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The Church

The Church. Sacrament of Salvation. The Church. Chapter 5. Chapter 5. The Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. Chapter Objectives. The student will be able to understand:. The Church is One The unity of the Church in the Mystical Body of Christ

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The Church

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  1. The Church Sacrament of Salvation

  2. The Church Chapter 5

  3. Chapter 5 The Four Marks of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic

  4. Chapter Objectives The student will be able to understand: • The Church is One • The unity of the Church in the Mystical Body of Christ • Wounds to the unity of the Church • Neo-Platonism and the nature of Christ • Gnosticism, Arianism, Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, and Monophysitism • The Protestant Reformation • Ecumenism • The holiness of the Church • The Church is Catholic • The Church is Apostolic

  5. Keys to Chapter 5 • Christ founded only one Church, and he is the source of her unity. • The unity of the Church has been and continues to be wounded through apostasy, heresy, and schism. • We work and pray for the reunion of all Christians in the Catholic Church in which the true Church of Christ subsists.

  6. Keys to Chapter 5 • Though made up of sinful members, the Church is holy with the holiness of Christ. • The Church has a universal mission to fulfill. • The Church’s foundation is the Apostles and their teaching.

  7. For Discussion: • What are the four marks of the Catholic Church? • What does it mean that the Church is One? • How has the unity of the Church been wounded? • What ecumenical efforts are being made at present? • What does it mean that the Church is Holy?

  8. For Discussion: • What does it mean that the Church is Catholic? • What does it mean that the Church is Apostolic? • What is apostolic succession, and why is it important? • What is apostolic Tradition?

  9. The First Mark: One Lesson Objectives The Church is One The unity of the Church in the Mystical Body of Christ Wounds to the unity of the Church

  10. The First Mark: One Basic Questions What does it mean to say the Church is One? • The Church is One, meaning there is only one Church whose source of unity is the unity of God himself.

  11. The First Mark: One Basic Questions How does the image of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ help us understand the unity of the Church? • The unity of the Church can be seen in the unity of faith, worship, and leadership of the Catholic Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.

  12. The First Mark: One Basic Questions What has wounded the unity of the Church? • Wounds to the unity of the Church have occurred over the centuries due to heresy, apostasy, and schism.

  13. Focus Question • What does it mean to say that the Church is both a visible and an invisible community? • The one Church established by Christ is present both on earth and in Heaven. On earth she is a visible community. The Church in Purgatory and in Heaven is invisible to us on earth. At the same time, the spiritual riches, which the Church on earth possesses, are also invisible. For example, the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is invisible.

  14. Focus Question • What are the four marks of the Church, both on earth and in Heaven? • The Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.

  15. Focus Question • What is an immediate, practical value of the four marks? • They help distinguish the true pilgrim Church on earth from any others that claim to be Christ’s Church.

  16. Focus Question • How do we know the Catholic Church possesses the four marks of the Church? • Through faith and the historical record. Only faith can recognize that the Church possesses these marks because of her divine origin, but the historical manifestations of these marks are signs that clearly speak to human reason.

  17. Focus Question • Where does the Church get the Four Marks, or characteristics? • She receives them from God.

  18. Guided Exercise • Conduct a think/pair/share using the following question: • How is the unity of the Church different from that of any other social group or organization?

  19. Focus Question • What do we mean when we say, “The Church is one”? • The Church is unique and singular. Jesus has instituted one Church and not multiple churches. • Extension: • One way of understanding this is that Jesus Christ has not forged multiple paths to salvation but only one way.

  20. Focus Question • How many “flocks” did Christ intend to have? • He has just “one flock” as he is “one shepherd.”

  21. Focus Question • What did Christ mean in saying, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me”? • He meant that he is the only way to salvation.

  22. Focus Question • Why is one Church enough? • In establishing the Church on earth, Christ gives all mankind the opportunity to be united to him, the one Savior of the world, by becoming part of his one Mystical Body.

  23. Focus Question • What is the second meaning of the statement, “The Church is one”? • The unity and solidarity of the Church.

  24. Focus Question • What is perhaps the best image of the Church to express the unity of the Church? • The Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.

  25. Focus Question • How does the Mystical Body of Christ express the unity of the Church? • In the Mystical Body of Christ, the many diverse members of the Church are united to Jesus, our head, to form the whole Christ, united and animated by the Holy Spirit, the “soul” of the Mystical Body.

