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Setting Up A Trust Attorneys

They are private documents unlike wills which become public records and these can take effect if the trustor becomes incapacitated..u2026...For more information contact our law firm lawyers and call us today at 623-323-3005.

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Setting Up A Trust Attorneys

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  1. Trusts Attorneys in Surprise, AZ There is a notion that trusts used to only be for wealthy families or people with plenty of properties. Times have changed since and now even people who aren’t millionaires or billionaires have started creating living trusts. How Do I Set Up A Trust? Settlors or Trustors or Grantors– these people are the ones responsible for creating the trust. Trustee– the individual in charge of trust assets Beneficiary– from the name itself, the beneficiary is the individual who benefits from the trust. Contact Us Dodds Law Firm 14780 W Mountain View Blvd, Suite 111, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA dan@doddslaw.com 623-323-3005 www.doddslaw.com

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