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The Flavian Emperors

The Flavian Emperors. The Roman Empire. Principal Roman Emperors. Year of the 4 Emperors AD 68- AD 69. Four men claimed the throne after Nero’s death Galba, Otho , Vitellius , Vespasian All generals Vespasian defeated the others and became emperor

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The Flavian Emperors

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  1. The Flavian Emperors

  2. The Roman Empire

  3. Principal Roman Emperors

  4. Year of the 4 EmperorsAD 68- AD 69 • Four men claimed the throne after Nero’s death • Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian • All generals • Vespasian defeated the others and became emperor • Vespasian founded the Flavian Dynasty

  5. Flavian Emperors • Called the “Flavians” after their family name (Flavius) • Father and two sons: • Vespasian (father) • Titus (older son) • Domitian (younger son)

  6. Vespasian • Ruled 69 AD-79 AD • Lived from 9 AD-79 AD (69 years) • Birth name: Titus Flavius Vespasianus • His father was a tax collector • As emperor, he had many financial reforms Most famous: tax on urine • Helped rebuild Rome after Nero’s bad rule

  7. Vespasian • Personal life: • Married once: Domitilla • Two sons and one daughter • Wife and daughter died before he became emperor • Antonia Caenis: his “wife in all but name” • Freedwoman/secretary of Emp. Claudius’ mother • May have helped Vespasian advance in his early career • A senator and freedwoman could not legally marry

  8. Vespasian • Remembered for: • Military campaign in Judea which led to the destruction of Jerusalem (by Titus) • Restoring the empire financially • Easy-going manner, dry wit • Very lenient toward opposition • Modern Italian word for public toilets: vespasiano (French: vespasienne) 

  9. Vespasian • Died of illness on June 23, AD 79 • Asked to be stood up before he died: “An emperor should die on his feet.” • Last words: “Vae, putodeusfio!” • “Oh, I think I’m becoming a god!”

  10. Titus • Lived 39 AD-81 AD • Ruled AD 79-AD 81 • Had an excellent military career in Germany and Britain • Best remembered for destroying Jerusalem and the Jewish temple during the Jewish Revolt in AD 70 • First emperor to succeed his own father to the throne

  11. Titus • Major events during his reign: • Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 • He made 2 trips to the damaged area and coordinated relief efforts, including donating personal money • Dedication of Colosseum in AD 80 • Fire and plague in Rome in AD 80

  12. Titus • Personal Life: • Married twice: first wife died, divorced second wife • Had at least one daughter who survived to adulthood, perhaps more daughters • Carried on a very public love affair with Queen Bereniceof Judea before becoming emperor

  13. Titus • As emperor, said to be generous and enjoyed doing at least one “good deed” every day • Died suddenly of illness on Sept. 13, 81 AD • Final words: “I have made but one mistake.”

  14. Titus

  15. Titus

  16. Domitian • Lived from AD 51- AD 96 • Ruled from AD 81-AD 96 • Youngest child of emperor Vespasian • Held mostly ceremonial positions during the reigns of his father and brother

  17. Domitian • Remembered for: • Dedicating the Arch of Titus • Strengthening the economy • Expanding the Empire’s border defenses • Was somewhat ruthless as an emperor, but highly effective • Liked by the people and the army; hated by the Senate

  18. Domitian • Personal life: married once • DomitiaLongina(c. AD 53- c. AD 130) • Domitian persuaded her current husband to divorce her so they could marry in AD 71 • They had one son, who died as a child

  19. Domitian • Assassinated on Sept. 18, AD 96 by court officials • The Senate decreed him damnatiomemoriae: condemnation of the memory • All references to Domitian were to be erased from public buildings, etc. • His widow, however, still referred to herself as “wife of Domitian” 25 years later..love? 

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