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源 Spa 中医护理养生新体验 A New Spa Experience incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine. 医道溯源. Chinese Medicine The History The Philosophies Speaker : Dr Dai. 中医发祥于两千多年前的中华民族,具有独特的理论体系,是自然科学、社会科学和古代哲学相交融的中国传统文化的结晶。 Now commonly referred to as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
源Spa中医护理养生新体验A New Spa Experience incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine
医道溯源 Chinese Medicine The History The Philosophies Speaker : Dr Dai
中医发祥于两千多年前的中华民族,具有独特的理论体系,是自然科学、社会科学和古代哲学相交融的中国传统文化的结晶。中医发祥于两千多年前的中华民族,具有独特的理论体系,是自然科学、社会科学和古代哲学相交融的中国传统文化的结晶。 Now commonly referred to as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Born in China 2,000 years ago It was central to Chinese culture, blending natural elements/science, social science and ancient philosophies
中医学理论体系包括理、法、方、药以整体观念为主导思想以精气、五行、阴阳学说为思维基础以辨证论治为诊治特点的独特医学理论体系目的是为人祛病消灾TCM involves Theory, Methodology, Prescription and MedicineUses the concept of wholism as the predominant idea Built on basis, five elements and yin-yang theory.Unique medical system based on dialectical treatment Primary objective is removing pain and illness
医道溯源Tracing the source of Chinese Medicine 先秦晋隋唐宋金元Xian QinJin Sui Tang Song Jin Yuan
黄帝内经我国现存最早的中医典籍,奠定了中医学理论的基础素问 : 9卷81篇灵枢 : 9卷81篇162篇以黄帝和歧伯等臣子问答为卷The Yellow Emperor‘s Classic of Internal MedicineEarliest scripture of Chinese Medicine, the base of Chinese medicine theories81 passages in 9 volumes in 《Su Wen》 162 passages in 9 volumes in 《Ling Shu》. Composed by conversations between Yellow Emperor and his government officials.
难经 秦越人阐述《内经》旨意,补充《内经》不足 《Nan Scripture》 by Qin Yue RenExplain the meaning and supplement for 《Nei Scripture》
伤寒杂病论 张仲景 创立了辨证论治的诊治理论,为临床医学的发展奠定了基础《Shanghan Lun》by Zhang Zhong JingFound the on dialectical treatment theory and laid the foundation of the development of clinical medicine
神农本草经 托名神农 为中药学理论体系奠定基础 《Sheng Nong's herbal classic》by Sheng Nong Settled the foundation of Chinese Medicine System
阴阳消长 阴阳相对 阴阳互根 阴阳转化 Wane and wax between yin and yang Opposition of yin and yang Interdependence between yin and yang Mutual transformation between yin and yang
天生五材,废一不可 五行,即木、火、土、金、水五种物质的运动。 世界上的一切事物,都是由木、火、土、金、水五种基本元素 物质之间的运动变化而生成的。同时,还以五行之间的生、克关系来阐释事物之间的相互联系,认为任何事物都不是孤立的、静止的,而是在不断的相生、相克的运动之中维持着协调平衡。 Five elements are the description of the movements of wood, fire, soil, gold and water. Generation and restriction between each other are used to describe therelationship of things, to demonstrate that things are not isolated and silent, but balanceeach other by generating and restricting.
木曰曲直 火曰炎上 土爰稼穑 金曰从革 水曰润下 Wood can be flexed and extended Fire flames up Earth can grow crops Metal can be changed in form Water moistens and flows downward
相生与相克Inter-promotion and inter-restraint 相生Inter-promotion 一事物对另一事物具有促进、助长和资生的作用 One element has a promotion effect to another 相生次序Inter-promotion order 木生火,火生土,土生金,金生水,水生木。 Wood promoting Fire, Fire promoting Earth, Earth promoting Metal, Metal promoting Water and Water promoting Wood
相克 Inter-restriction 一事物对另一事物的生长和功能具有抑制和制约的作用。 One element has restriction effect to another 相克次序Inter-restriction order 木克土,土克水,水克火,火克金,金克木。 Wood restraining Earth, Earth restraining Water, Water restraining Fire, Fire restraining Metal and Metal restraining Wood
相乘与相侮Over restraint and reverse restraint 相乘over restriction 乘,即以强凌弱的意思 Cheng, means oppress the weak 五行中的相乘,是指五行中某“一行”对被克的“一行”克制太过,从而引起一系列的过度克制反应。 One of the five elements becomes too powerful, it will excessively restrains the element that it normally restrains, damaging the normal restraint relationship between them.
相侮Reverse restraint 侮,指‘反侮’Wu means Regret 五行中的相侮,是指由于五行的某“一行”过于强盛,对原来“克我”的“一行”进行反侮,所以反侮亦称反克。 One of the five elements becomes very powerful and turns to restraint the element that it is normally inferior and damage the normal inter-restraint relationship between them.
