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FY03 ORS Performance Management Provide Administrative Support (1)

This performance management report analyzes customer perspectives, internal processes, and strategic objectives to enhance administrative services. It provides insights from customer surveys and internal data analysis to improve service delivery. Recommendations include hands-on training, FAQ updates, and enhancing responsiveness. The report highlights critical measures and strategies for achieving operational excellence and lowering unit costs.

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FY03 ORS Performance Management Provide Administrative Support (1)

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  1. FY03 ORS Performance Management Provide Administrative Support (1) Team Members: Dinah Huffer, Debra Levick, Marcia Potts January 9, 2004

  2. Overview • PMP Template • Value proposition and strategy • Performance objectives and measures • Customer Perspective: Critical Measures • Customer Survey of Administrative Services • Internal Business Process Perspective: Critical Measures • Types of Service Requests by Department • Types of Service Requests by Method • Travel Orders & Time and Attendance • Learning and Growth: Critical Measures • # of Administrative employees • Financial Perspective: Critical Measures • Unit costs of discrete services • Conclusions and Actions

  3. Performance Plan for FY 04 - 05

  4. Performance Objectives – Strategy Mapping

  5. Strategy Mapping Conclusions We identified a major outcome (strategic objective) that needed to be addressed – IB1. Improve Exception Processing • Strategy Map Analysis: • We can achieve our customer goal (C1.) Increased satisfaction if we focus on meeting (IB2.) Right the first time, every time, be consistent. Reaching this goal will depend on our achieving (L3.) Make our knowledge and expertise more available. Meeting our (IB2.) goal will help us meet (IB4.) Improve exception processing which translates into lower unit costs (F1.) Minimize unit costs.

  6. Customer PerspectiveCritical Measure: Customer Survey

  7. Customer Survey of Administrative Services • Customized ORS Customer Scorecard to measure the Quality attributes of Administrative Services • Effective Explanation of Policies/Procedures • Consistency • Usefulness of Information • Responsiveness of AO’s • Competence of AO’s • Handling of problems by AO’s

  8. Survey Distribution FY04 Administration Number of surveys distributed1,622* Number of respondents 422 293 ORS, 99 ORF, 30 skipped question Response rate 26% 160 respondents made comments (38%) on the survey *Note: Number distributed based on count of emails in the ORS and ORS global email list as of November 2003 and also includes 100 hard copy surveys given to individuals without email access. 405 respondents answered via the web, 17 via hard copy.

  9. Who are you? N =391

  10. What is your organization? N = 392

  11. Do you know who is your primary AO? N = 393

  12. How often have you consulted with any AO? N = 392

  13. Which of the following services have you used during FY03? N = 392 Note: Multiple responses allowed.

  14. FY03 Satisfaction with ORS Administrative Services by Organization N = 99 N = 293 Outstanding Unsatisfactory Statistically significant difference (p < .05)

  15. FY03 Satisfaction with ORS Administrative Services Compared to ORS Overall N = 340 N = 5,698 Unsatisfactory Outstanding Note: Comparisons made to ORS overall where possible. The number of respondents varied for each question so an average N was calculated.

  16. Explanation of Policies/Procedures Satisfaction RatingFrequency by Rating N = 338 Mean = 6.86 Median =7.0 Note: Graph shows the distribution of responses by ratings selected.

  17. Usefulness of Information Provided Satisfaction RatingFrequency by Rating N = 345 Mean = 7.0 Median = 8.0 Note: Graph shows the distribution of responses by ratings selected.

  18. Consistency of Guidance Given Satisfaction RatingFrequency by Rating N = 341 Mean = 6.9 Median = 7.0 Note: Graph shows the distribution of responses by ratings selected.

  19. Competence of AO(s) Satisfaction RatingFrequency by Rating N = 338 Mean = 7.4 Median = 8.0 Note: Graph shows the distribution of responses by ratings selected.

  20. Handling of Problems Satisfaction RatingFrequency by Rating N = 336 Mean = 7.3 Median = 8.0 Note: Graph shows the distribution of responses by ratings selected.

  21. What did the customer data tell us?What actions do we plan to take? Pointed out areas where we need to address better delivery of AO services (eg ORF vs ORS) Demonstrated the relation between knowing policy and procedures and being consistent in answers and guidance Feedback will be input for new branch chief to make recommendations: - more hands on training of AO’s on specific systems questions - more lessons learned – exchange of information sessions

  22. Internal Business Processes PerspectiveCritical Measures

  23. Total = 4,500 action queries per year * Total 1,183 action Queries . Annual Extrapolation = 4,500 action queries Actual Data from Recording all Actions One week in each month for 12 months

  24. E-mail contact is involved in over 40% of the 4,500 annual action queries

  25. Total = 482

  26. What did the internal business process data tell us?What actions do we plan to take? Most important responsibility of the AO is to be knowledgeable of rules and regulations – government wide and NIH wide Most queries (40%) come via email – this is a more effective method than phone calls, visits and other. Need more FAQ’s on all systems, policies and procedures that touch most people – need to be web based with easy searching capability More hands on training for AO’s in current systems More exchange of information among AO’s – have more meetings where lessons learned are shared

  27. Learning and Growth PerspectiveCritical Measures

  28. Administrative Employees – Chart of FTE 2002/2003/2004

  29. What did the L & G data tell us?What actions do we plan to take? The community thinks the AO staff is competent and knowledgeable. We need to have more consistent service delivery to all groups served. We need to do several things: see under Internal Business and Customer

  30. Objective F1. Minimize unit costsMeasure: F1.1 Unit costs comparison Yr to Yr

  31. Financial PerspectiveCritical Measures

  32. Objective F2. Achieve cost saving from reduced rework and reprocessing Measure: F2.2 Payroll correction items Total = 108

  33. What did the Financial data tell us?What actions do we plan to take? Financial costs on a unit basis even hourly seem to provide little management guidance. Customer Service ratings seem to be the more informative measure.

