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Music Vocabulary Word Wall. Teacher: Stacey M. Hardee Subject: Beginning Choir / Introduction to Music Grade: 6th grade Date: 1 August 2006. MUSIC MU.A.3.3 The student reads and notates music. MU.D.1.3 The student listens to, analyzes, and describes music. LANGUAGE ARTS
Music Vocabulary Word Wall Teacher: Stacey M. Hardee Subject: Beginning Choir / Introduction to Music Grade: 6th grade Date: 1 August 2006
MUSIC MU.A.3.3 The student reads and notates music. MU.D.1.3 The student listens to, analyzes, and describes music. LANGUAGE ARTS LA.A.2.3 The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts. LA.B.2.3 The student writes to communicate ideas and information effectively. LA.C.3.3 The student uses speaking strategies effectively. Sunshine State Standard(s) Addressed
Objective: Given a selection of music students will identify, define, and categorize music vocabulary and symbols and organize them onto a word wall for the entire class to view. Students will work in groups and utilize a Definition map graphic organizer to present their terms to the class.
Materials and Equipment: • Selection of Music • Chalkboard and chalk or Overhead and overhead marker • Definition Maps for each group • Magazines for picture cut outs • Music Dictionary • Glue sticks and safety scissors • Chart Paper for the Word Wall – already hanging on the wall and labeled for the categories of the terms (ex: dynamics, tempo, expressions, symbols, abbreviations, etc.) • Bulletin Board
ESL//ESE Considerations: • Using the numbered heads together, the teacher should be sure that ESL/ESE students are not paired together but are paired with mainstream students who can help and peer tutor these individuals • Instructors should speak at a slower pace, reiterate, and specifically ask these students one-on-one if they understand the tasks, and assignment. • These students may have the selection of music ahead of time to look over the night before the assignment.
Teaching Methods: • Direct Instruction • Definition Map • Group Assignments / Numbered Heads Together • Word Wall • Class discussion
Lesson Sequence (time allotted: 50 min): Introduction of Topic (approx: 5 min) • Prior knowledge • Terms discussed during last week’s vocabulary lesson • Think of some new terms they might have seen recently.
Group Assignments–Definition Map (20 min): • 6 groups using Numbered Heads Together • Children identify new dynamics, tempo markings and/or terms and other symbols • Teacher randomly assigns one term from the board to each of the 6 groups • Review/model definition map and word wall categories • Groups use the music dictionary at the front of the classroom and magazines to fill out definition map
Good Sample of Music • Easy readability • At appropriate level for age group • Multiple new terms • Quality literature for band or choir
Music Term Definition Map Category Definition Characteristics Term Antonym Symbol Illustrations Dynamics Loud range of volume Need lots of air forte Choral & instrumental ff soft Easier to do than piano
Class Presentations-Word Wall (20 min): • Each group presents their definition in front of the whole class and writes their term and the corresponding musical symbol on the chart paper under the correct category.
Dynamics Forte f Piano p Fortissimo ff Crescendo cresc. Expressions Ritardando rit. Diminuendo dim. Tempo Andante – slow-medium pace Moderato – medium pace with a little motion
Extending the Lesson (5 min): • Review the new words they learned today and invite class discussion about the definitions their importance in music. • Timed Individual writing (3 minutes) in daily journal. • Definition maps are hung on the bulletin board at the end of class.
Assessment/Evaluation: • Writing Logs • Definition Maps