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Introduction. Next Steps. Emissions Processing. Grid System. Methodology. GEIA DATA ASSIMILATION FOR AN AIR QUALITY PHOTOCHEMICAL FORECAST APLICATION IN BRAZIL Lucio Silva de Souza 1,2 Luiz Landau 2 Luiz Claudio Gomes Pimentel 1

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  1. Introduction Next Steps Emissions Processing Grid System Methodology GEIA DATA ASSIMILATION FOR AN AIR QUALITY PHOTOCHEMICAL FORECAST APLICATION IN BRAZIL Lucio Silva de Souza1,2 Luiz Landau2 Luiz Claudio Gomes Pimentel1 1 - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Instituto de Geociências, Departamento de Meteorologia (IGEO/UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL 2 - Coordenação dos Programas de Pesquisa em Engenharia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ) Rio de Janeiro, BRASIL Poster presents a methodology to data assimilation from GEIA basis into SMOKE model for an application in Brazil focused on Amazonia Region. The Goal of this study is to combine biogenic emissions from MM5 model with GEIA global data (1°x1°) – GEFDV2 inventory for anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions. This data will be processed through smoke model to generate the Brazilian Large Domain database to be used in CMAQ Multiscale air quality model, with some nesting grids. Biogenic Emissions Obtained from MM5 model at the TERRAIN pre-processor. This results are inserted on MCIP to prepare the Land use categories to SMOKE and CMAQ models. The MCIP makes the need conversions to use the meteorology and Land use data into the SMOKE-CMAQ. Status: Done! - Is the Amazonia really the lung of the world ? • The Amazonia Basin has an area of 6,3 mi/Km2; • Of this total 5 mi/Km2 are on Brazilian territory; • Remaining area belongs to Bolivia, Colombia, Equador and Peru; • Boundaries of Amazon are the Andes (westward), Central Plateus (southward), Guiana Plateaus (northward) and the Atlantic (eastward); Answer: .... Main Meteorologial Aspects: • Convection -> Due to Intense day heating and favorable Synoptic conditions – regarded as the main force; • Squall lines -> from N-NE sector (Atlantic side); • MCC -> Mesoscale Convective Complex, associated with cold fronts from S-SW Brazil; • Characteristic Amazon day -> Intense hot days with an associated strong tropical rain at the end of the day / early Evening. Anthropogenic Emissions Obtained from GEIA data basis, GEFEDV2 inventory for NOx emissions (1°x1°). These data were pre-processed with GRADS, retaining the domain of interest. The data are under processing at smoke model with numerical inconsistency. Status: Under quality assurance! SST averages 2005 was the most intense dry season over Amazonia during the last 50 years; Generally the amazon 3 well defined meteorological seasons: 1st: from November to march is the raining season 2nd: from may to September is the dry season 3rd: April and October are considered as transition months between the above periods. SST Anomalies Biomass burning Emissions Obtained from GEIA data basis, GEFEDV2 inventory for NOx emissions (1°x1°). These data were pre-processed with GRADS, retaining the domain of interest. The data are under processing at smoke model with numerical inconsistency. Status: Under quality assurance! cptec/inpe Satellite information Seasonal CO Distribution – 4 years average (from march 2000 to February 2004) From: Editorial Board ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT (38) 2004 The GEIA data are under processing at smoke model to generate the Brazilian Large Domain Base Case. This is a necessary step due to the lack of a National Emissions Inventory data to Brazil. The biomass burning and anthropogenic data are under a quality assurance checking for those regions that pursue an emission inventory, such as Rio, SP, MG, ES, RS and other states. The nesting domain will be feeded with best land use data from the interpolation process available at MCIP modules. It interpolates the land use category with the best data set available from USGS. The finner domain will be centerd at the Petroleum and Natural Gas Facility located in the heart of the Amazonia Forest, and the final result that must be informed with the system is the contribution of the Petroleum industry to the air pollution at that region, regarding that at the dry season the biomass burning is of importance with several emissions. Also we are considering the closest cities and other actors. Grids in use for the Amazonia on the MM5 – MCIP – SMOKE – CMAQ System; Nested Domains for use on the models Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Núcleo Computacional de Qualidade do Ar

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