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In this course we will seek to reveal and understand how various aspects of solar activity impact the geospace environment, as well as manned and unmanned systems operating in that environment. COURSE TOPICS. 1. COMPONENTS OF THE SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL SYSTEM 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON SYSTEMS.
In this course we will seek to reveal and understand how various aspects of solar activity impact the geospace environment, as well as manned and unmanned systems operating in that environment. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
COURSE TOPICS 1. COMPONENTS OF THE SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL SYSTEM 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON SYSTEMS 1. COMPONENTS OF THE SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL SYSTEM - The various components of the solar-terrestrial system, and the interactions between them, will be examined in some detail. Essential elements of plasma and fluid physics, magnetohydrodynamics, atomic and molecular structure and spectra are introduced as needed. A. THE SUN -Basic structure and components; radio, visible, UV, EUV, and particle emissions; variability; interaction with Earth’s neutral upper atmosphere and ionosphere. B. THE SOLAR WIND - Basic origins, properties, and structure; interplanetary magnetic field; interactions with outer regions of the magnetosphere. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
COURSE TOPICS C. THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD -The main field and its origins; magnetic indices; Sq and L variations; magnetic disturbances. D. THE RADIATION BELTS - Particle motion in a magnetic field; adiabatic invariants; particle drift and diffusion; loss mechanisms; radiation models; ring current. E. THE MAGNETOSPHERE - Bow shock; magnetosheath; magnetospheric currents; plasmasphere; magnetospheric convection; storms and substorms. I. NASA MISSIONS - Past, present and future NASA & ESA missionsrelevant to the above topical areas will be introduced into the lectures. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
Jupiter Aurora H. OTHER PLANETS - Some lectures are devoted to the magnetospheres, ionospheres & upper atmospheres of planets other than earth. COURSE TOPICS F. THE NEUTRAL ATMOSPHERE - Basic thermal structure; absorption of radiation; zonal mean circulation; gravity waves; tides and planetary waves; essential elements of chemical aeronomy. G. THE IONOSPHERE - Vertical structure and nomenclature; ionospheric chemistry; ambipolar diffusion; ionospheric dynamo; low- and high-latitude phenomena; aurora and airglow; magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
COURSE TOPICS 2. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ON SYSTEMS A number of "environmental impacts" on systems will be introduced throughout the course, as suggested by the solar-terrestrial process or region under study. A. RADIO PROPAGATION/ COMMUNICATIONS -Effects of the environment on communications; fading and absorption; ELF/VLF systems; HF propagation; UHF and scintillation effects; perturbations during geomagnetic storms. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
B. RE-ENTRY AND SATELLITE DRAG - Perturbations due to magnetic storms and vertically-propagating waves; review of drag models and status of drag modeling; aerobraking and aerocapture; entry, descent & landing. C. DEBRIS AND IMPACT PHENOMENA -Theory and observations of orbital debris (natural and artificial); particle impact; implications for space systems design and operation. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
COURSE TOPICS (cont.) The energetic particle environment can produce a variety of effects on operational satellites D. PARTICLES & RADIATION Single event upsets and latch-ups; radiation dosage; radiation belts; active solar periods, SPEs. GCRs. E. SPACECRAFT CHARGING Charging and discharging of spacecraft; spurious switching; degradation of thermal coatings, solar cells, electronic components, optical sensors; triggering mechanisms. video ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
ASEN5335 Project • The topic and the scope of the project must be approved by Professor Forbes or Professor Thayer. This will usually be accomplished after an initial proposal is submitted, and some discussion and iteration (either in person, by phone or email) occurs. Much of what you learn in the course of doing the project will be connected with your reading and research in search of a topic. It is supposed to be difficult and challenging. • Professor Forbes or Thayer will not suggest project topics. Part of the project grade resides in your ability to formulate an interesting and relevant topic. • The project will consist of a written report of roughly 20-40 single-spaced pages in length including figures, and be appropriately referenced. Usually, it will consist of a title and abstract and the following sections: Introduction, Data and Models to be Employed, Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions, Appendix (i.e., providing computer code, etc.), and a list of references (articles or web pages you have read) in proper bibliographical format. • The report must be professional-looking, well-written, with no grammatical or spelling errors. It can be submitted in paper form, or in PDF form by email. It should also be succinct and to the point; in other words, not unnecessarily wordy. It is required that you do a project for the course that will count 50% of your grade. The project offers an opportunity for you to gain depth of knowledge in one aspect of the aerospace environment of your choice. Requirements and guidelines relating to the project are as follows: ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
