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The Air Systems Company handles works covering the installation of electrical and electronics equipment in the aeronautical, land and sea field, together with wholesale and retail sales, study, project preparation and management. General Informations.
The Air Systems Company handles works covering the installation of electrical and electronics equipment in the aeronautical, land and sea field, together with wholesale and retail sales, study, project preparation and management.
General Informations • The Air System Company offers aeronautical and marine consultancy services. We handle the purchase and sale of fixed wing aircraft and helicopters and the performance, either direct or on behalf of third parties, of all associated activities, including passenger and goods transportation, arranging for training of pilots and associated staff. We also arrange search and recovery for missing persons or property. • We enjoy the assistance and collaboration of qualified experts in the aeronautical field. • Our Company also handles territorial studies and planning involving the use of aircraft both in the European and International fields. • Air Systems offers a series of specific actions aimed at the achievement of an organic and feasible working programme which can be applied in several fields. • In the field of CIVIL PROTECTION, as has been amply demonstrated, it’s possible to create systems of prevention and, if necessary, of intervention such as to handle any type of man-made or natural disaster.
General Informations In the field of ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, we are able to offer monitoring and study of high risk areas, with the preparation of maps and the implementation of preventive and repressive measures as required. In the SOCIAL and MEDICAL field, we have prepared a feasibility study covering an interprovincial network of heliambulanceslinking hospital facilities and guaranteeing rapid intervention. In thefield of FIRE PREVENTION, we have prepared studies of high riskarea together with specific intervention programmes. In the field of TERRITORIAL PLANNING and PROGRAMMING, we areavailable for studies covering the morphology and typology of old and new urbanagglomerates, with constant updating of such studies. In the case of INDUSTRIAL DISASTERS, we are able to prepare studies and implement specific preventive procedures or, if necessary, implement actions to prevent the extention of the disaster area and arrange for the evacuation of personnel.
H.A.S.Heliport Automatic System • The identification and projecting of the area for use as a helipad. • Earth moving operations, construction works, hookup to utilities (water, sewage, electrical and telephone systems). • Installation of meteorological, radio electrical, telephone and service systems. • Maintenance and management. • Project activity is referred both to the site and the service systems, including installation in accordance with current regulations and specifications. • We also handle the presentation of applications and offer consultancy with regards to all required authorizations and certifications. • We perform external works, including earth moving and excavation to enable optimum construction of the helipad and implementation of any construction works required to guarantee the functionality and safety of the installation. • We provide weather data based on a system of codified impulses. • It provides true WX information regarding the heliport in METAR (METeorological Air Report) form. • The system operates "viva voce" on an aeronautical frequency. • Lighted approach path with automatic light-up calibrated on the safest descent corridor to reach the helipad.
The Air Systems company offers: • GPS of the best brands. • Infrared systems: thermographs utilised in allaeronautical, medical, marine and land fields. • Saleand delivery "ready-to-go" of any aircraft. • Leasing, technical evaluation reports, handling, and sales assistance for aircraft and helicopters of any type or model. • Arranging for pilot preparation and training courses on aircraft and helicopters at the best national and international schools.
Works already completed: Fenosu, Anela, Villasalto, Tempio Valliciola, Lanusei S.Cosimo, Marganai Iglesias, USL N°20 Savona, Ospedale S. Martino di Oristano, Ospedale S. Carlo di Potenza