  26. Focus Question • What are the three visible ways or attributes of the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ? • She has a unity of faith, worship, and leadership.

  27. Focus Question • What does it mean to say that the unity of the Church will “perdure”? • The unity achieved at the beginning of the Church’s life will never disappear.

  28. Graphic Organizer • Complete the following table to summarize the three unities of the Church.

  29. Focus Question • What were the two major problems that Pope St. Leo the Great faced? • The once great Roman Empire was dividing and disintegrating. • The heresies of Pelagianism, Nestorianism, Monophysitism, and Manichaeism were gaining adherents.

  30. Focus Question • How did the “Tome of Leo” affect the Council of Chalcedon? • When those present heard the words of Pope St. Leo the Great’s letter, they readily assented to his teaching and exclaimed, “Peter has spoken through Leo.”

  31. Focus Question • How did Pope St. Leo the Great save the city of Rome from Attila the Hun? • He met the notorious barbarian outside the walls of the city and persuaded Attila and his men to leave Rome without a fight.

  32. Focus Question • What was one division that arose in the Church at the very beginning? • The first division was over the question of whether Gentile converts had to be circumcised and live according to the Mosaic Law in order to become Christians.

  33. Focus Question • How was this resolved? • The Council of Jerusalem, under the leadership of St. Peter, gave the response to this question.

  34. Focus Question • What happened to the unity of the Church in subsequent centuries? • More serious dissensions appeared and large communities became separated from full communion with the Catholic Church.

  35. Focus Question • What are the three types of ruptures that wound the unity of Christ’s Body? • Heresy, apostasy, and schism.

  36. Focus Question • What is apostasy? • Apostasy is the total rejection of the Christian Faith by someone already baptized.

  37. Focus Question • What is heresy? • Heresy is the deliberate and persistent post-baptismal denial of a truth of the Faith taught by the Church.

  38. Focus Question • What is schism? • It is the post-baptismal refusal of unity with the Pope or the refusal of communion with the members of the Church.

  39. Focus Question • Can a non-Christian be a heretic or schismatic or be in a state of apostasy? • No. These are states that only a baptized member of the Church can possess.

  40. Focus Question • What are two major schisms that have occurred in the history of the Church? • The first, with the Eastern Orthodox Churches, took place in the eleventh century. The second was with the various denominations that were founded during the Protestant Reformation in the sixteenth century.

  41. Focus Question • How do Catholics today view the members born into these schismatic communities? • Catholics view them as separated brethren who often, through no fault of their own, remain unaware of the truth of the Catholic Faith.

  42. Focus Question • What are some elements of sanctification and truth found within the separated Churches and ecclesial communities of Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism? • Sacred Scripture, some or all of the Seven Sacraments, the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  43. Focus Question • What is the origin of the elements of the true Faith, which our separated brethren possess? • These elements, which come from Christ and lead back to him, belong by right to the Catholic Church, the one Church founded by Christ, which possesses them in their fullness.

  44. Focus Question • How are the seeds of reunification present in the elements of sanctification and truth that our separated brethren possess? • The fact that some of these elements are present to some degree within other communities is evidence of those communities’ origins (i.e., they separated from the Catholic Church) and may provide an avenue for their eventual return to Catholic unity.

  45. Early Christian Heresies Lesson Objectives Neo-Platonism and the nature of Christ Gnosticism, Arianism, Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, and Monophysitism

  46. Early Christian Heresies Basic Questions What error was Neo-Platonism prone to in regard to the nature of Christ? • While Greek language and the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle were invaluable for articulating Catholic doctrine, the Neo-Platonic understanding of the logos made Greek thought prone to misunderstanding the nature of Jesus Christ.

  47. Early Christian Heresies Basic Questions What is the heresy of Gnosticism? • Gnosticism claimed a secret knowledge of Christ.

  48. Early Christian Heresies Basic Questions What is the heresy of Arianism? • Arianism denied the divinity of the Son of God.

  49. Early Christian Heresies Basic Questions What is the heresy of Apollinarianism? • Apollinarianism denied that Christ had a human mind and will.

  50. Early Christian Heresies Basic Questions What is the heresy of Nestorianism? • Nestorianism claimed Christ was two persons, one human and the other divine.

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