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Let the Church be the Church. Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Winter 2012-2013. 1. I S T H I S A C H U R C H ?. What is a CHURCH ?. “A place where people worship Jesus.” - 10 year old Kaitlyn.
Let the Church be the Church Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Winter 2012-2013 1
I S T H I S A C H U R C H ?
What is a CHURCH ? “A place where people worship Jesus.” - 10 year old Kaitlyn “A place where people get together and worship Jesus?” - 8 year old Abigail “I dunno…” - 6 year old Megan 7 year old Cateline Glendonbrook - North Essex, England: “… (the) church as it is universally understood, contains in it all the elect of God that have been, are, or shall be. But being considered more particularly, as it is seen in this present world, it consists of a company and fellowship of faithful and holy people gathered together in the name of Christ Jesus, their only king, priest, and prophet, worshipping him properly, being peaceably and quietly governed by his officers and laws, keeping the unity of faith in the bond of peace and love unfeigned." - Henry Barrow, Puritan, in 1589
What is a CHURCH ? - dictionary.com
a typical definition of the church by The Charleston Association: “A particular gospel church consists of a company of saints incorporated by a special covenant into one distinct body, and meeting together in one place, for the enjoyment of fellowship with each other and with Christ their head, in all his institutions, to their mutual edification and the glory of God through the Spirit.”
Let the Church be the Church • Context: a brief historical look at recovery of the Gospel in the Reformation • the Church as defined by the Westminster Confession, and others • the essential marks of a True Church • its orthodoxy and creeds (Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian) • the marks of a healthy church • its evangelistic mission and how the individual believer should participate • - the marks of a healthy believer
Some Historical Context Late 1300s – John Wycliffe and “Lollards” Early 1400s – Jan Hus - Prague 1436 – Gutenberg’s Press 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 1st Helvetic Confession 1536 Hallows Mass (Hallowmas) • All Hallows Eve (Oct 31) Reformation Day – Oct 31, 1517 • All Saints Day (Nov 1) • All Souls Day (Nov 2)
Some Historical Context Late 1300s – John Wycliffe and “Lollards” Jan Hus - Prague 1436 – Gutenberg’s Press 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 1st Helvetic Confession 1536 Luther 1483-1546 Man is fallen, but not completely Justification is conditional on man Christ atoned for sins of ALL mankind Man can resist God by his own free will Man can lose his salvation (??) Calvin 1509-1564 Knox 1514-1572 Jacobus Arminius 1560-1609
TUDORS STUARTS Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651
TUDORS STUARTS Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 “Puritan” Movement
TUDORS STUARTS Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 1st London Baptist Confession - 1644 “Puritan” Movement (separatists) Puritans / Separatists Presbyterians Baptists Congregationalists Anglicans / Episcopalians
Puritans like Samuel Rutherford up in Scotland who wrote his book LexRex, “the law is king,” said that finally the law, not a man, is king. In that we see the seeds of our own American Revolution. Thomas MacCaulay … also wrote, “The Puritan really is two different men – the one all self-abasement, penitence, gratitude, passion, the other proud, calm, inflexible, sagacious. He prostrated himself in the dust before his Maker, but he set his foot on the neck of his king.” Well, that’s true. Many academic careers have been made by showing that American democracy comes from Puritanism, comes from the impulses there that we finally answer to God and God alone. The English Reformation, 16th Century Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C. Core Seminars https://online.hillsdale.edu/page.aspx?pid=1735
God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” ~ C.S. Lewis
Let the Church be the Church Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Winter 2012-2013 2
TUDORS STUARTS Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 1st London Baptist Confession - 1644 “Puritan” Movement (separatists) Puritans / Separatists Presbyterians Baptists Congregationalists Anglicans / Episcopalians
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 William III & Mary II James VI 1567-1625 James VII -1384 –John Wycliffe Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 -1415 -Jan Hus James II 1685-1689 -1436 -Gutenberg’s Press “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople (Age of Discovery)
1545-1563 – Council of Trent The Counter-Reformation
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 William III & Mary II James VI 1567-1625 James VII -1384 –John Wycliffe Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 -1415 -Jan Hus James II 1685-1689 -1436 -Gutenberg’s Press “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople (Age of Discovery) -1492 - Columbus -1497 - 1524 - Vasco Da Gama - after Popes Gregory VII (1073-1085) and Innocent III (1198-1216): declining power of the Papacy and rising corruption in the church … leads to disaffection in the ruling class with the popes, and Nationalism
