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Learn about total pulmonary ventilation, dead spaces, alveolar ventilation rates, effects of breathing patterns, types of ventilation, and gas exchange concepts in the respiratory system.

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  1. TOTAL PULMONARY VENTILATION Total pulmonary ventilation or Minute respiratory volume = Ventilation rate x Total volume =12 breaths/ mt x 500 ml/ breath =6000 ml / mt

  2. Dead Spaces Anatomic dead Space + Physiological dead space Alveolar dead space }

  3. Rate of Alveolar Ventilation =Ventilation rate x ( Tidal volume – dead space volume) = 12 x 500 – 150 = 12 x 350 = 4200 ml / mt

  4. Effects of Breathing Pattern on Alveolar Ventilation Fresh Air to Alveoli Respiratory Rate Total Pulmonary (tidal volume – dead Alveolar Ventilation Tidal Volume (ml) (Breaths / min ) Ventilation ( mL / min) space volume* ( mL / min) 500 (Normal) 12 (Normal) 6000 350 4200 300(Shallow) 20 ( rapid) 6000 150 3000 750 (Deep) 8( Slow) 6000 600 4800

  5. Types and Patterns of Ventilation Eupnea Normal quiet breathing Hyperpnea Increased respiratory rate and / or volume Exercise in response to increased metabolism Hyperventilation increased respiratory rate and / or volume Emotional hyperventilation;blowing up a without increased metabolism balloon Hypoventilation Decreased alveolar ventilation Shallow breathing / asthma/ restrictive lung disease Tachypnea Rapid breathing; usually increased Panting respiratory rate with decreased depth Dyspnea Difficulty in breathing (a subjective Various pathologies or hard exercise feeling sometimes described as “ air hunger”) Apnea Cessation of breathing Voluntary breath-holding; depression of CNS control centers

  6. Ventilation-perfusion ratio

  7. Respiratory Unit

  8. Respiratory membrane

  9. Physics of Diffusion

  10. Concept of Partial Pressure

  11. Gas Exchange at alveoli & Cell

  12. Partial pressure of O2 (Po2) at various sites.

  13. Partial pressure of CO2 (PCo2) at various sites.

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