  34. Conclusions from PMP • More important to be right the first time and be consistent in our answers • Our responsiveness is more effective using email over the other means of communication • Customer satisfaction seems to be most important measure of our service delivery • Key Initiatives • To be determined after the admin group reorganization is complete and fully functional.

  35. Appendices

  36. Appendix 1Accountable Property Items

  37. What needs to be improved? (cont.)Communication • Better and earlier communication regarding early release the day before a holiday (11/26) • Communication • Communication • It would be nice to have occasional meetings or at least direct communication with our particular AOs (for those of us who've not gotten to know them too well). More importantly, I don't think this "AO pool" idea is going to improve anything, and it will preclude getting to know at least one AO and his/her function. • What type of administrative support does ORS provide? Perhaps ORS communication and visibility to staff needs to be improved. • Maybe a better selling of your vision. As an employee service org. a list of what services are available to us. • Communication between the offices. Even though I know who my AO is now, it took awhile to know that info. Provide a list of AOs and their areas of responsibility. That way we know who to contact for what. • Management needs to allow the AO's to keep the lines of communication open with the rest of the branch.

  38. What needs to be improved? (cont.)Communication (cont.) • Global notification of changes of employee locations • Provide an updated list of staff • To become more open with pertinent information when specific job related • More sharing of information amongst AOs/AO Techs • Explain what their functions are ? • Monthly meetings just for informational purpose • Information sharing/communications • Would be helpful if there were scheduled meetings between Admin. staff and ORF staff who do misc. general admin. duties to ensure requirements are being handled correctly.

  39. What needs to be improved?Competence • All Administrative staff seem not to have the same level of training • The competence of AOs varies dramatically - many are not qualified to do their jobs. Train all AOs on policies and procedures or get rid of them. • Took 4 times to get the number of dependents on state income tax withholdings corrected • I feel the AO who handles my area needs training in alot of the services they provide. I get the impression that she is not confident in her position and has not been trained properly to handle the services or the questions that has been put before her. She is not friendly in her approach and I feel I am bothering her when ever I need to interact with her on admin issues. She is incompetent in that position. It has gotten to the point were my admin would be the last person I contact for help. • Get people who know what they are doing • Someone with intelligence to know what to do

  40. What needs to be improved?Competence (cont.) • At least hire employees who have knowledge. Be able to work with people. Treat people with some kind of respect. Be flexible in cases of emergencies. Have some kind of compassion when an employee is stricken was a very serious disease. • I believe they can improve on the training of new employees • Overall services • Everything • Everything • Knowledge of administrative issues

  41. What needs to be improved? Customer Service Skills • Attitudes of AOs • Provide better customer service • Customer service skills need improved. • Need to be more customer oriented. • Needs to be more personable • My AO typically acts annoyed when I call her, and she answers my questions in a condescending tone. ITAS problems involving transfer of leave under VLTP are not resolved in a timely manner. • Identify the administrative support people for each area. Customer service training for the AO, incl. their assistants. Job function training across the board so info disseminated is consistent. • Change of leadership and the Administrative support, including the telephone support. The telephone support of the department has been very bad. Some researchers have gone to OEM to get equipment repaired, due to the rudeness of the person answering the phone. • Having patience with staff.

  42. What needs to be improved? Follow-up • Better follow through and regular status updates of task provided would be helpful • Contact information needs to be more accessible. Follow-up on issues is spotty. • It would be very helpful if when reimbursed for travel we could be told the date and amount when reimbursements will go into personal accounts. • Communication/follow up needs improvement. AO's should be more proactive in identifying/alerting staff on issues & then proposing possible solutions • Sometimes, if the need is out of the ordinary, the AO simply begs out of the problem, without follow-up.

  43. What needs to be improved? Consistency • One concern I have is consistency of advice/guidance given by all AOs across ORS. It seems that sometimes different answers are given to the same question. • More consistency in the information provided by different AOs • Provide consistent information regarding specific systems and employee issues • Uniform standard of service. Collective training of AO's on a recurring basis • For all AOs to provide consistent information

  44. What needs to be improved? Support • AO's in IC's do a lot. Our AOs don't seem to do much for us • At the ASU in bldg 10 we don't hear anything through the AO's office; she may not know that she serves us • Increase support in ORF side - we still have no help getting access to services (ADB, credit card resolution)

  45. What needs to be improved? Training • More guidance on what type of training is accessible • I cannot get training for IT support personnel. My promotion screwed up by the AO staff. I REALLY DO NOT CARE FOR THE AO STAFF!!!! • More training to explain things to the people actually doing the work. Like this morning for whatever reason I cannot access ITAS. No one knows why.

  46. What needs to be improved? Procedures • There should be an orientation of admin procedures for new people including contractors so that we can understand the process. • Where can employees read about policies and procedures? • Clear explanation of policies and procedures, especially to new employees

  47. What needs to be improved? Responsibilities • Information on policies and procedures. • Expectations of service are muddy --in one regard the AO states they are the liaison between HR, Budget etc. however we can not rely on them to carry out that function. We are referred directly to HR so this becomes the practice. • Not clear what the responsibilities of the AO are. The ORF AO seems to have many fewer responsibilities than AOs in other ICDs.

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