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4.0 PI ProcessBook

4.0 PI ProcessBook. What is PI ProcessBook?. Standalone software that allows users to create dynamic, interactive graphical displays featuring real-time PI and non-PI data. Displays can show: Schematic or realistic process flow diagrams Values Trends and plots And more

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4.0 PI ProcessBook

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  1. 4.0 PI ProcessBook

  2. What is PI ProcessBook? • Standalone software that allows users to create dynamic, interactive graphical displays featuring real-time PI and non-PI data. • Displays can show: • Schematic or realistic process flow diagrams • Values • Trends and plots • And more • PI ProcessBook also includes Visual Basic for Application (VBA) as a development environment

  3. Standard Windows Structure • PI ProcessBook uses a standard Windows type environment that make functions accessible from: • Menus • Toolbars

  4. PI ProcessBook Modes • Browse PI ProcessBook (Workbook) elements • Visualize already created displays • Display Navigation • Change mode by selecting Tools > Run or clicking on ( ) of the • Drawing toolbar. • Build or Edit PI ProcessBook (Workbook) elements • Add or Modify elements to/from a display • Change mode by selecting Tools > Build or clicking on ( ) of the • Drawing toolbar.

  5. 3.2.1 Trend Navigation

  6. Trend Viewing Options These functions can used only in Run ( ) mode only • Full screen graphic display • Zoom In/Out on a trend • Change the vertical axis scale • Change the time period displayed • Trend cursors • Show/Hide data traces • Tooltip statistics • Show Details and Annotations • Revert to original configuration

  7. ( Run mode only) Full Screen • Double-Click in Run ( ) mode to activate • Double-Click again to deactivate Too small? Double-Click on it

  8. ( Run mode only) Zoom • Drag a rectangle within the trend boundary • Use revert ( ) to return to original definition

  9. ( Run mode only) Change Time Range • Zoom function previously described • “One time period forward – backward” functions at the bottom of the trend: • Browses one time period forward or backward and accesses the appropriate archived data • Use the scroll bar:

  10. ( Run mode only) Trend Cursors • Activates a cursor to display the exact value at one (or more) given time(s). Set one by using ( ).

  11. ( Run mode only) Data Traces • Traces can shown or hidden by clicking on the tag name in the legend or Right-click on Trend > Trend Traces • Traces can shown or hidden individually or all at once

  12. ( Run mode only) Revert to Original Configuration • Select View > Revert or click on the ( ) button to get back to the original display • The changes made in View mode are only temporary and will not change the original configuration

  13. ( Run mode only) Trends (Ad-Hoc) • In Run mode, there are 2 ways to create a trend: • In the current window, select one or many values, click on ( ) then draw a rectangle to display the trend • In a new window, select one or many values, then click on ( ) to create an Ad-Hoc trend • It is possible to save the new window as a Display

  14. Unavailable Data Render of unavailable data through elements • Trend shows nothing • Dynamic Value shows No Data • Trend Cursor shows No Data • Bar Graph shows diagonal lines • Multi-state symbol shows the user defined Bad data color

  15. Status Bar The status bar at the bottom of the window shows: • Time Zone • Layers • Status Report • Default Line / Fill / Background color for an element 1 2 3 4

  16. Status Report • A status report can be accessed on the status bar at the bottom of the screen Double-click on this icon to access the status report All of the dynamic elements on the display are updating At least one dynamic element in the display is reporting bad data (or a shutdown status)

  17. Status Report • The status report presents all of the dynamic elements on the display along with their associated tag • An error message will appear for every dynamic element in error

  18. ( Run mode only) Statistics • Hovering the mouse cursor over an objects presents tooltip statistics • Present statistics for the longest time range specified by an element in your display • Statistics are: • Average • Minimum and Maximum • Count • Range • Pop. Std Deviation

  19. ( Run mode only) Show Details and Annotations • At any moment you can visualize: • compressed data • statistics • point attributes • annotations from a dynamic element presented on your display • Data, statistics or attributes can be exported to a file or copied to clipboard • Write annotation directly from a display • Details window is driven by selections in your display

  20. Show Details and Annotations - Data 5 Select the Data option • Refresh data grid • Increase or decrease fonts from data grid • Export data to .TXT or .CSV file • Copy to clipboard • Select point to get data from among the list of all points belonging to the current display 1 2 3 4

  21. Show Details and Annotations - Annotations 4 5 6 You can write many annotations for a specific event • Enter you annotation • Determine the type, it can be: • String • Integer • Float • Array • File • And more • Enter a description • Save the annotation • Delete selected annotation • Import/Export a file into/from the annotation 1 2 3

  22. Show Details and Annotations - Statistics Select the Statistics option to visualize results • Statistics are calculated for a time range • Elements presenting a single value use a time range equals to : • The outermost past time boundary of all elements belonging to current display • To now

  23. Notifications • PI ProcessBook integrates PI Notifications related to your current user (Windows user) • Select View > Notifications

  24. ( Build mode only) Symbol Library The ( ) button allows access to a library of symbols

  25. Dynamic elements

  26. Dynamic Elements • The following dynamic elements can be added to a display:

  27. Dynamic Elements • The dynamic elements will change in real time according to the value of their associated tag

  28. Examples of a Bar Graph Fill color Background color

  29. ( Build mode only) Dynamic Values A Dynamic Value shows the tag’s current or past value. • Show or not the tag name (and where) • Show or not the timestamp (and where) • Show or not the engineering units

  30. ( Build mode only) Statistics • Hovering the mouse cursor over an objects presents tooltip statistics • Present the object’s associated point current value • If the object is multi-state, it also presents the current step

  31. ( Build mode only) Multi-State Objects • Objects that change state based upon user defined values. • Bar Graphs • Dynamic Values • Shapes • Symbols from the library

  32. 3.5.1 PI Calculation

  33. PI Performance Equation Syntax Mathematical Functions and Operators Expressions can use…

  34. PI Performance Equation Syntax Built-in Functions • Examples of built-in functions:

  35. Operators in Performance Equation An expression can use If-Then-Else, relational and logical operators • Syntax: IF expr0 THEN expr1 ELSE expr2 • Example: IF ‘Tag1’ >= 50 AND ‘Tag2’ < 125 THEN “under limit” ELSE “good”

  36. Data Sets Dialog Box 1

  37. PI Calculation Data Sets 2 3 4 5

  38. PI Calculation Data Sets User Entered Calculation Common Calculations

  39. PI Calculation Data Set Column Label appears as the first selection in the available calculations.

  40. Using Data Sets

  41. 3.5.3 AF2 Data Set

  42. What is AF Asset Model? • Allows users to organize and structure PI data and other data (like reactors, transformers, meters, etc.) • Is based on Element representing a user-oriented object • Element can contain attributes • All information are stored in the PI Analysis Framework Database (AF) • Permits to use AF as a common source of data, properties and configuration • Information from AF are available through AF2 Data Set in PI ProcessBook

  43. ProcessBook Dynamic elements • The dynamic elements will change in real time according to the value of their associated element’s attribute • Instead of referencing a point it uses a AF2 element’s attribute • Result will be modified by the unit of measure (UOM) chosen

  44. AF2 Data Set • Use AF2 Data Set to present data from your model • AF2 property / attribute can be used with: • Trends • XY plot • Multi-State shapes • Dynamic values • Bars

  45. Dynamic Elements using AF2 Data Set 1 2 4 3

  46. Conclusion “By using PI, we have been able to see what we guessed was happening. We have been able to validate our ideas and turn them into substantive savings. In our case, 10% of our operations budget.”Chilkoot Ward Director of UtilitiesUniversity of Alaska (Power Generation)

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