The dissolution is such, that the souls entrusted to the clergy receive great damage, for we are told that the majority of the clergy are living in open concubinage, and that if our justice intervenes in order to punish them, they revolt and create a scandal, and that they despise our justice to the point that they arm themselves against it. Isabella of Castille– November 1500
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 William III & Mary II James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople -1492 - Columbus -1497 - 1524 - Age of Discovery - Vasco Da Gama -1521 – Diet Of Worms (Charles V / I)
962-1806 A.D. The Holy Roman Empire circa 1530 Emperor – Charles V (Charles I of Spain)
In 962 Otto I was crowned Holy Roman Emperor; the Roman imperial title was first restored to Charlemagne by Pope Leo III in 800. In the feudal hierarchy, a medieval Holy Roman Emperor was primus inter pares (first among equals) among the other medieval Roman Catholic monarchs; he was the "Senior Monarch in (Catholic) Christendom" and the "secular arm of the Catholic Church".
DIET OF WORMS January 28 - May 25, 1521 Luther’s Crimes Luther had challenged the absolute authority of the Pope over the Church by maintaining that the doctrine of indulgences as authorized and taught by the Pope, was wrong. (the 95 Theses) Luther maintained that salvation was by faith alone without reference to good works, alms, penance, or the ‘sacraments’ of the Roman Church. (sola fide) Luther maintained that the sacraments were a "means of grace", meaning that while grace was imparted through the Sacraments, the credit for the action belonged to God and not to the individual. (soli Deogloria) Luther had also challenged the authority of the Church by maintaining that all doctrines and dogmata of the Church not found in Scripture should be discarded. (sola Scriptura)
Five Solas of the Reformation Sola Gratiagrace alone Sola Fide faith alone SolusChristus Christ alone Soli DeoGloria the glory to God alone Sola ScripturaScripture alone Justification is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone to the glory of God alone. The inerrant Scripture (the Bible) is the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
Luther is now to be seen as a convicted heretic. He has twenty-one days from the fifteenth of April. After that time no one should give him shelter. His followers also are to be condemned, and his books will be erased from human memory. For this reason we forbid anyone from this time forward to dare, either by words or by deeds, to receive, defend, sustain, or favour the said Martin Luther. On the contrary, we want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic, as he deserves, to be brought personally before us, or to be securely guarded until those who have captured him inform us, where upon we will order the appropriate manner of proceeding against the said Luther. Those who will help in his capture will be rewarded generously for their good work. EDICT OF WORMS , 1521
EDICT OF WORMS , 1521 While the Edict was harsh, Charles was so preoccupied with political and military concerns elsewhere that it was never enforced. On his way home from Worms, Luther was ‘kidnapped’ by a local nobleman and secreted away to Wartburg Castle. Eventually Luther was allowed to return to public life and became instrumental in laying the groundwork for the Protestant Reformation
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 William III & Mary II Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 James II 1685-1689 “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople -1492 - Columbus -1497 - 1524 - Vasco Da Gama -1521 – Diet Of Worms (Charles V / I) -1522-25 - Peasants War – Germany - 1530 – Augsburg Confession (Melancthon)
The Augsburg Confession - 1530 Article VII: The Church . Also they teach that one holy Church is to continue forever. The Church is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered. And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions, that is, rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be everywhere alike. As Paul says: One faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, etc. Eph. 4, 5. 6. Article VIII: What the Church Is. Although the Church properly is the congregation of saints and true believers, nevertheless, since in this life many hypocrites and evil persons are mingled therewith, it is lawful to use Sacraments administered by evil men, according to the saying of Christ: The Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, etc. Matt. 23:2. Both the Sacraments and Word are effectual by reason of the institution and commandment of Christ, notwithstanding they be administered by evil men. They condemn the Donatists, and such like, who denied it to be lawful to use the ministry of evil men in the Church, and who thought the ministry of evil men to be unprofitable and of none effect.
