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Professional self-government of physicians in Poland national report

Professional self-government of physicians in Poland national report. Konstanty Radziwill Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists, Vicepresident Cracow , 30 September - 1 October 2011. Chambers of Physicians and Dentists in Poland.

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Professional self-government of physicians in Poland national report

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  1. Professional self-government of physicians in Polandnational report Konstanty Radziwill Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists,Vicepresident Cracow, 30 September - 1 October 2011 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  2. Chambers of Physicians and Dentists in Poland Public law entities – organisational bodies of professional self-government. Represent and associate two professions:all medical doctors and all dental practitioners. Organizational structure: • Polish (Supreme) Chamber of Physicians and Dentists • 23 regional chambers, 1 chamber of military physicians and dentists 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  3. Chambers of Physicians and Dentists in Poland Regulatory authoritiesawarding the right to practice Settingprinciples of professionalethics Supervisionoverprofessionalconduct Disciplinaryproceedings (medicalcourts) Accreditation and supervisionoverContinuing Professional Development Representation and protection of the profession (e.g. mandatoryopinions on draft legislation and health issues) 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  4. Maindevelopmentsover the recent period Law on the chambers of physicians and dentists – adopted on 2 December 2009, inforcesince 1 January 2010. - draft elaboratedmainly by the chambers - replaces the formeract of 1989 - no major changes regarding the scope of tasks and activities of the professional self-government - regulationsimportant from the practical pointof view to facilitate activities of the self-government - moredetailedregulation of disciplinary proceedings 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  5. Maindevelopmentsover the recent period Law on medicinesreimbursment – adopted on 12 May 2011, in forcesince 1 January 2012 - high penalties for doctors for prescription mistakes and prescribing for uninsuredpatients 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  6. Maindevelopmentsover the recent period Law on medicalactivities – adopted on 15 April 2011, inforcesince 1 July 2011 - regulatessettingup and functioning of facilitiesprovidinghealthcarein Poland - applies to all public and privatefacilities, includingphysiciansexercisingprofessionin a self-employedcapacity, and to allkinds of healthcare services - introduces one common register of healthcarefacilities (incl. individual and group practices of physicians) - supportscommercialization and does not excludeprivatization of public hospitals 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  7. Maindevelopmentsovertherecent period 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  8. Maindevelopmentsover the recent period Law on patients’ rights – amendmentsadopted on 28 April 2011, in forcesince 1 January 2012 - introduces an out-of-court system of compensation for patientsharmedduring the diagnosticortherapeuticactivities of hospitals - an undefined term „medicalevent” (to be interpreted and decided by specially set upcommissionswith 50 % laymembers) instead of „medicalinjury” isused as a basis for compensation - the new system hasinfactlittle to do withno-faultcompensation systems – despitedeclaring so 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  9. Chamber’smotion to the ConstitutionalCourt • Polishphysicians and dentistsare of the opinionthat the lack of properdefinition of the scope of healthcare services thatpatientsareentitled to within the frame of the general health insurance isunconstitutional • On 2 September 2011 the Supreme Medical Council decided to file a motion to the PolishConstitutionalCourt to review the regulations of the general health insurance in Poland 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

  10. Thank you very much for your attention www.nil.org.pl 18th Symposium of the Central and East European Chambers of Physicians

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