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Developing Worship Teams

Developing Worship Teams. What is worship?. Worship is not something that is done to people or at them or for them people engaging with God being themselves starting ‘where they are’ open to God’s transforming spirit Leading worship involves offering opportunities for this.

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Developing Worship Teams

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing Worship Teams

  2. What is worship? • Worship is • not something that is done to peopleor at themor for them • people engaging with God • being themselves • starting ‘where they are’ • open to God’s transforming spirit • Leading worship involves offering opportunities for this

  3. Why worship teams? • Worship teams • exhibit the ministry of the whole people of God • share the load of preparation • comprise more than one person to be inspired by God • are more likely to be disciplined in avoiding pandering to personal preferences • provide mutual support and encouragement • are needed by the Church

  4. A way to prepare • Decide on a • THEME • a focusrather thana hotch-potch • Consider the • STRUCTURE • reflecting the dynamics of worship • Select • COMPONENTS • items such as songs, readings & prayers

  5. Approach to God Call to worship G → P Praise & adoration G ← P Ministry of the word Listening for God in the Bible G → P Listening for God in other readings G → P Listening for God as people speak G → P Response Thanksgiving, petition and/or intercession G ← P Offering G ← P Dismissal or benediction G → P

  6. Components of worship • These may be found in • the Bible - try looking at different versions • hymn/song-books - some work as prayers • your inspiration • books of prayers, biblical reflections, dramas, stories • See also Roots,an ecumenical resource for worship and learning; • details on the internet at www.rootsontheweb.com • Don’t overlook times of silence

  7. The ministry of the word • Presenting scripture • know the literary type(s) and context of a Bible reading • present it so it makes sense • offer overviews or ‘beginners guides’ • Sharing the wisdom of others • published reflections • Sharing personal reflections • what this scripture means to me • personal testimony

  8. The ministry of the word • Literary types found in the Bible

  9. Themes for Worship • Inspiration for a theme for a worship service may be found in • a reading (or verse) from the Bible • the set of Bible readings for each Sunday in the lectionary • the Christian year • what is happening in • the local community • the local church • the nation / country • the world • a reflection on life by a member of the worship team

  10. Developing Worship Teams

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