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Thank you for coming to Brunel at such an early hour. We are very pleased you are interested in the subject and hope you have an enjoyable and useful couple of hours. Even if we were not able to supply your particular breakfast preference, at least we hope you will be suitably nourished.
Thank you for coming to Brunel at such an early hour. We are very pleased you are interested in the subject and hope you have an enjoyable and useful couple of hours. Even if we were not able to supply your particular breakfast preference, at least we hope you will be suitably nourished. ‘Design you can’t see’ alludes to Design Management as a discipline which is conceptually different to the popular perception of design as artefact. It perhaps also reflects the difficulty of defining and quantifying Design Management. The Design Management team and Designplus both have strong interests in clarifying, communicating and developing our understanding of the subject at a time of unprecedented global change. We believe you all share this interest and look forward to a couple of hours of lively, stimulating discussion.
How much designers are aware of trends in business 2020? After twenty years, the mental image of Design Management is still unclear though designers are good at making connections. This workshop with participants coming from both worlds of design and management and of various experience and background may act as a prototype of ” intersections “between the disciplines. And hopefully as a stimulus towards the emergence of a community of practice. Why are business schools partnering with design schools? Should designers research on the management profession? Are designers’ skills useful in management decisions? Is it a Threat or an Opportunity for designers? What is the future of Design Management? What is behind this “design thinking “buzz? Of the needs of mobile managers acting as self entrepreneurs of their careers around projects and missions? Is it Strength or a Weakness when design tools are used to reinvent business models by business strategy consultants?
Lisa John Mette Nejdeh Nanako 1 5 2 4 3 Mat Qian Ray Paul Brigitte Vicky Bhav Kleber Linda John Henry Peter Darragh Stephen Geoff Mimi Claudio Martha Farnaz Kathryn
Lisa 1 Mat Kleber Stephen Claudio • Task 1: • Discuss Design Management – HOW • 5 KEY POINTS: • Action Learning • Story Telling • Diverse DNA • Consumer Empathy • Organization Change • Task 2: • SWOT from Consumer “Eyes” • Strength – consumer empowerment • Weakness – “lipstick on a chicken” • Opportunity – Engage consumers through • emotional connection • Threat – cynicism fickleness
Lisa 1 Mat Kleber Stephen Claudio Notes: Session 1 HOW? Design Management should be thought of as Design Leadership.. But by using the term ‘management’ we can relate to current business ‘management’ Do you mean design management activating design, or design thinking management? How is design being managed today? More interesting idea than how can designers think like managers. How do you give it traction? Action learning. Vs. management theory. Its about doing it. To understand consumer empathy, brain storming. We must stand as the consumer champion… phrase it in that perspective then it opens the board room doors. When you ask consumers what they want, they don’t know, they are not thinking 5 years out. Better balance is for design to under stand mind of consumer. To communicate intangible values and possible future of design. Leverage their intuitive skills – the design managers job is to reconcile the abilities of designers into solutions to fit the needs of management. Where else is the lead for design management coming from? Through sharing platforms Management is focused on optimizing supply side, then what is next? This is when design can come in and do something generative. Emerging industry provide broader business trend views. Nokia is re-looking at business structure from business perspective to be closer to consumer empathy. But they don’t have an easy model to follow, they don’t’ know quite how to do it, the structure or processes. They are new to restructure with services with leadership focused on that. Nokia needs to Re org infrastructure optimisation vs. innovation…. IDEO is hel\\\\ Organizational change and infrastructure is main part of what IDEO does tto help businesses. Organs don’t know how to deal with change.. old tools no longer work. Design thinking and processes to help cope with change. Designer manger should be equipped with managing change but also have design tools. IDEO is incorporating multi disciplines who are ALL designers in a particular way. MBAs organizational change managers. Storytelling is great tool…. People to believe in ideas… people need people to embody that passion. Inspiration via story telling.. to convey passion to make the emotional connection. People don’t believe in ideas, they believe in people who believe ideas. How: Action learning Storytelling Diverse data Consumer empathy Organizational change. Synthesis of design thinking, take many things distilling down into something that has meaning. When is something a ‘whole’ have I birthed something that will live, or is a mutant that will die. Synthesise something into something you can use to lead. Innovation cant happen unless an organization can change….they must be able to manage organizational change.