Let the Church be the Church Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church Winter 2012-2013 3
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII -1384 –John Wycliffe Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 -1415 -Jan Hus James II 1685-1689 -1436 -Gutenberg’s Press “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople -1492 - Columbus -1497 - 1524 - Vasco Da Gama -1521 – Diet Of Worms (Charles V / I) -1522-25 - Peasants War – Germany - 1530 – Augsburg Confession
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 William III & Mary II Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 James VI 1567-1625 James VII -1384 –John Wycliffe Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 -1415 -Jan Hus James II 1685-1689 -1436 -Gutenberg’s Press “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople -1588 – Spanish Armada defeated by England -1492 - Columbus -1607 Jamestown Founded -1497 - 1524 - Vasco Da Gama -1620 - northern HRE becomes Calvinist -1521 – Diet Of Worms (Charles V / I) -1620 -Plymouth Rock * -1522-25 - Peasants War – Germany -1636 Connecticut (haven for Puritans) - 1530 – Augsburg Confession https://online.hillsdale.edu/page.aspx?pid=1735
The Holy Roman Empire circa 1530 Emperor – Charles V (Charles I of Spain)
The Augsburg Confession - 1530 Article VII: The Church . Also they teach that one holy Church is to continue forever. The Church is the congregation of saints, in which the Gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments are rightly administered. And to the true unity of the Church it is enough to agree concerning the doctrine of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments. Nor is it necessary that human traditions, that is, rites or ceremonies, instituted by men, should be everywhere alike. As Paul says: One faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of all, etc. Eph. 4, 5. 6. Article VIII: What the Church Is. Although the Church properly is the congregation of saints and true believers, nevertheless, since in this life many hypocrites and evil persons are mingled therewith, it is lawful to use Sacraments administered by evil men, according to the saying of Christ: The Scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat, etc. Matt. 23:2. Both the Sacraments and Word are effectual by reason of the institution and commandment of Christ, notwithstanding they be administered by evil men. They condemn the Donatists, and such like, who denied it to be lawful to use the ministry of evil men in the Church, and who thought the ministry of evil men to be unprofitable and of none effect.
If the inner man is such that he finds his delight in the law of God because he has been created in the divine image in order to have communion with him, it follows that there will be no law or word which will delight that inner man more than the word of God. Ulrich Zwingli
Let us beware lest our words and thoughts go beyond what the Word of God tells us. We must leave to God his own knowledge, and conceive him as he makes himself known to us, without attempting to discover anything about his nature apart from His word. John Calvin
HYPER CALVINISM The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deut29:29 • Reformed View of the Will of God • A. B. • 1. Decretive 1. Revealed • 2. Preceptive2. Secret • 3. Dispositive (‘will of disposition’) • Beliefs of Hyper Calvinism (emphasis on Secret Will of God) • - Not interested in the REVEALED WILL, but in the SECRET WILL • - The unregenerate seek to do as much evil as possible • (‘utterly depraved’ vs. ‘totally depraved’) • - God is the creator of ALL sin and evil (vindictiveness) - God is sovereign in ALL things (including reprobation and election), THEREFORE - the Gospel does not need to be proclaimed. - Men have no independent will – secondary causes are of no effect. • - A sign of election must be sought before repentance. • - It is wrong to proselytize. • - There is no ‘common grace’ for the unregenerate. • - It is wrong to fellowship with Arminians. • - All the elect will be converted to Hyper Calvinism. Hyper-Calvinism is not Christian, or Calvinistic, or Biblical – it is simply wrong
