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Bachelor's Degree Learning Outcomes in Biomedicine - Key Competencies & Skills

Explore examples of learning outcomes for a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedicine, including knowledge, skills, abilities, and judgment approaches required for success in the field. Discover the essential competencies and proficiencies needed for academic and professional development.

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Bachelor's Degree Learning Outcomes in Biomedicine - Key Competencies & Skills

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  1. Swedish Examples of Learning Outcomes and Competencies Janerik Lundquist Linköping University

  2. Bachelor’s Degree For the award of a Bachelor’s degree, a student must be able to demonstrate: Knowledge and understanding • knowledge and understanding within the main field of study, including knowledge about the field’s scholarly foundation, • appropriate methodology, in-depth study in a particular area and familiarity with current research issues.

  3. Skills and abilities • an ability to search for, gather, evaluate, and critically interpret relevant information about a problem, as well as critically discuss phenomena, problems and situations; • an ability to independently identify and solve problems and complete assignments within set time frames; • an ability, orally and in writing, to present and discuss information, problems and solutions in dialogue with different audiences; • the skills required for independent learning within the main field of study

  4. Judgement and approach • an ability, within the main field of study, to make informed judgements taking into account relevant scholarly, social and ethical aspects; • an insight into the role of knowledge in society and the responsibility of the individual for how this knowledge is used; • an ability to identify one’s own need of further knowledge and ongoing learning.

  5. Bachelor of Medical Science with a Major inBiomedicine, 180 ECTS Learning outcomes On completing the course, the student must have achieved the following learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding • be able to demonstrate awareness of the basic processes of life at various levels, such as chemical, biochemical, molecular and cellular levels and those of the organism (physiological) and population, with a degree of detail equivalent to that of a modern international university-level textbook in the subject. • be able to demonstrate understanding of how to use the above knowledge to describe various medical problems, with respect to their cause, mechanism, diagnosis and treatment. • be able to show how knowledge develops within the scientific process, critical thinking and creativity, particularly within the field of biomedicine. • be able to demonstrate a professional scientific approach and professional identity.

  6. Skills and abilities • be able to apply the above knowledge in the planning and implementation of small-scale development/research projects in a biomedical research laboratory, a clinical laboratory department or similar. • be able to practically plan and implement laboratory experiments and examinations in the field of biomedicine. • be able to read and assess original scientific papers and review articles in the field of biomedicine, • and be able to read, assess and choose between methodology descriptions for biomedical laboratory work. • be able to summarise, orally and in writing, the question at issue, the implementation and results of a biomedical development project (of a scope equivalent to a 15-credit project) for an expert and lay audience.

  7. Judgment and approach • be able to work as part of a team alongside other professional categories in the field of biomedicine, such as doctors, nurses, chemists and biomedical laboratory scientists, and read and assess their views, and present their own in a constructive fashion. • be able to communicate and apply biomedical knowledge in public cultural and political debate. • have achieved sufficient knowledge, awareness, independence and communicative ability to enable further study at Master’s level in biomedical fields.

  8. Molecular Medicine,27 ECTS Learning Outcomes Knowledge and understandingOn completion of the course, students shall be able to: - explain known and hypothetical molecular patho-physiological mechanisms underlying common diseases, including examples from infectious disease medicine, internal medicine and oncology, at a level of detail corresponding to a wide-ranging review article in the journals Nature, Medicine or Science - explain and assess how basic scientific knowledge can be used to understand medical problems and develop new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, at a level of detail corresponding to a wide-ranging review article in Nature or Science.

  9. Skills and abilitiesOn completion of the course, students shall be able to: - read and evaluate original scientific papers and orally present and explain their contents to peers - write research projects and results in a clear, easy-to-follow fashion at a level of detail equivalent to an authentic application - demonstrate acquaintance with the environment and work methods of a molecular medicine research laboratory, and be able to carry out examinations using a few selected methods - apply critical thinking, analysis, hypothesis formulation and logical analysis in the assessment and evaluation of molecular medicine problems and issues.

  10. Judgment and approachOn completion of the course, students shall be able to: - apply critical thinking and logical analysis to the assessment of biomedical results published in the general media, and be able to evaluate the social consequences of these - reflect on the ethical and social consequen-ces of biomedical research and knowledge, and discuss this with their peers.