病:有特定病因、发病形式、病机、发展规律和转归的一种完整病:有特定病因、发病形式、病机、发展规律和转归的一种完整 的过程。 症:疾病的具体临床表现。 证:在疾病发展过程中,某一阶段的病理概括,包括病的原因部 位、性质和邪正关系反映了疾病发展过程中,该阶段病理变 化的全面情况。 Symptom, the clinical appearance of a disease. Disease, a complete process with specific pathogen, outbreak form, pathogenesis and development path. Pathology summarize during one stage of disease development. It includes the causing part, characteristic and Yin and Yang relations. It reflects the comprehensive situation of this stage during the development.
正气存内,邪不可干 中医养生古称“道生”、“摄生”、“养性”,即调摄保养自身生命的意思,其意义在于通过各种方法颐养生命、增强体质、提高正气,从而增强人体对外界环境的适应能力和抗御病邪的能力,减少或避免疾病的发生 Chinese health preserving method was called ‘Dao Sheng’, ‘ She Sheng’ ‘Yang Xing’ means preserve the health by regulating daily life. To keep healthy, invigorate body and improve integrity in order to strengthen the adaptability of environment and body resistance to reduce or avoid the chance to catch any diseases.
中医养生是指在中医理论的指导下,合理选用养精神、调饮食、练形体、慎房事、适寒温等保健方法,通过长期的锻炼和修习,达到保养身体、减少疾病、增进健康、延年益寿的目的。中医养生是指在中医理论的指导下,合理选用养精神、调饮食、练形体、慎房事、适寒温等保健方法,通过长期的锻炼和修习,达到保养身体、减少疾病、增进健康、延年益寿的目的。 Life cultivation of TCM, a practical science, to achieve the purposes of conserving health, preventing diseases, enhancing health and prolonging life space by means of various health care measures such as Cultivating the mind, Regulating the diet, Exercising constitution of the human body, Moderating sexual life and Adapting oneself to cold and heat.
针灸推拿养生是通过经络系统的感应传导和调节机能气血阴阳 平衡的功能来发挥其治疗与保健作用 Acupuncture and Massage health through the meridian system of induction and regulation of conduction function of the functional balance of yin and yang Qi to play its role in treatment and health care.
灸法一般多用于艾灸。艾为辛温、阳热之药点燃后,置于施灸穴位上,热持久而深入,温热感直透肌肉深层,从而达到温通经脉、行气活血、培补元气、健脾益胃、防病治病的目的。灸法一般多用于艾灸。艾为辛温、阳热之药点燃后,置于施灸穴位上,热持久而深入,温热感直透肌肉深层,从而达到温通经脉、行气活血、培补元气、健脾益胃、防病治病的目的。 Moxa is a pungent, warm-and hot-natured herbs. After igniting the moxa, is place on the meridian line . Heat is persistent and heat will penetrates into the deep muscle and can achieve the purposes of preventing and treating diseases by warming and dredging meridians and collaterals, promoting Qi flow and blood circulation, strengthening primordial Qi, the spleen and the stomach.
艾灸器具 Moxibustion Apparatus
Diet is under the guidance of traditional TCM. According to Yin and Yang, Qi and blood in patients with biased selection of targeted Chinese herbal medicines, medicines, fresh combination of proactive transfer blood, strengthening the economy 药膳是在中医理论指导下,根据 患者阴阳气血的偏颇选用有针对 性的中药材,药食结合,调摄气 血,固本培元
五禽戏 Five Mimic Games 易筋经 Yi Jin Jing
源Spa护理和中医完美融合 Yuan Spa treatments merge with Traditional Chinese Medicine 演讲者:俞玲 Speaker: Linda Yu
玉 Jade 玉的作用: 玉本身含有多种微量元素 玉与人的身体紧密接触,气血相通,面红体润。 Function: Jade contains micro-elements By using Jade to contact with the body, it will assist flow of Qi and blood, improve blood circulation and moistening the skin.
刮 痧 Gua Sha 刮痧的原理: 血管扩张至毛细血管破裂, 皮肤局部形成瘀血斑的现象。 Philosophy: Red spots are an indication of toxins which are being released and exposure of the Sha is literally removing disease/toxins from the system. 刮痧的作用: 促进代谢,排出毒素,舒筋通络,改善和调整脏腑功能使其恢复平衡。 Function: Reduce headache, remove toxic heat, aid muscular injuries and improve circulation with a Jade traditional flat tool.
玉 刮 痧 Jade Gua Sha 背部:生津止渴,润滋心肺 腿部:促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢 头部:达到稳定情绪平衡生理机能的作用 Back - The body fluids to quench thirst, removing dysphoria Leg – Improve blood circulation and metabolism Head – to achieve calmness and balance of body functions.
