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A movement 2 Oct. 31, 2012 – Day 26. Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University. Course management. http://www.tulane.edu/~howard/ANTH3590/ We need to spend our $150 from the Provost ’ s Undergraduate Activities Fund. A-MOVEMENT. Radford §6. REVIEW.
A movement 2Oct. 31, 2012 – Day 26 Introduction to Syntax ANTH 3590/7590 Harry Howard Tulane University
Course management • http://www.tulane.edu/~howard/ANTH3590/ • We need to spend our $150 from the Provost’s Undergraduate Activities Fund. ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
A-MOVEMENT ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Radford §6
REVIEW ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Radford §6.1-3
Deductive introduction: Recall preposition stranding CP C’ PRN who • Which categories have a specifier? • P, T, and C. • What is left out? • V. • The topic of this chapter really is, can V have a specifier? C [EF, TNS] ø TP ----- ---- will+ PRN he T’ VP T will ---- ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane V refer PP P’ ------ PRN who P [EF] to PRN who ------ ------
First piece of evidence: A VP-internal subject in Belfast English there clauses (6.4) CP C ø TP PRN there T’ T should VP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane QP some students V' V get QP ø distinctions
Second piece of evidence: Subject idiomscan be inserted as a unit in VP (6.12) CP C ø TP T’ QP all hell T will VP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane QP all hell V' ---------- V break AP loose
Third piece of evidence: Negation has scope over a VP-internal subject CP C ø TP T’ QP everyone T did NegP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane n’t Neg' VP Neg ø QP everyone V' V finish DetP the assignment -----------
Conclusion: all subjects start out in the specifier of V (6.5) CP C ø TP QP some students T’ ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane T should VP QP some students V' ------- ----------- V get QP ø distinctions
Table of thematic (Θ) roles (15) ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
ARGUMENT STRUCTURE & THEMATIC or Θ ROLES ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Radford §6.4
THEMATIC MECHANISMS • θ roles have been implicated in many grammatical phenomena, but we do not have time to review them here. • It is enough to say: • Theta/θ criterion: Each argument bears one and only one θ role, and each θ role is assigned to one and only one argument. (18) • Predicate-internal theta-marking hypothesis: An argument is theta-marked via merger with a predicate. (19) • Argument classification • The complement is the internal or first-merged argument of a verb; • the subject is the external or second-merged argument of a verb. ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
EXAMPLE (6.21) CP C ø TP T’ DP the police T will VP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane V assigns agent to its external or second-merged argument DP the police V' V assigns theme to its internal or first-merged argument V arrest DP the suspect ------------
UNACCUSATIVE PREDICATES ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Radford §6.5
Inductive introduction • Two kinds of intransitive verbs 22a) There have arisen several complications. 22b) There could have occurred a diplomatic incident. 22c) There does still remain some hope of finding survivors. 31a) There complained many passengers. 31b) In the dentist’s office, there groaned a toothless patient. 31c) Every time the general goes past, there salutes a soldier. • We call the verbs of the first group unaccusative and those of the second group unergative. • What is the thematic role of the intransitive argument? • THEME for the unaccusatives; • AGENT for the unergatives. * * * ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
MORE DISTINCTIONS • Belfast English A 32a) Leave you now! 32b) Arrive you before 6 o’clock! 32c) Be going you out of the door when he arrives! 33c) *Always laugh you at his jokes! 33a) *Read you that book! 33b) *Eat you up! • Auxiliary selection in Shakespeare 34a) Mistress Page is come with me. 34b) Is the Duke gone? Then is your cause gone too? 34c) How chance thou art returned so soon? 34d) She is fallen into a pit of ink. ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
Unergative intransitive verbs have AGENT subjects CP C ø TP T’ DP the police T will VP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane V assigns agent to its external or second-merged argument DP the police V' V complain ------------
HYPO: UNACCUSATIVE SUBJECTS ORIGINATE AS COMPLEMENTS (6.35-7) CP C ø TP T’ QP several complications T could VP ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane V arise QP several complications V assigns THEME to its internal argument ------------ -----------------
PASSIVE PREDICATES ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Radford §6.6
Inductive introduction • Examples 42a) Hundreds of people saw the attack. 42b) The attack was seen by hundreds of people. 43a) Lex Luthor stole the kryptonite. 43b) The kryptonite was stolen by Lex Luthor. 44a) They took everything. 44b) Everything was taken. • Properties of the passive voice • It requires the auxiliary be … • plus the passive participle (= perfect participle). • The verb's subject may appear in a by phrase. • The verb's complement appears as the subject. ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
PASSIVES AS UNACCUSATIVES • Passives accept there 45b) There was found no evidence of any corruption. 46b) There have been reported several cases of syntactophobia. 47b) There has been announced a significant change of policy. • Hypothesis • The passive omits a verb’s subject – see next two slides. ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane
PASSIVE WITH THERE AS UNACCUSATIVE (48) CP C ø TP PRN there T’ ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane T were VP V assigns THEME to its internal argument V reported QP several cases
PASSIVE AS UNACCUSATIVE (49) CP C ø TP QP several cases T’ ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane T were VP V assigns THEME to its internal argument V reported QP several cases --------------------
NEXT TIME ANTH3590/7590, Harry Howard, Tulane Continue from §6.8 on raising