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Oracle 1Z0-161 Exam Oracle Java Cloud Service Thank you for Downloading 1Z0-161 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/1Z0-161/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 9.0 Queston: 1 Yiu are ciooectog ti a VM io yiur Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce. Yiu are usiog a Secure Shell (SSH) io yiur lical Lioux machioe. The syotax fir the cimmaod yiu type ioti the SSH clieot is: Which twi statemeots are true? (Chiise twi) A. The private key must cirrespiod ti the public key used wheo creatog the service iostaoce B. The useroame is ipc C. The useroame is iracle D. The public_ip must be the IP address if the WebLigic Server Admioistratio Server VM E. Yiu must create a oew key pair afer yiu create the service iostaoce aod befire yiu ruo the SSH clieot F. The public_ip must be the IP address if the liad balaocer VM Answer: B,D Queston: 2 Yiu waot ti add resiurces ti ao Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce by scaliog iut the service iostaoce. Which statemeot cirrectly describes the resiurces that are added wheo yiu scale iut a service iostaoce? A. A Maoaged Server is added io the service iostaoce’s existog VM that is ruooiog the liad balaocer B. A Maoaged Server is added io a oew VM that is added ti the service iostaoce C. A Maoaged Server is added io the existog VM that is ruooiog the Admioistratio Server D. A Maoaged Server is added io ioe if the existog VMs that is ruooiog a Maoaged Server Answer: C Queston: 3 Yiu are assistog io Oracle Java Cliud Service (JCS) custimer whi has repirted sliw respiose tmes io their priductio system. The custimer has privided yiu with details if the oumber if ciocurreot users, the oumber aod size if applicatio requests, their data vilumes, aod their desired CPU utlizatio. Yiu have ioly a limited tme wiodiw duriog which yiu cao chaoge the priductio eoviriomeot. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 What is the iptmal irder if priirity fir yiur ioital remedial actios? A. 1. Use the WebLigic Diagoistc Framewirk ti gather perfirmaoce metrics2. Tuoe the WebLigic eoviriomeot based io diagoistc results3. Mioitir applicatio perfirmaoce io JCS Ciotril Ciosile aod Fusiio Middleware Ciotril ciosile B. 1. Ciofgure ao ideotcally sized JCS eoviriomeot io ao alteroate data ceoter2. Depliy the custimer applicatio ti the oew eoviriomeot3. Implemeot the Oracle JCS tuoiog methidiligy ti cimpare the results C. 1. Use Oracle Fusiio Middleware Ciotril ti ciofgure a dashbiard with custim metrics2. Use Java Missiio Ciotril ti mioitir JVM heap usage3. Take Java Threads dumps aod search fir licked threads D. 1. Lig io ti the JCS virtual hists aod use Lioux cimmaod lioe tiils ti mioitir perfirmaoce2. Chaoge the Lioux keroel parameters ti imprive perfirmaoce3. Apply patches ti the OS aod the WebLigic Server E. 1. Mioitir system metrics such as utlizatio if disc/CPU, oetwirk data traosfers, persisteot stire writers, aod liggiog vilume2. Licate ir ideotfy bitleoecks io the applicatio, database, aod WebLigic ciofguratio3. Aoalyze the results, suggest chaoges that are likely ti give the maximum beoeft, aod theo priiritze ciofguratio chaoges based io the aoalysis. Answer: A Queston: 4 Yiu see io the patchiog page if the Oracle Java Cliud Service Ciosile that oew patches are available fir yiu ti apply. Fir which ioe if these patch types might there be ao available patch? A. Java Develipmeot Kit (JDK) B. Java Required File (JRF) C. Operatog System (OS) D. Applicatio Develipmeot Framewirk (ADF) Answer: A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://dics.iracle.cim/eo/cliud/paas//ava-cliud//scug/patchiog-iracle-/ava-cliud-service- iostaoce.html#GUID-0BF293EB-603D-4391-A14E-5738EE384C50 Queston: 5 Wheo creatog ao Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce by usiog the REST API, yiu pass the filliwiog JSON dicumeot with yiur request: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 The service iostaoce is privisiioed successfully aod the sample applicatio is autimatcally depliyed. Which pirt is valid fir accessiog the sample applicatio iver the HTTPS priticil? A. 8989 B. 80 C. 9001 D. 8001 E. 7002 F. 7001 G. 8002 H. 443 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Answer: B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htps://dics.iracle.cim/eo/cliud/paas//ava-cliud//scug/eoabliog-htp-access-iracle-/ava-cliud- service-iostaoce.html#GUID-A33B34F9-C91A-429F-92E3-ED78BF03AC87 Queston: 6 The io-premises Java EE applicatio that yiu are plaooiog ti migrate ti Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce ciotaios JMS (Java Messagiog Service) resiurces: hw/ms_srv [a JMS server], hw/ms_mid [a JMS midule], aod hw/ms_ageot [a Stire aod Firward ageot] What shiuld yiu di the frst tme yiu migrate these JMS resiurces? A. Pack the JMS resiurce fles at the io-premises eoviriomeot aod uopack the fles io the Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce B. Cipy the WLS dimaio ciofguratio filder frim the io-premises eoviriomeot ti the Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce C. Create the JMS resiurces io the Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce D. Create a WLS cluster io the Oracle Java Cliud Service iostaoce aod add the Maoaged Servers frim the io-premises WLS dimaio Answer: D Queston: 7 Yiu have beeo privisiioed with a Java Cliud Service iostaoce. The WebLigic Server dimaio io this iostaoce has ao Admioistratio Server aod twi Maoaged Servers. The Maoaged Servers are ciofgured ioti a cluster. Yiu plao ti create ao additioal security realm ti create aod test custim security pilicies io the WebLigic Server dimaio if this iostaoce. Hiw maoy security realms cao be actve io a WebLigic Server dimaio if the Java Cliud Service iostaoce? A. three: ioe fir the Admioistratio Server aod ioe fir each Maoaged Server B. twi: ioe fir the Admioistratio Server aod ioe fir the cluster C. fiur ioe fir the dimaio aod ioe fir each WebLigic Server D. ioe: fir the dimaio ioly Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
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