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Materials and Methods. Two separate tests were conducted the first planted in December 2005 and the second planted January 2006Each test was comprised of six replicates of paired plantings for each plant species in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)Plant species evaluated in test one were:
1. Efficacy of Jack Frost Foam for Frost Protection on selected plant species R.J. McGovern; C.R. Semer IV and Lajos Pecsenka*
University of Florida
Plant medicine Program and Plant Pathology Department, Gainesville, Fl and * American Ag. Foam LLC, Casper,Florida
2. Materials and Methods Two separate tests were conducted the first planted in December 2005 and the second planted January 2006
Each test was comprised of six replicates of paired plantings for each plant species in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
Plant species evaluated in test one were: Pepper, Squash, Tomato, and Watermelon.
Plant Species evaluated in test two were Pepper, Strawberry, Squash, Tomato, and Watermelon
All plants (as transplants) were planted at recommended spacing in a twenty foot row surrounded by a five foot buffer.
3. Materials and Methods Temperature monitors were placed so that the temperature at the top of the canopy was recorded at three locations within a treated and non-treated plot.
Two sets of temperature monitors were placed within the entire experiment.
Based upon weather forecast of a freeze event the cryo-protectant foam was applied between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00p.m. of the day before the predicted frost event
The plots were examined the day before and the day after a freeze event
The plot was rated for plants alive and the general condition of the plot.
All data was analyzed using SAS statistical software.
4. Results The observed temperature at the meristem of the transplants under cover of the Jack Frost Foam was up to 10.7 degrees higher than observed on the unprotected transplants.
Transplants under cover of Jack Frost Foam survived 10 hours of temperatures below 32 F (Test 2)
Transplants under cover of the Jack Frost Foam survived temperatures as low as 22 F (Test 2)
5. Plot Layout
6. Temperature sensors
7. Hand Application of Foam
8. New Back Pack Foam Applicator
9. Foam on Treated PLots
10. Foam 24 hours after treatment
11. Untreated Plants
12. Temperature of Treated versus Untreated-Test One
13. Temperature of treated versus Untreated plots-Test Two
14. Percent of Plant with injury after treatment with Jack Frost Foam prior to a frost event Crop Test Treated Untreated
Pepper 1 15.83A* 42.5B
Pepper 2 0.0A 67.5B
Squash 1 25.0A 67.6B
Squash 2 3.3A 78.3B
Tomato 1 65.1A 97.3B
Tomato 2 32.2A 100.0B
Watermelon 1 16.5A 58.3B
Watermelon 2 5.0A 81.7B
Strawberry 2 0.7A 2.0B
*values followed by the same letter are not significantly different P=0.05
15. Conclusions Timely application of Jack Frost foam to vegetable seedlings protected the seedlings from frost damage.
Recorded temperatures inside the foam ranged from 6 to 10 degrees higher then the temperature outside the foam.
16. Acknowledgements American Ag Foam, LLC
Keun Ho Cho and Woudich Angong
Doctor of Plant Medicine Program, Plant Pathology Department, University of Florida