刮 痧 Gua Sha
火 罐 Ho Guan (Cupping) 火罐的原理: 火罐负压吸拔的时候,负压使局部的毛细血管通透性变化和毛细血管破裂,产生瘀血。 Philosophy: A heated cup is applied to the skin to provide therapeutic effect on the skin and superficial layer of muscle. With cups applied to the strategic acupressure points and regions of the body affected by pain. 火罐的作用: 负压吸拔调整中并产生行气活血、舒筋活络、消肿止痛、祛风除湿。 Function: Ho Guan focuses on improving energy flow and restoring circulation in the muscles.
火 罐 Ho Guan (Cupping)
艾 灸 Moxibustion 艾灸的原理: 通过点然艾绒熏灼人体穴位或病灶处,直接刺激、抑制交感神经,扩张血管,促进血液循环,调整功能平衡. Philosophy: Moxa or Chinese wormwood is an anti-oxidant herb placed on specific accupoints or along the meridians to provide penetrating and relaxing heat to relieve pains, colds and nourishing Qi. 艾的作用: 艾草是一种古老而神奇的中草药.又称‘百草之王” 艾: 草性味苦、辛、温,入脾、肝、肾,通十二经络。 Function: Moxa – Is an ancient and magical herb also called king of herbs, it takes bitter spicy warm entering the spleen liver and kidney through channels and collaterals . 艾灸的作用: 通经活络,行气活血,去湿逐寒,消肿散结,补充元气,防病保健. Function: Remove dampness of the body, promote Qi and improve body’s immunity.
艾 灸 Moxibustion
推 拿 Tui Na 推拿的原理: 力学作用,松解粘连缓解肌肉痉挛,直接作用于机体 解除局部病变。 Philosophy: Tui Na is a comprehensive traditional healing technique focuses on improving the flow of Qi in the body along the meridians to stimulate and relieve pain and fatigue. 推拿的作用: 疏通经络,行气活血,调整脏腑 理筋散结,提高机体免疫能力。 Function: Improve blood circulation, promote Qi and improvoe body’s immunity.
推 拿 Tui Na
太 极 拳 Tai Chi Chuan
太极拳简介 About Tai Chi • 太极拳作为一种传统中国武术,如今广泛应用于国际性的健康领域 • Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art often practiced for health reasons. • 优美的动作和灵活的技巧 soft martial techniques • 具表演性和实战性 demonstration competitions • 强健身体和延年益寿 health and longevity • 健脑和放松身心 mental excises and meditation
欲刚必以柔守之, 欲强必以弱保之 —— 老子《道德经》 即我们常说的以柔克刚,以弱敌强 "The soft and the pliable will defeat the hard and strong.“ - by Lao Tzu in his Tao Te Ching 外形柔和缓慢的太极拳采自中国古代阴阳平衡和阴阳相互变化的哲学理论,在连绵不断的变化之中攻守兼备。 Tai Chi involves not directly fighting or resisting an incoming force, but meeting it with softness and following its motion while remaining in physical contact until the incoming force of attack exhausts itself or can be safely redirected. Meeting yang with yin, and maintaining balance in combat, or in a broader philosophical sense.
中国功夫讲究武德的培养和训练,在太极中尤为体现。优良的行为和思想是学习太极的最主要目的。中国功夫讲究武德的培养和训练,在太极中尤为体现。优良的行为和思想是学习太极的最主要目的。 Traditional Chinese martial arts schools, such as the famed Shaolin monks, often dealt with the study of martial arts not just as a means of self-defense or mental training, but also as a system of ethics calls “Wude” (武 德), meaning martial morality. This deals with two aspects; "morality of deed" and "morality of mind". Deed 行为 Mind 思想 Humility 谦Courage 勇 Loyalty 诚 Endurance忍 Politeness 礼 Patience恒 Righteousness 义Perseverance毅 Trust 信Will 志
现在的太极拳分为现代型和传统型两种。传统型着重于搏击和防卫,通常和内家气功紧密结合,需要练习者有传统武术功底。现代型则是目前国际上传播广泛的种类,着重于健身和表演,适用于初学者和各种年龄层次。一般在中国公园清晨看到的都属于现代型的太极拳。现在的太极拳分为现代型和传统型两种。传统型着重于搏击和防卫,通常和内家气功紧密结合,需要练习者有传统武术功底。现代型则是目前国际上传播广泛的种类,着重于健身和表演,适用于初学者和各种年龄层次。一般在中国公园清晨看到的都属于现代型的太极拳。 A multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of Tai Chi’s training forms are well known to Westerners as the slow motion routines that groups of people practice together every morning in parks around the world, particularly in China.
