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SSLEV Programme INDIA ——————————————— Tanzania Draft Action Plan ———————————————. THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA. R. J. Masika, E. Runyoro, J. Nicolao & I. Bakari Tanzania Delegation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bangalore , India – 20 February 2009. Tanzania – Draft Action Plan.
SSLEV ProgrammeINDIA———————————————Tanzania Draft Action Plan——————————————— THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA R. J. Masika, E. Runyoro, J. Nicolao & I. Bakari Tanzania Delegation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Bangalore, India – 20 February 2009
Tanzania – Draft Action Plan Strategic Agenda Develop new economy skills to increase employability leading to accelerated growth of the Tanzanian economy using IT/ITES industry Goals • Skills building to increase employability to enable Tanzania to participate in the global economy through IT/ITES industry • Raise awareness to key policy/decision makers about the potential of IT/ITES industry to accelerate growth of Tanzanian economy • Create enabling environment to foster the development of IT/ITES industry • Identify, develop and promote IT/ITES industry
What will it take to reach there? • Study on current status of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania, SWOT Analysis – value proposition, identify strategic focus areas (3) • Skills needs assessment (NESAP-ICT) - Establish baseline (1) • Explore different business models to stimulate skills development with international recognition for IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (1) • Explore the possibility of Trade delegation (Ministers and private sector) visit to India to learn about the IT/ITES industry contribution to employment and economic growth (own (technical) solutions to meet the needs of our society and market) (2)
What will it take to reach there? ctd • Establish a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (3) • Review legal and regulatory policies to create an enabling environment for the growth of the IT/ITES industry (3) • Utilize the NESAP-ICT program to jump start the IT/ITES skills building initiative in Tanzania (1)
Key Actions - Immediate (2-4 months) • Dissemination of experiences from SSLEV Visit to the Government and other stakeholders through various for a • Video Conference with WB, PSs of MoCST, MoEVT and MoIT to reinforce the message on new economy skills and IT/ITES industry • Set up a Task Force to coordinate the establishment of IT/ITES industry and associated skills development • Finalize the Country Action Plan on IT/ITES skills development by April 15, 2009
Key Actions - Immediate (2-4 months) ctd • Develop terms of referencefor a study to review the legal and regulatory framework to create an enabling environment for the development of the IT/ITES industry • Initiate dialogue for establishment of a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry in Tanzania • NESAP-ICT program – (i) scoping mission in April 2009 (ii) Needs assessment for IT/ITES skills to be started by May 2009 (iii) discuss how skills component of the country action plan could be supported • Explore the possibility of anchoring the NESAP-ICT program in the “ICT Centre of Excellence” in Tanzania within the next 2-3 months
Key Actions - Medium Term (5-12 months) • Undertake the study to review the legal and regulatory framework to create an enabling environment for the development of the IT/ITES industry (3) • Explore the possibility of following up with international companies/training institutions to invest or partner with local companies/institutions to: (i) do business and create employment (ii) to impart internationally recognized IT/ITES skills (1) • Develop strategy and plan of action for building capacity and bridging gaps identified by the needs assessment report (1)
Key Actions - Medium Term (5-12 months) ctd • Stakeholders workshop to discuss the IT/ITES industry study report and recommend the way forward (4) • Develop strategic plan for establishment and/or promotion of IT/ITES industry based upon the above report (4) • Initiate Trade delegation (Ministers and private sector) visit to India to learn about the IT/ITES industry contribution to employment and economic growth
Key Actions - Long term (Beyond 12 months) • Put in place legal and regulatory framework necessary to foster the IT/ITES industry in Tanzania (3.3) • Establishment of a trade/business association similar to NASSCOM to engage with the Government on issues related to the development of IT/ITES industry (by private sector) (3.3, 3.4) • Government to support the private sector in the establishment of internationally recognized skills to improve employability and be able to participate in the global market. (3.1, 3.4).
Key Actions - Long term (Beyond 12 months) ctd • Explore the possibility of adopting internationally recognized assessment systems such as NAC to enable Tanzania to participate in global market. (1, 4) • Explore the possibility of embedding the requisite curriculum in tertiary education institutions to support employability in the IT/ITES industries
Food for thought… • Set up fund to support development of IT/ITES industry • Set up a national knowledge foundation • Policy framework IPR and data security • Network of VET Centres • Accreditation mechanism of IT/ITES Industry in line with ISO • Global financial crisis we look at it as opportunity for Tanzania in the next 1-3 years because by the time global market picks up we will be prepared and ready to participate in the global economy • Multiple models of industry-academic partnerships • Value proposition • Readiness for PBO industry in Africa www.cbcglobal.org – is Tanzania there?
Food for thought…ctd • Partnership with International Universities, e.g., POSTECH, IIT, IIIT, etc • Possibility of creating an organisation like Mexico1st that can team up with multinational companies to gain access to i) technologies ii) marketing networks and iii) ensure international certifications • Develop IT Parks using credible private IT Parks developers • Establish a single window mechanism to promote IT/ITES industry • Set up a global advisory committee to promote IT/ITES industry • Role of Diaspora is important in development of IT/ITES industry • Establish a national skills registry • Collaboration between the Government, private sector and education institutions to work together to support the skills development for IT/ITES industry • Explore establishment of incubation services