with complex synthetic natural environments for more realistic simulations of real world communications and radar sensor systems. Topic Title: Small Projector Array Display System (N121-005) Develop innovative technology to combine large numbers of small commercial-off-the-shelf Light Emitting Diode (LED) based projectors, into a cost effective, high performance, high efficiency, small footprint immersive rear-projection display. Innovation would enable the distribution of Image Generator video inputs across multiple small projectors into one seamless image. The goal is to provide 20/20 visual acuity, for the same or lower price of the current state-of-the-art visual display systems. Next DoD 12.2 Solicitation Opens: 24 APR Closes: 27 JUN 2012http://www.dodsbir.net/sitis 5

  6. NAWCTSD FY13/14/15 Projected S&T Transitions • FY13N102-124 (Hyttinen) Affordable, Reconfigurable Aerial Refueling Part-task Trainer AVT • N08-139 (Tom Franz) Mixed Gas Hypoxia Training in Low Pressure Chambers Colorado Altitude • N092-094 (Bentio Graniela), Material Classification Sensor Simulation RSC • N09T-T007 (Tom Alicia), Tailoring Training for Large Scale Exercises Advanced Infoneering, VC Soft, & APTIMA • N09B-T038 (Michael Felix), Innovative Application of Urban ISR CG2 • FY14N102-138 (Patricia Edmonds) Low Cost G-cues for Pilot Training Device Infoscitex • FY15N111-008 (Dennis Vincenzi) Common Unmanned Vehicle Control Procedures Trainer for Airborne and Sea Based Unmanned Systems and Sensors RPA

  7. Mixed Gas Hypoxia Training in Low Pressure Chambers SBIR Topic No. N08-139 Phase II Contract No. 11-C-0010 • Problem Statement: • Students & instructors exposed to risk of decompression sickness. • No Opportunity for multi-crew teams to experience both pressure altitude decompression and high altitude hypoxia in the same chamber • SBIR Advanced Prototype Development • Created normobaric (mixed gas, normal air pressure) simulated altitude environments up to 30,000 feet. • Provides a multi-crew setting conduct training without the need for a mask and without the risk of decompression sickness . • Aviators experience decompression at a limited but safe (10,000 feet and higher) simulated altitudes • FY13 Phase III Product Availability – • Research being done relatively quickly. • Room was set-up to allow Entry & Exit without significant loss of altitude • Successful applications include U.S. military units, foreign military, commercial aeronautical authorities Model of Hypoxia Trainer Colorado Altitude Training, LLC Mr. Shaun Wallace (303) 440-4102 swallace@altitudetraining.com Phase II TPOC: Thomas Franz 407-380-4631 Sponsor: PMA -205 NASTP Ph III Funds (APN)

  8. Affordable, Reconfigurable Aerial Refueling Part-Task TrainerSBIR N102-124 Contract No. N68335-10-C-0584 • Problem Statement: • Current training for aerial refueling lacks: • Stereo depth for lining up engagement • Details necessary for realistic visuals • Aerodynamic buffeting and G-onset cues experienced in close proximity flight with a refueling tanker aircraft • The result is a lack of opportunity to train for this critical flight maneuver, and potentially negative aerial refueling training in our full-mission trainers. • FY13 Phase IIDevelop, integrate, demonstrate and evaluate a prototype that incorporates fidelity and imagery as experience during F/A-18 aerial refueling • FY14 Projected Phase III • Higher fidelity air refueling training will improve pilot performance – validated with time to train new pilots. • Increased availability of full-mission trainers, and reduced the expense of maintaining the training systems will result. AVT Simulation Walt Chambers, Chief Scientist  407.381.5311 ext.113 wchambers@avtsim.com TPOC: Doug Hyttinen (407) 380-8458 Douglas.Hyttinen@navy.mil PMA-290 F/A-18 Phase III: TBD (APN)

  9. S&T Focus Areas MISSION Plan & Perform a Full Range of Directed Research & Development in Support of Naval & Other DOD Training Systems for All Warfare Areas & Platforms, to Maintain a Naval Critical Technology Base And Transition Technology Resultsto the Fleet and Other Customers Human Performance Modeling & Assessment Distributed LVC Synthetic Training Virtual Environments & Training technologies Tactical Decision Support for Command & Control Human Social Cultural Behavioral Modeling 9

  10. S&T Focus Areas (Cont) • Human Performance Modeling and Assessment • Accurately measure and analyze human performance at different levels (individual, team, unit, organization) in multiple military domains, and across a variety of tasks (from simple procedural skills to complex cognitive skills & decision making). Human Social Cultural Behavioral Modeling • Specific application of human performance modeling to analyzing and predicting behavior in culturally embedded contexts to include decision making in response to adversarial intent and training strategies for adaptability in coalition teams. • Tactical Decision Support for Command & Control • Human-centered design approach to creating & integrating machine components for C2 that accommodate & support people using that system for tactical decision making. 10

  11. S&T Focus Areas (Cont) Virtual Environment Technologies for Training • Metrics-driven processes, high-fidelity trgenvironments, and fully linked T&R competencies to achieve aircrew/maintainer qualifications & proficiency while reducing life-cycle cost drivers. • Dev. education and training technologies to cost-effectively maximize transfer from the classroom/trainer to the operational environment. Distributed LVC Synthetic Training • Ability to train and interact in large-scale distributed simulations that provide operationally realistic environments. • Requires technologies that allow for rapid and reliable threat/intent determination, distributed weapons/sensor coordination, real-time operations and improved mission planning. 11

  12. How can Industry Participate in NAWCTSD Research? • Share information on your IRAD Program • Respond to SBIR/STTR Solicitations • Small Business – Large business partnering • Pursue Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) with NAWCTSD • Communicate & partner on joint proposals & New SBIR Topics • If successful w/joint proposals several contract vehicle options available: • SBIR PIII • NAWCTSD R&D Broad Agency Announcement (S&T projects only) • ONR/DoD/funding agency contracting 12

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