  11. Renewable Energy Technology, 6 ECTS  After completion of the course, students will be able to: • Describe the fundamentals and main characteristics of renewable energy sources and their differences compared to fossil fuels. • Explain the technological basis for harnessing renewable energy sources • Recognize the effects that current energy systems based on fossil fuels have over the environment and the society • Describe the main components of different renewable energy systems • Compare different renewable energy technologies and choose the most appropriate based on local conditions

  12. Perform simple techno-economical assessments of renewable energy systems • Perform and compare environmental assessments of renewable energy systems and conventional fossil fuel systems • Design renewable/hybrid energy systems that meet specific energy demands, are economically feasible and have a minimal impact on the environment • Suggest the best combination of technological solutions to minimize the emission of greenhouse gases and increase the sustainability of the energy system in specific areas/regions • Discuss how to utilize local energy resources (renewable and non-renewable) to achieve the sustainable energy system

  13. Systems Theory and Security, 7.5 ECTS Learning outcomes Having completed this course the student will be able to: 1. Define and describe vital concepts of general and particularized system theories and approaches, used as epistemology for the ICT security area2. Explain and exemplify control principles according to various laws and models for steering and control3. Analyze security and risk according to various laws and models for steering and control.4. Communicate and analyze threat, risk and security as systemic phenomena and vice versa5. Identify and report on an ICT security problem, its reason or origin and suggested solutions as reported in scientific journals6. As a group member report and present in scientific manners, written descriptions and analyses of some current security phenomenon or problem including relating the phenomenon/problem to system theories.7. Orally present and defend own and debate other groups’ presentations

  14. Mobile Communication, 6 ECTS credits The students should after completing the course be able to: • Identify the most important components and functions of a mobile communication system • Explain the differences in characteristics between different types of mobile communication systems and motivate their existence • Compare and explain areas of applications for different mobile communication systems • Relate functions, terms and technologies to the correct level in a communication system architecture • Argue for the role of the mobile communication systems in different applications

  15. Evaluate trade-offs between different mobile communication technologies and systems • Quantitatively model and evaluate selected parts of a mobile communication system • Define and calculate key performance metrics of a mobile communication system • Assess the performance of different mobile communication technologies given a set of application requirements • Apply models and methods for planning of cellular networks

  16. MSc in Fire Safety Engineering KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING For a Degree of Master students must:  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding in their main field of study, including both broad knowledge in the field and substantially deeper knowledge of certain parts of the field, together with deeper insight into current research and development work; • demonstrate deeper methodological knowledge in their main field of study.  

  17. SKILLS and ABILITY For a Degree of Master students must:  • demonstrate an ability to critically and systematically integrate knowledge and to analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, even when limited information is available; • demonstrate an ability to critically, independently and creatively identify and formulate issues and to plan and, using appropriate methods, carry out advanced tasks within specified time limits, so as to contribute to the development of knowledge and to evaluate this work; • demonstrate an ability to clearly present and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments behind them, in dialogue with different groups, orally and in writing, in national and international contexts; and • demonstrate the skill required to participate in research and development work or to work independently in other advanced contexts.  

  18. JUDGEMENT and APPROACH For a Degree of Master students must:  • demonstrate an ability to make assessments in their main field of study, taking into account relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects, and demonstrate an awareness of ethical aspects of research and development work; • demonstrate insight into the potential and limitations of science, its role in society and people’s responsibility for how it is used; and • demonstrate an ability to identify their need of further knowledge and to take responsibility for developing their knowledge.

  19. Computer Graphics, 7.5 ECTS Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: • understand and implement algorithms for generating basic output primitives in 2D • understand and implement transformations and typical algorithms in 2D • interactively edit objects in 2D • understand various steps and basic algorithms included when modeling with polygon surfaces from a geometric 3D description to a photo-realistic display image in 2D • understand various algorithms for identifying visible surfaces in 3D • understand basic illumination models • understand basic color models in computer graphics • implement general 2D solutions using OpenGL

  20. Biomedicine for Engineers, 12 ECTS After the course the student should be able to: • describe the general structure of the human body • describe the structure and function of major organs and tissues at the cellular and molecular level • understand the major integrative mechanisms that allow the organism to function as a whole (nervous, immune, and endocrine systems)

  21. understand how transport of ions in and out of the cells enables signalling between neuronal cells, uptake of nutrients, and regulation of the biochemical stability within the whole body • describe the processes that enable the cells to convert the nutrients into energy needed for the cell function • describe the processes that enable cells to reproduce themselves (DNA replication, cell division) • in their future professional practice, successfully communicate with colleagues that have a biomedical background • recognize the biological objects and processes that are discussed in the following courses within the program of Biomedical physics (for example, plasma membrane, a phospholipids, an ion transporter, intracellular signalling, DNA, a motor protein etc)

  22. understand the major principles of hormonal signalling, respiration, immune defence, digestion, acid-base homeostasis and water-salt balance • recognize the structure of major classes of macromolecules in the body • identify the major processes, cell organelles, and molecular machinery involved in synthesis and transport of various macromolecules within the animal cells • recognize the major driving forces for transport of various substances between the cells and extracellular space

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