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Roman Emperors

Roman Emperors. Julius Caesar. Supposedly born by Caesarian section (hence the name) Military leader through Roman civil war Who should hold power (group or individual leaders) Led with Pompey, who later fears Caesar Caesar and Pompey fight Caesar wins “I came, I saw, I conquered.”.

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Roman Emperors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Roman Emperors

  2. Julius Caesar • Supposedly born by Caesarian section (hence the name) • Military leader through Roman civil war • Who should hold power (group or individual leaders) • Led with Pompey, who later fears Caesar • Caesar and Pompey fight • Caesar wins “I came, I saw, I conquered.”

  3. Caesar Achievements • Jobs • Land • Reorganized government- more people for citizenship • New calendar (used today)

  4. Caesar’s Death • Dictator- feared his power • March 15- stabbed • More civil war (for/against Caesar) • Mark Antony and Octavian hunt for murderers • Antony and Octavian fight and Octavian wins

  5. Augustus Caesar • Otherwise known as “Octavian” • Augustus means “exalted one” • Senate and civil service • Census to make taxes fair • Postal service and coinage system • Pax Romana- 200 years of “Roman Peace”

  6. Nero • Rome burned- blamed it on Christians • Crazy • Murdered mother and wife • Christians to lions • Senate ordered his execution, so Nero killed himself

  7. Trajan • Spanish not Roman descent • Empire expanded territory

  8. Diocletian • Split the empire in half • Europe/North Africa- Rome as capital • Arab countries- Byzantium as capital • Both halves followed Rome’s rules

  9. Constantine • Christian emperor • Lived in Byzantium (Constantinople) • City of Rome becomes less important • Trade increases in east and western half becomes weak

  10. Video Clip

  11. Valens • Empire falling apart- no money • Barbaric tribes try to invade • Allows Goths to settle in empire in return for food and shelter • Goths never receive these items and attack • Western Empire falls 476 AD

  12. Emperor Game • Can you rule for 5 years?

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