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Enhancing Vocational Training Quality in Italy: Approaches and Strategies

Learn about the quality assurance approaches in Italian Vocational Education and Training system, including accreditation, certification, self-evaluation, and Quality Chart. Explore how vocational training centers are improving quality through flexible contracts and market competitions. Discover the criteria for accreditation and the regional government's role in implementation and assessment. Find out about ISO certification, self-evaluation projects, and the Quality Chart voluntary agreement.

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Enhancing Vocational Training Quality in Italy: Approaches and Strategies

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  1. Quality assurance approachesin Italy International seminar on quality in Vocational Education and Training Giorgio AllulliISFOL

  2. Italian Vet system • Two components • Vocational and technical schools for initial vocational education (14-18 years) under the government of the Ministry of education • Vocational centres for initial and continuing training (under the government of regional authorities) • The entire system is going under a big process of reform: all VET will pass under the government of Regions

  3. Four approaches to improve quality • Accreditation • Certification • Selfevaluation • Quality Chart

  4. Vocational Training centers • Organized by social partners, religious associations, private associations • Flexible contracts with regional governments • Market system (every year competitions to get the resources) THEREFORE Very flexible supply changing every year according with the changing demand BUT Difficulty in assuring the quality of the provision

  5. Accreditation Minimumquality criteria for training centres offering vocational training with public sponsorship Criteria: • Management of the institutions • Financial situation • Characteristics of teaching and administrative staff • Efficiency and effectiveness of previous activities • Links and contacts at local level

  6. Methodology For each of the five criteria, the following conditions are stated at national level: • indicators (variables to measure and assess) • parameters (phenomena to observe) • indices (minimum thresholds of the phenomena)

  7. Implementation and assessment The Regional governments: • implement the system • can integrate the conditions • assess whether these requirements are fulfilled on the basis of • Documents submitted • Audits and other assessments on the field The possess of a Iso certification is equivalent to the first three criteria

  8. Other approaches • CertificationMany VT centres are certificated using ISO procedures • Self evaluationA project is done in Trento to assist self evaluation giving the schools the possibility to compare themselves using indicators (100 schools involved) • Quality ChartVoluntary agreement between Vt providers who commit themselves to respect some quality criteria (regarding organization, teaching, processes, outputs)

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