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CLEAN AIR NANOSOLUTIONS. Actual situation. Air pollution due to industry: PM10 – indicator for evaluation of acute impact on health PM2,5 – indicator for evaluation of long-term impact on health – Increase in per year concentration of PM2,5 by 1 0μ g/m3 : – Increase in death ratio by o 1,5%
Actual situation Air pollution due to industry: PM10 – indicator for evaluation of acute impact on health PM2,5 – indicator for evaluation of long-term impact on health – Increase in per year concentration of PM2,5 by 10μg/m3: – Increase in death ratio by o 1,5% – Increase in bronchitis occurrence by 34% Small grained PM2,5 differ in both origin and composition from bigger grained particles : – Combustion of fossil fuel (coal power plants, incineration plants ) – Traffic (diesel engines) – Secondary aerosol (Gas condensation)
Actual situation Dust of PM2,5 particles: – carbon substances, salts, heavy metals – very light, remains in atmosphere for weeks – cause of grave illness Gas-based pollutants: SO2, NOX, PCDD/F, VOC How to prevent polution? Solution: 1. Emission – Most efficient filtering in industry possible, which will eliminate air pollution (coal power plants, stealworks,) 2. Imission – preventing the polution allready dispersed in air from intruding to areas where is great concentration of people every day – Most efficient filtering of atmosperic air possible in HVAC (offices, shop shopping centres, public buildings,...)
NANOSOLUTION Our nanosoluotions allow most efficient filtering of solid particulate matter combined with simultaneous reduction in concentration of gas based pollutants (NOX, VOC, PCDD/F).
NANOSOLUTION Nanosolutions sorting: 1. Filters for atmospheric air COMPACT FILTER, CARTRIDGE FILTER (HVAC, gas turbines,…) 2. Filters for industrial use BAG FILTER (coal power plants, stealworks, cement works, incinerator plants,…)
BAG FILTERS • Substances most harmfull to atmosphere: • Small grained PM2,5 • NOX, SO2, VOC, PCDD/F • For solid particulate matter (spm for short) separation are usually used: • Mechanical separators (very unefficient even for PM10) • Electrical separators (sufficient for PM10, but not very effective for PM2,5) • Textile filters (PTFE membrane • which is most efficient technology available) Future: • Nano layer textile ( it is approximately one order of magnitude more effective than PTFE)
FILTERS REGENERATED BY COMPRESSED AIR Suitable for sticky dust, can be used in old systems with verticaly organized cylindric tubes or horizontaly organized ovals, higher cost for compressed air.
FILTERS WITH FAN FLUSH Regeneration with medium pressure fan is thrifty for filtration material. Less costsly. Construction of filtration unit with oval horizontaly organized pockets.
BAG FILTERS WHYUSE NANOFIBRES? Bag filters using the Nanofibres having all the best factors together: • Permeability (small pressure drop) • The best filtering efficiency • Very small thickness of the layer • High porosity • Low basis weight not increase filter media weight • Small pore size • High specific surface area • Submicron particles capture
NEW TECHNOLOGY USING NANOFIBER Schematic of filtering material based on Nanosolution Active nanofibrous filtering layer with narrow pore size suitable for submicron filtration Spunbond Engineered polymeric support providing the stiffness, mechanical strenght and pleat ability for nanofiber layer Schematic of polymeric nanofiber layer on support layer
BAG FILTERS Comparsion of curently most efficent filtering material (PTFE) with nanofibre PTFE membrane (500x)Nanofibre (600x)
BAG FILTERS – PTFE MEMBRANE Comparison of nowadays best technology (PTFE membrane) with a vision of future sollution (PTFE nanofibers): PTFE micorfibers fused together at intersection points. These hydrophobic membranes provide ultimate chemical resistance and are temperature stable to 250 °C. PTFE nanofiberswill have similar chemical and heat abilities but lower pressure loss and smaller needs for regeneration system (saving energy), higher filtration efficiency (catalyst lasts longer). For industry with lower heat and chemical stress the nanolayer can be made of cheaper materials (Nomex, Polyimid, Polyester).
INDUSTRY FILTERING Catalyst nanofilters: Fabric + catalyst with addition of precious metals. Reduction of NOX and PCDD/F
MAIN BENEFITS OF NANOSLOUTION • High filtration efficiency • Longer filter lifetime • Lower pressure drop over the filter life and less overall system energy cost • Operation savings • Possibility of reconstruction old filters with change of filter material • Catalitic filter material for NOX and PCDD/F reduction
BAG FILTER PARAMETERS COMPARSION • BAG FILTERS Comparsion of parameters for standard filtering unit with estimated parameters of nanolayer unit for temperatures up to 250°C and 100.000 m3/h.
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NANOBAG FILTER • Regeneration with compressed air (tube ø150mm length 3m) • Regeneration with a fan (pocket perimeter 380mm length 2,2m) 6 months 12 months 24 months 10 months Development of filtering medium prototype Production of testing unit Testing phase Production and cooperation with partners in China, including nano filters testing.
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW NANOBAG FILTER Developmentofnewcatalyticbagfilter (evenreducing NOX and dioxins): • Regenerationwithcompressed air (tube ø150mm length 3m) • Regenerationwith a fan (pocketperimeter 380mm length 2,2m) 10 months 12 months 36 months 15 months Development of filtering medium prototype Production of testing unit Production and cooperation with partners in China, including nano filters testing. Testing phase