The project will contain a computational component, and manipulation and visualization of data. The computational component can consist in part of running code that exists on any number of space weather or space environment web sites. However, you must demonstrate that you understand the basis of these models, and do not treat them as “black boxes”. If appropriate, statistical methods should be employed to quantitatively convey uncertainty or significance of your results. • The project will consist of an analysis component; that is, the computational results must be interpreted. • Design projects are welcome, as well as those that are more science-focused. • The project and the results produced must be placed into perspective. For example: articulate the “big picture”, and where this project fits in; what is the relevance; what are the implications; how would you extend the project if you had more time or resources; how does it relate to your current job or graduate studies; why did you choose this topic; and what did you learn? • The project must be sufficiently difficult that we are convinced that you have struggled a bit with it. You should be spending about 8 hours a week on this project in addition to your other time spent on the course. • What will the project grade be based upon? • Originality • Articulation of perspective • Level of difficulty, mathematical and statistical rigor • Quality of presentation • organization • clarity and succinctness • quality of figures • grammar & spelling See Important Dates for the Proposed Project Title and Summary and Extended Project Summary Assignments ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
Important Dates February 12, 2009 Proposed Project Title and Summary* due February 26, 2009 Exam #1 March 12, 2009 Extended Project Summary** due April 23, 2009 Exam #2 April 30, 2009 Projects due *Proposed Project Title and Summary: This is the initial formulation of your project and its scope. Hopefully, you have discussed your project with me by this time, and we have pretty much agreed on a topic. This assignment will not be graded, but you will lost 5 points (out of 100) on your total project grade if it is not handed in on time, or if it is incomplete. In 1 or two sentences each, on a single single-spaced page, this assignment must answer the following questions: What is the title and objective of your project? What data and/or models will you employ? What is the methodology that you will employ? What is the computational component of your project? What is the analysis component of your project? What is your project relevant to? (i.e., place it into What are the anticipated outcomes? context) You may update your Proposed Project Title and Summary at any time before the Extended Project Summary is due. **Extended Project Summary: This is a more complete and final description of your project. In 3-5 single-spaced pages (possibly including some figures), this assignment must also answer the above questions, but in much more detail. This assignment will not be graded, but you will lost 5 points (out of 100) on your total project grade if it is not handed in on time, or if it is incomplete. ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
This course closely parallels the vision and priorities of The U.S. National Space Weather Program The NASA Sun-Solar System Connections Roadmap 2005-2035 What is Space Weather? ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
U.S. National Space Weather Program "Space weather" refers to conditions on the Sun and in the solar wind, magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere that can influence the performance and reliability of space-borne and ground-based technological systems and can endanger human life or health. Adverse conditions in the space environment can cause disruption of satellite operations, communications, navigation, and electric power distribution grids, leading to a variety of socioeconomic losses. NSWP Strategic Plan, Implementation Plan, and other information: http://www.nswp.gov/nswp_docs.htm ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
U.S. National Space Weather Program To Advance: • observing capabilities • fundamental understanding of processes • data processing and analysis • numerical modeling - transition of research into operational techniques and algorithms • forecasting accuracy and reliability • space weather products and services • education on space weather ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
U.S. National Space Weather Program To prevent or mitigate: • under- or over-design of technical systems • regional blackouts of power utilities • early demise of multi-million dollar satellites • disruption of communications via satellite, HF, and VHF radio • disruption of long-line telecommunications • errors in navigation systems • excessive radiation doses dangerous to human health ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
“Solar Terrestrial Probes” ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
“Living with a Star” ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview
“Exploration Vision” ASEN 5335 - Aerospace Environments Introduction/Overview