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Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region of WHO. Zsuzsanna Jakab Regional Director WHO – Regional Office for Europe. Deaths in EURO due to selected risk factors in 2004. Making progress - examples Highlights in tobacco control.
Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the European Region of WHO Zsuzsanna Jakab Regional Director WHO – Regional Office for Europe
Making progress - examplesHighlights in tobacco control • 46 countries and the European Community have ratified the WHO FCTC • 7 countries in the region are not yet Parties to the treaty (23 countries globally) • Several countries in the region are global leaders in tobacco control such as Ireland, United Kingdom and Turkey in 100% smoke-free public places; Belgium, United Kingdom and Romania in pictorial health warnings etc.
≤25% 26-34.9% 35-44.9% 45-54.9% 55-64.9% ≥65% Prevalence of overweight (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) among adult males, projections for 2010 Source: WHO Global NCD InfoBase, 2005.
Formidable agenda for action • Place and maintain prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCD), high on the political, social and development agendas • Develop partnerships across sectors and integrated approaches: • tackling obesity and unhealthy lifestyles • implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control • understanding and acting on the social determinants of health • addressing health inequalities and the needs of vulnerable groups • creating environment supportive of healthy living • Develop scientific evidence and effective interventions to inform decision-making and priority setting and support implementation of actions • Strengthen health systems’ capacity to improve prevention and control: • emphasis on stewardship and service delivery for appropriate patient-focused control, management and care
Regional commitments • Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in the WHO European Region (RC56 Resolution) • Prevention of injuries in the WHO European Region (RC55 Resolution) • Framework for alcohol policy in the WHO European Region (RC55 Resolution) • The Mental Health Declaration – Helsinki 2005 • WHO European Ministerial Conference on Counteracting Obesity 2006 – Istanbul Charter
Making progress on the policy front • 32 Member States have national policies for NCD prevention and control. • 47 Member States have developed nutrition policies, including 39 with policies on physical activity. • 46 Member States have ratified the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control. • 60% of Member States have integrated policies for unintentional injury prevention, and 46% for violence prevention.
WHO - The way forward… • Scale up work for comprehensive and integrated approaches • Develop integrated NCD Regional Action Plan to be endorsed at Regional Committee in 2011 • Develop an European Alcohol Action Plan to be endorsed at Regional Committee in 2011 • Focus on target groups and individuals at high risk, and address social determinants and health inequalities • Renew commitment to health promotion • Strengthen health systems’ functions and capacity • Develop effective collaboration with other sectors in multi-sectorial responses • Strengthen partnership with international agencies, the EU and Member States committed to prevention and control