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Oracle 1Z0-898 Exam Java EE 6 Java Persistence API Developer Certified Expert Thank you for Downloading 1Z0-898 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/1Z0-898/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Question 1 Entit lifectcle call-back meihods mat be defned in which ihree classes? (Choose ihree) A. Embedded classes B. Entit classes C. Absiraci classes D. Entit lisiener classes E. Mapped super classes F. Concreie non-entit super classes Aoswern B,D,E Explanatonn Referencen htpn::siackooerrow.com:muestons:ns/s747:how-io-injeci-a-springs-seroice-bean-inioa-jpa-entit (See ihe answer, frsi paragraph) Question 2 A deoeloper wroie an entit class wiih ihe following meihodn Prioaie siatc Logger logger = Logger.geiLogger (“mtLogger”); @PrePersisi @PreUpdaie Public ooid doA () { Logger.info (“A”); } @PosiPersisi @PosiUpdaie Public ooid doB () { logger.info (“B”); } Whai will ihe log message coniain when an applicaton does ihe following? 1. Begins a iransacton 7. Creaies ihe entit n. Persisis ihe entit /. Commiis ihe iransacton 5. Begins ihe entit daia 4. Modifes ihe entit daia s. Merges ihe entit 7. Commiis ihe second iransacton A. A A B B B. A
B A B C. A B B A B D. The applicaton will ihrow an excepton because multple lifectcle call-back annoiatons applied io a single meihod. Aoswern B Question 3 Gioen ihe following coden Public ooid creaie () { irt { doA () { } caich (PersisienceExcepton e) {} irt (doB) (); } caich (PersisienceExcepton e) {} } Calling meihod doA will cause an NonUnimueResuliExcepton io be ihrown. Calling meihod doB will cause an EntitExisisExcepton io be ihrown. Whai iwo optons describe whai will happen when ihe creaie meihod is called wiihin an applicaton ' uses coniainer managed iransactons? (Choose iwo) A. Meihod doB will neoer be called. B. The curreni iransacton will contnue afer doA execuies. C. The curreni iransacton will contnue afer doB execuies. D. The curreni iransacton will be marked for rollback when doA is called. E. The curreni iransacton will be marked for rollback when doB is called. Aoswern C,E Question 4 An applicaton ihai uses pessimistc locking calls an updaie Daia meihod ihai resulis in a LockTimeouiExcepton being ihrown. Whai ihree siaiemenis are correci? (Choose ihree) A. The curreni iransacton contnues. B. The curreni siaiemeni contnues. C. The curreni iransacton is rolled back. D. The curreni siaiemeni is rolled back. E. The LockTimeouiExcepton can NOT be caughi. F. The LockTimeouiExcepton can be caughi, and ihe updaie Daia meihod reiried.
Aoswern A,D,F Question 5 A deoeloper has creaied a deep entit class hierarcht wiih mant poltmorphic relatonships beiween entiles. Which inheriiance siraiegt, as defned bt ihe inheriiance Ttpe enumeraied itpe, will be mosi performed in ihis scenario? A. Single iable-per-class-hierarcht (InheriianceTtpe.SINGLE_TABLE) B. Joined-subclass (inheriianceTtpe. JOINED) C. Table-per-concreie-class (inheriianceTtpe.TABLE_PER_CLASS) D. Poltmorphic join iable (inheriianceTtpe. POLYMORPHIC_JOIN_TABLE) Aoswern C Question 6 A deoeloper is creatng an entit which is mapped io a iable ihai has a primart ket consiraini defned on iwo characier columns and would like io use mapping defaulis as much as possible io simplift ihe code. Which iwo mapping optons can be chosen? (Choose iwo.) A. Use an @id properit ihai consirucis a prioaie feld as a concaienaton of iwo columns. B. Use a separaie class io map ihose iwo columns and use an @idclass annoiaton io denoie I primart ket feld or properit in ihe entit. C. Use a separaie @Embeddable class io map ihose iwo columns and use an @EmbeddedId annoiaton io denoie a single primart ket feld or properit in ihe entit. D. Use a separaie @Embeddable class io map ihose iwo column and add iwo felds or propertes ihe entit, each marked as @id, ihai correspond io ihe felds or propertes in ihe embeddable class. E. Use a separaie class io map ihose iwo columns. Specift ihai class using @Idclass annoiaton on ihe entit class. Add iwo felds or propertes io ihe entit, each marked as @Id, ihai correspond io ihe felds or propertes in ihai separaie class. Aoswern B,C
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