Lisa 1 Mat Kleber Stephen Claudio Notes: Session 2 SWOT / Consumer The end consumers? If so they don’t know about design management. 4 Summary points Strengths: empowers consumers. DM is creating better products., creates loyalty. Weaknesses- consumers still see design as superficial dressing. Designers as God. Arrogance of designers. Opportunities-engage in dialogue, to make me feel I am engaged in dialogue. Help me to understand you care about me. You are relivant to me you care about me, anticipate my needs. About depth. Exploit areas not yet reached by DM. Co-creation, make me a participant in the brand experience, to co-crate the experience. Threats-cynicism – is it just about profit, is it superficial styling? You are asking me what I want? I am giving you ideas for free? I.e. Green washing, if you don’t really care about me. Consumer opinion quickly shifts. Fickleness of consumer opinion.
Nejdeh 2 Ray Linda Geoff Mimi • Task 1: • Discuss Design Management – WHO • 5 KEY POINTS: • Command & Respect • Inclusive • Quantify • Enable • Judgement • Task 2: • SWOT from Designers “Eyes” • Strength – Co-ordinators & Inspirational • Weakness – Management • Opportunity – Stuff Done and Holistic Thinking • Threat – Ego / Embracing
Nejdeh 2 Ray Linda Geoff Mimi Notes: Session 1 – WHO Multinational Economic viewpoint 3 Summary points Command the respect and get the best out of a group of people Inclusive Designer strategists should be able to quantify their exist. Good design strategist should be an enabler Design strategists are not necessarily designers, but should have good judgement for design. In order to think about who, we need to think about what design looks like in the future. There are a lot of divisions, should be more integrated. Designers feel like they are being marginalised. Feeling that design is splitting in two, ½ of it being an artisan craft, the other being strategic and intellectual. Marginalised design. Successful designers have the ability to be strategic. The design management term doesn’t reflect the different qualities that are needed to operate. Brigitte talks about design thinking which is being more strategic and more holistic, then there are the design management processes which is the day to day. Is management still a loaded word. Design strategist. Design What is the tangible output? Bringing value to it, making it part of a product that is charged for
Nanako 3 Brigitte Martha Peter Vicky Task 1: Discuss Design Management – WHAT 5 KEY POINTS: - Bridge between two disciplines - Resource for line managers - Financial value - Process management - « Hands on » strategy Task 2: SWOT from Academic “Eyes” Strength – Design Thinking Ability to see things Problem Solving Weakness – where? Position in Science? Opportunity – DM skills, not Functions Threat – Not enough support from design school
Nanako 3 Brigitte Martha Peter Vicky Session 1 WHAT? What is design management Summary points 1.Design profession very slow to understand the necessity of management 2..Design is process .DM as Business of managing the process 3.Project management is not design management .design management is a part of project management .Project management is a wider term .Programme management rather than project 4. Designers increasingly have to take the responsibility One of the important job of a manager is to encourage the members to be more creative Management needs creativity but designers do not have the monopoly of creativity 5.Most designers do not understand what is « gross margin » a fundamental management ratio Finance is designers best friend .Marketers are more like enemies 5. DM as a bridge between disciplines .Being a manager is always about building a bridge 6 strategy is more and more embedded in practice 7 DM should start from the skills of each profession 8.Vizualizing skills are fundamental are very important for top management Example : Annual report :designers forget about the importance of designing the figures
Nanako 3 Brigitte Martha Peter Vicky Notes: Session 2 SWOT / Academic Peter Gorb: I was offered two jobs to start DM Royal college of Art London Business school I choose the business school 1.Designers skills which can be brought to the managing world Designers love things .are obsessed with things Designers love things more than people Visual literacy an other way of thinking Problem solving Designers start with problems Being able to think to observe 2.Designers dont think of work in organizations as a collective work ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strengths Finance Academic Research Weaknesses: where? Position in Science? Opportunities Science Design skills Threats Designers don't understand academic view point No skills