太极拳分为五大流派,各自以其创始人为名,起源时间按以下顺序排列。如果按照全球的练习人数来排列的话,则为杨,吴,陈,孙,武。太极拳分为五大流派,各自以其创始人为名,起源时间按以下顺序排列。如果按照全球的练习人数来排列的话,则为杨,吴,陈,孙,武。 There are five major styles of Tai Chi, each named after the Chinese family from which it originated, here listed by order of verifiable age. The order of number of practitioners is Yang, Wu, Chen, Sun, and Wu/Hao. 陈式太极拳Chen style 杨式太极拳Yang style 武式太极拳Wu or Wu/Hao style 吴式太极拳Wu style 孙式太极拳Sun style
太极拳的三大特点 The 3 most important aspects of Tai Chi 1. 健康之身体 太极拳的锻炼过程有利于改善身体的功能障碍,提高全身的免疫能力,并且健脑,增强条件反射能力,活跃思维,增进精神集中能力。进一步的锻炼和技巧的练习之后,太极拳是一种有效的防身武术。 Health Tai Chi's health training concentrates on relieving the physical effects of stress on the body and mind. For those focused on Tai Chi's martial application, Tai Chi Chuan, good physical fitness is an important step towards effective self-defense.
2. 平和之身心 柔和缓慢的太极拳动作有益于全身心的集中,在平静的环境和呼吸的有效调整中得以逐步达到放松,以精神的冥想和静思来配合动作和呼吸,以达到舒畅的自我身心的动态平衡,起到缓解压力的作用。 Meditation The focus and calmness cultivated by the meditative aspect of Tai Chi, and in application of the form as a soft style martial art, is useful in maintaining optimum health - in the sense of relieving stress and maintaining homeostasis. 3. 武术之精华 太极的每一个动作都有其攻防含义在内,中级以上的太极拳会加入适当的攻防练习,最常见的就是推手。太极拳充满技巧,通常会柔和的化解攻击,并巧妙的借力,以其人道还其人身。 Martial arts The ability to use Tai Chi as a form of self-defense in combat is the test of a student's understanding of the art. Tai Chi Chuan is the study of appropriate changes in response to outside forces; the study of yielding and "sticking" to an incoming attack rather than attempting to meet it with opposing force.
太极知识 Tai Chi Knowledge In the Yin-yang symbol, black represents yin and white represents yang, itreflects the inescapably intertwined duality of all things in Nature, a common theme in Taoism. No quality is independent of its opposite, nor so pure that it does not contain its opposite in a diminished form. These concepts are depicted by the flowing boundary between the two, and the smaller circles within the large regions. 太极阴阳图 任何事物都是由两个相反的对立面组成,二者的相互转化处于一个动态过程中,同时它们又组成了一个统一、平衡的体系。在黑白阴阳鱼中的白黑点则表示任何事物不是绝对的,只有相对而言。太极阴阳图直观的揭示了万事万物发展变化最根本的哲理,是适应于自然界万物的普遍法则。
太极拳练身、练意、练气三者结合 练身:即全身放松,动作柔和缓慢 练意:即练拳时心静神凝,专心一意,使大脑神经得到休息, 做到身心俱健 练气:即练习时自然地加深呼吸,特别是腹式深呼吸 Use of Qi or Chi Qi is the inner energy or "life force" that is said to animate living beings, is encountered in almost all styles of the Chinese martial arts. One's Qi can be improved and strengthened through the regular practice of various physical and mental exercises known as Qigong. Though Qigong is not a martial art itself, it is often incorporated into Chinese martial arts, especially Tai Chi.
谁在学习太极拳? Who is learning Tai Chi? 李连杰和成龙 “武术的最高境界就是太极拳“ —— 李连杰 The top goal for a Kung Fu master is to become expert in Tai Chi, to know how to move, and how to be a good moral person.
这个星球大战中的女王对太极拳充满热情,认为对自己体形的保持和精神状态极为有利这个星球大战中的女王对太极拳充满热情,认为对自己体形的保持和精神状态极为有利 Natalie Portman This Star Wars princess loves Tai Chi
61岁的英国王储查尔斯的妻子卡米拉学习太极拳防止患骨质疏松症61岁的英国王储查尔斯的妻子卡米拉学习太极拳防止患骨质疏松症 61-year-old Camilla, wife of Prince Charles, wants to study Tai Chi to help combat osteoporosis
中外各地各种年龄层的普通人 Ordinary people everywhere …
还有我 - 高菲 SpaChina杂志主编兼总监 国际注册高级营养师 2008年香港国际武术节杨式太极拳青年组第四名和太极剑银牌 And me - Fifi Kao Director & Managing Editor, SpaChina Magazine IARI International Nutrition Consultant Prize winner at the 6th Hong Kong International Wushu Festival 2008