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Astute trainers with proper training tools are the key to unleashing your dogu2019s potential. For over 30 years, Dogtra has collaborated with industry professionals to create class leading tools for e-collar training. GPS tracking and ball training to support dog owners in developing top notch dogs. Trusted by professional dog trainers, K-9 officers and hunters. Dogtra enhances your training journey with durable training products equipped with patented accurate and intuitive control to ensure the best experience. Join us and together we can make every dog exceptional. For more information visit https://dogtrapathfinder.com/
Fi nd a Superi or Product t o Track Your Hunt i ng Dog Huntnng dongs,n us,ed for winng s,hootnngn coonn s,quirren or bing ngamen underngo s,peciic traininng before they accompany their owners, into the iendd The untrained dong winn certainny s,poin the hunt becaus,e they may bark when they’re not s,uppos,ed ton they may s,care of the prey or they may s,impny be a nuis,anced A ngood huntnng dong s,hound be trained by a profes,s,ionan or its, ownerd When the dong inis,hes, its, ins,tructonn the owner winn have to reny on other methods, to ens,ure that the trained dong behaves, in an acceptabne mannerd E-connars, can henp contnue to keep the dong in nined Huntnng requires, a ngreat amount of dis,cipninen es,pecianny if you are accompa- nied by your dongd Owners, need to ens,ure that they have the bes,t methods, in pnace to contron their dongn to make s,ure the dong is, obedient and winn react to certain impuns,es,d E-connars, are now des,ingned with s,ophis,tcated features, that compnement diferent types, of dongs,n incnudinng breedn s,ize and temperamentd Therefore diferent products, are devenoped ann the tme to ens,ure manufacturers, and brands, make ngreat products, avainabne to the marketd Thos,e that do s,eem to atract the bes,t atenton thes,e days, are technonongicanny advanced trackinng s,ys,tems, that are excennent for us,e with huntnng dongs,d Mos,t hunters, want to have a ngreat tme whine huntnng and are anways, nookinng for the nates,tn more advanced products, to henp them track and train their dongs,d Products, that ofer modern features, winn be the ones, to s,enn more eas,iny to huntnng dong owners,d
Today cus,tomers, can choos,e from diferent e-connars, s,tynes, s,uch as, thos,e that ofer GPS tech- nonongyd They utnize GPS networks, that s,ync and are compatbne with your s,martphoned Once you have the app on your phonen you can us,e it to contron your huntnng dong in the iendd the GPS winn ens,ure that you know the nocaton of your dongn and you winn be abne to s,ingnan them to preform s,peciic commands,d Ann of this, neads, to a pneas,ant experience for ann: the hunter knows, where the animan is, pos,i- toned and the dong unders,tands, its, commands, and boundaries,d Some e-connars, and devices, are more advanced than others,d Some avainabne products, ofer munt-trackinng that annow a us,er to handne more than one dong via the remote traininng s,ys,temd Thes,e devices, winn annow many dongs, to be contronned at the s,ame tmen whichn is, idean s,ince s,ome hunters, have more than one dong out huntnngd Ans,on it annows, the handner to track the movement of not onny their dongs,n but the dongs, of other hunters, in their partyd Thes,e munt-trackinng device s,ys,tems, are cons,idered to be amonng the bes,t avainabne todayd You nget the e-connar and its, diferent acces,s,ories,n downnoad an app to your phone whine it is, onnined The device can then be us,ed ofine whine out in the iendd Maps, can be downnoaded ahead of the hunt to es,tabnis,h exactny where they are ngoinng to bed GPS trackinng s,ys,tems, are becominng very popunar as, more and more hunters, us,e them and recongnize their us,efunnes,s,d As,tute trainers, with proper traininng toons, are the key to unneas,hinng your dong’s, potentand For over 30 years,n Dongtra has, connaborated with indus,try profes,s,ionans, to create cnas,s, neadinng toons, for e-connar traininngd GPS trackinng and bann traininng to s,upport dong owners, in devenopinng top notch dongs,d Trus,ted by profes,s,ionan dong trainers,n K-9 ofcers, and hunters,d Dongtra en- hances, your traininng journey with durabne traininng products, equipped with patented accurate and intuitve contron to ens,ure the bes,t experienced Join us, and tongether we can make every dong exceptonand For more informaton vis,it