Mette 4 Paul John Darragh Kathryn • Task 1: • Discuss Design Management – WHY • 5 KEY POINTS: • Edge • Glue • Innovation • Process • Task 2: • SWOT from Business “Eyes” • Strength – Adds value • Weakness – Can’t be defined or measured • Opportunity – Long term competitive advantage • Threat – Misapplication
John 5 Qian Bhav Henry Farnaz • Task 1: • Discuss Design Management – WHY NOT • 5 KEY POINTS: • Clarity • Bridge • Process • Change • Co-ordination • Task 2: • SWOT from Students “Eyes” • Strength – Integration • Weakness – Community • Opportunity – Education • Threat – Other discipline
John 5 Qian Bhav Henry Farnaz Notes: Session 1 WHY NOT ? What is design management Why Not, Things that could be design management but isn't. Looking at design management through the doors of "why not“ Clarity Design management is a field of proficiency which is meant for design discipline or the management discipline? It is difficult to let non designers to know what is design management, why not make it more clearly or more specifically? Bridge- between arts, sciences, business, society, Project management Projects managers can also be a design manager? Acting as a coordinator? Process It is important that designers understand or have an insight of the design process to be able to manage it. If most companies describe design management as managing process, not designers, then why not call it “Process management” or other names to make it more specific? Change The organisation is changing, why not design management? Coordination Design management can integrate and connect each part of company resources, why not make it a coordination? You have to do it for you to understand it? Story telling as a key communication tool for design management to communicate to outside world
John 5 Farnaz Henry Chen Bhav Notes: Session 2 SWOT / students What is design management Strengths Credibility To integrate resources and creativity and add credibility for business. Weaknesses Clarity If companies do not understand what is design management, how can they know the power of it and how to use it? Cause a confusion on the discipline Need a basic foundation but leaves the interpretation to the beholder 100 students 100 ideas interpretation of the subject lack of community, cohesion of internal and external Nature of design Opportunities Education The need of business are conflicting with education no meeting the requirements Link between industry and education, like this workshop Taught as a sys Trend, great opportunity to capitalise on it Should be sold as a synthetic subject as bridge, not as the sexy surface level of design Threats Other disciplines Not enough understanding of design management in business world, DM students have no enough credibility to compete with students from other disciplines. Education, saturating the market Understanding a basic level of design but not enough
Words we need to remove: Design (x2) Creativity (x2) Arty-farty (3) Mystery Ego Black box Design as Dressing Right Brain Only Mistrust Ambiguity Misinterpretation Control Inaccessible Management (x5) Process Suit
About Designplus Designplus is part of Westfocus, a multimillion-pound Higher Education Innovation Fund initiative that consists of a consortium of Universities in West London with the overall aims of knowledge transfer and industry partnership. Designplus is a sub network within Creative Industries area of activity. Kingston, Westminster and Brunel Universities all have significant numbers of staff and students working in design subjects, each conducting their own and joint Designplus activity. Target audiences are both SMEs that use design, and design businesses. We represent design interests and develop opportunities within our specific industrial and academic audiences. At Brunel Designplus works to facilitate connections and collaborations based on shared design interests, particularly in areas of emerging importance or opportunity for design. Design Management, from Brunel’s perspective, represents a significant area of expertise and interest, but also a subject at the forefront of tectonic shifts in the nature and role of design’s contribution to economies and global challenges. Stephen Green Brunel Designplus Leader