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EGI IPv6 Report for HEPiX IPv6 WG CERN F2F

EGI IPv6 Report for HEPiX IPv6 WG CERN F2F. Mario Reale GARR mario.reale@garr.it. June 15, 2012 CERN. 1. Outline. EGI goals w.r.t. IPv6 Current stand TESTBED PRELIMINARY RESULTS Plans for next weeks/months. 2. 1. EGI goals for IPv6. Goals for EGI w.r.t. IPv6.

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EGI IPv6 Report for HEPiX IPv6 WG CERN F2F

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  1. EGI IPv6Report for HEPiX IPv6 WGCERN F2F Mario Reale GARR mario.reale@garr.it June 15, 2012 CERN 1

  2. Outline • EGI goals w.r.t. IPv6 • Current stand • TESTBED • PRELIMINARY RESULTS • Plans for next weeks/months 2

  3. 1. EGI goals for IPv6

  4. Goals for EGI w.r.t. IPv6 • Obviously, IPv4-only nodes cannot talk to IPv6-only nodes without protocol translation at some level • Wherever possible, Dual Stack should be pursued • So far, protocol translation mechanisms have not been taken into consideration • No solution provided for the integration of IPv6-only resources in an IPv4 Grid • Therefore our goals so far are: • 1. Ensure switching on IPv6 does not break functionality provided using IPv4 in a Dual Stack approach (IPv4 to IPv4 in the presence of also the IPv6 stack) • 2. Demonstrate we can use the Grid using IPv6 using EMI/UMD middleware • IPv6-only grid clients can connect to IPv6-only grid servers • The same grid middleware could then be used in an IPv4 environment and in an IPv6 environment

  5. Goals translated in practice • Assess the overall IPv6 status w.r.t. IPv6 compliance of • the grid middleware • The required operational services and tools • Report all sources of problems to EGI and Technology providers • I.e. measure how far are we from the only long-term, sustainable solution • For all EGI-related middleware families ( Globus IGE, ARC, gLite, UNICORE, dCache) • UMD released components • Check/ Verify that switching on IPv6 does not break IPv4 provided functionality • This is however less than half of our goals: we still need IPv4 addresses/nodes • Test EMI / UMD middleware components and verify that • They can be deployed ( installed and configured OK ) • They work using IPv4-only, IPv6-only and Dual Stack

  6. Already identified issues • Certification Authorities related files are not reachable ( CA-files, CRLs..) • How do I set up the Grid nodes and the User/Sites/Grid Security Infrastructure ? • Some external dependencies are not IPv6 compliant or compiled without the required options • We do not have a 100 % clear picture of what should be the expected degree of IPv6 compliance of all UMD middleware families and components • Would help guiding us to verify things • Sites are a bit reluctant to enable IPv6 (if not really needed) given lower level of security control / LAN protection expertise

  7. Some of our “hopes” • Switching on the IPv6 stack, everything will work just as well as having the IPv4-stack only configured and running • IPv4 addresses will completely run out: who cares ? We have infinite IPv6 addresses • Using IPv6 the rate of security accidents won’t increase

  8. Goals of EGI IPv6 testbed • Allow general purpose testing of UMD components using the IPv6 protocol • Enable specific IPv6 test campaigns on selected UMD components or required external dependencies • Provide an hands-on IPv6 testbed for possible IPv6 tutorials for the EGI site administrators community, both on IPv6 in general and IPv6 Security • Enable IPv6 testing of specific applications relevant to the EGI UCB / User Community • Allow the IPv6 testing of EGI-Inspire JRA1 Operational Tools components • Provide support and exploit synergies for the EGI Federated Clouds task force w.r.t. IPv6 ( to be defined, just started) • Complement the work done by the HEPiX IPv6 WG, focusing on the middleware

  9. 2. Current Status of testbed and recent achievements

  10. Steps ahead • EGI UMD repository has now been IPv6-enabled • IPv6 enabled mirror repositories for both EMI and UMB are showing up • New net.egi.eu VO created – 2 VOMS servers set up to support it • New machines installed at FZU, ARNES and GARR • Already testbed ARC Workload Management components • Started testing gLIte Workload Management components • On-going periodic meetings to coordinate work • Agreed on a template for reporting test results https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/IPv6TestReports

  11. Current Testbed Resources

  12. Current Strategy • We decided to start focusing on Site Computing and InfoSys resources • First full cycles of installation / configuration / smoke testing will be reported by single test reports • What will follow: • Grid Collective services for operations and monitoring: SAM-NAGIOS, GOCDB, GSTAT, GridMap, xGUS/GGUS, Accounting Portal… (Activities to be carried out jointly with EGI-inspire JRA1 )

  13. First Results for ARC • So, we have installed ARC CE on SL6, using EMI2 repo which works on IPv6 • ARC CE is working on IPv6 - all the components: • a-rex • gridftpd • infosys • The problem is the local resource manager • So far we have tested: - SGE (not supported) - Slurm (no version is supported) - Torque (tested 2.7.x and 4.x - both unsupported) - Daemon is running but nothing is working, since the software is configured for IPv4 sockets only • Analysis carried out by Barbara Krasovec / ARNES

  14. 3. Plans for next weeks

  15. Testing Site Computing resources • Complete test of installation, configuration deployment procedures • Smoke testing of grid services • Are all required daemons/services properly starting ? • Functional test of Workload job management chain • Job Submission / Monitoring / Cancel / Execution / Output retrieval • Correct publication of Site resources in the Site BDII /InfoSys • Correct publication of s/w tags, RTE variables, static and dynamic information in both Site and Top BDII • Test of LRMS system local to the farm (Torque/Maui, SGE, LSF..) • Test of proper execution of MPI jobs and MPISTART package • Test of WMS server (“Broker”): deployment, smoke and basic functional behavior • Test of MyProxy and full proxy behavior /cycle

  16. Next steps • Provide full reports on ARC and gLite workload and infoSys components • Batch Systems likely to represent a problem to further dig into • Then, move to other functional domains • Identify responsible NGIs/Teams for UNICORE, IGE Globus and d-Cache • Agree on exact strategy / synergies with • EMI • EGI Fed Cloud TF • EGI-Inspire JRA1

  17. References • EGI Network Support coordination: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/NST ( http://net.egi.eu ) • EGI IPv6 http://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/IPv6 • IPv4 address report http://www.potaroo.net/tools/ipv4/index.html • Contact: network-support@mailman.egi.eu

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