"Being a Christian ... is a character which I prize far above all this world has or can boast. ... The Bible is a book worth more than all the other books that were ever printed. ... This is all the inheritance I can give to my dear family. The religion of Christ can give them one, which will make them rich indeed.” PatrickHenry https://online.hillsdale.edu/page.aspx?pid=1735
Mary Tudor 1553-1558 Henry VIII 1509-1547 Elizabeth I 1558 - 1603 James I 1603-1625 Charles I 1625-1649 Charles II 1660-1685 William III & Mary II James VI 1567-1625 James VII -1384 –John Wycliffe Edward VI 1547-1553 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth 1653-1658 -1415 -Jan Hus James II 1685-1689 -1436 -Gutenberg’s Press “Puritan” Movement (separatists) 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 1st London Baptist Confession 1644 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651 -1453 - Fall of Constantinople -1588 – Spanish Armada defeated -1492 - Columbus -1607 Jamestown Founded -1497 - 1524 - Vasco Da Gama -1620 - northern HRE becomes Calvinist -1521 – Diet Of Worms (Charles V / I) -1620 -Plymouth Rock -1522-25 - Peasants War – Germany -1636 Connecticut (haven for Puritans) 1545-1563 – Council of Trent
Council of Trent – Justification by Faith Alone Anathemas (sample of 23) Canon 9.If anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone, meaning that nothing else is required to cooperate in order to obtain the grace of justification, and that it is not in any way necessary that he be prepared and disposed by the action of his own will, let him be anathema. Canon 11.If anyone says that men are justified either by the sole imputation of the justice of Christ or by the sole remission of sins, to the exclusion of the grace and the charity which is poured forth in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, and remains in them, or also that the grace by which we are justified is only the good will of God, let him be anathema. Canon 12.If anyone says that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in divine mercy, which remits sins for Christ’s sake, or that it is this confidence alone that justifies us, let him be anathema. Canon 13.If anyone says that in order to obtain the remission of sins it is necessary for every man to believe with certainty and without any hesitation arising from his own weakness and indisposition that his sins are forgiven him, let him be anathema. http://www.spurgeon.org/~phil/creeds/bcof.htm#part14 http://www.reformed.org/documents/wcf_with_proofs/index.html?body=/documents/wcf_with_proofs/ch_XIV.html
2nd London Baptist Confession 1689 Westminster Confession 1646 Canons of Dort 1619 Augsburg Confession 1530 Gallic Confession 1559 2nd Helvetic Confession 1562-66 1500 1600 1700 Geneva Bible 1560 The Scot’s Confession 1560 95 Theses 1517 KJV 1611 Belgic Confession 1651
Chapter I Of the Holy Scripture Chapter II Of God, and of the Holy Trinity Chapter III Of God's Eternal Decree Chapter IV Of Creation Chapter V Of Providence Chapter VI Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and the Punishment thereof Chapter VII Of God's Covenant with Man Chapter VIII Of Christ the Mediator Chapter IX Of Free Will Chapter X Of Effectual Calling Chapter XI Of Justification Chapter XII Of Adoption Chapter XIII Of Sanctification Chapter XIV Of Saving Faith Chapter XV Of Repentance unto Life Chapter XVI Of Good Works Chapter XVII Of the Perseverance Of the Saints Chapter XVIII Of Assurance Of Grace and Salvation Chapter XIX Of the Law Of God Chapter XX Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty Of Conscience Chapter XXI Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Dayå Chapter XXII Of Lawful Oaths and Vows Chapter XXIII Of the Civil Magistrate Chapter XXIV Of Marriage and Divorce Chapter XXV Of the Church Chapter XXVI Of the Communion Of Saints Chapter XXVII Of the Sacraments Chapter XXVIII Of Baptism Chapter XXIX Of the Lord's Supper Chapter XXX Of Church Censures Chapter XXXI Of Synods and Councils Chapter XXXII Of the State Of Men after Death, and Of the Resurrection Of the Dead Chapter XXXIII Of the Last Judgment The Westminster Confession of Faith