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The use of online surveys with Research Staff

The use of online surveys with Research Staff. Staff Opinion at your fingertips. Pete Walker - Internet Development Manager Christian Carter – Personnel Manager. Today’s presentation. Background to the Contract Research Staff On-line Survey (CROS) project Creating a survey (demonstration)

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The use of online surveys with Research Staff

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  1. The use of online surveys with Research Staff Staff Opinion at your fingertips Pete Walker - Internet Development Manager Christian Carter – Personnel Manager

  2. Today’s presentation • Background to the Contract Research Staff On-line Survey (CROS) project • Creating a survey (demonstration) • The results - how have surveys made a difference? • Future for CROS • Questions and Answers

  3. CROS is a project to… • Deliver a common online survey to as many UK HEI’s as wish to take part and who are willing to share results. • To get feedback from Contract Research Staff on issues such as • Induction, supervision, review & support • career progression and aspirations • training & development • Communication • Allow HEI’s to pose their own questions

  4. CROS is a project to… • Provide instant online reports to an Institution showing the responses from their CRS… • …and those of all other HEI’s taking part • Encourage HEI’s to learn from each other and share good employment practice • Evaluate impact of actions through regular participation in CROS • Contribute to overall improvement in UK research

  5. CROS history • The 1996 ‘Concordat’ • Bristol Web-based survey in 1999 • Bristol and Leeds surveys in 2000 • HEFCE/OST funding in 2001 • Jan/Feb 2002 – 17 HEI’s, 24% of CRS responded • Extended funding, independent evaluation, 2002 Personnel Today Awards finalist ‘Excellence in HR using technology’ • Feb 2003 – 47 HEI’s, 30% of CRS responded (6000 research staff)

  6. CROS survey tool – design principles • Web-based • No technical set-up (ILRT host) • Scalable • No bits of paper! • Usable and accessible • Intuitive to use (no training) • Meets W3C guidelines and disability legislation • Works over a modem for both administrators and CRS

  7. CROS survey tool – the software • www.cros.ac.uk

  8. Age of respondents

  9. Gender of respondents

  10. Did you receive any form of induction when you started with your current employer? UK average ‘yes’ = 49%

  11. % of those that found induction a useful process?

  12. Source of careers advice

  13. Those that found the advice useful

  14. Where would you place your longer term career aspirations?

  15. In What sector would you place these longer term career aspirations?

  16. How far has your employment with this organisation improved you chances of achieving these career aspirations?

  17. How would you rate the accessibility of training and development information?

  18. How easy is it to attend training and development activity?

  19. Have you participated in the University Staff Review / Appraisal Scheme? UK average taken part = 32%

  20. A useful process in the following areas

  21. University effectiveness at communicating relevant policy & guidance UK average v.good/good = 50%

  22. Big issues and what we have done Induction Induction coordinators in all departments Newly designed University Induction Topic on Supervisors training session Staff Review New staff review forms for CRS focusing on career aspirations ‘Benefits of Staff Review for CRS’ Web Site Topic on Supervisors training session

  23. Big issues and what we have done cont… Training & Development Training Needs Analysis for CRS feed into Personnel budget Extra £30,000 for CRS Training and Development activity Range of ‘transferable skills’ activities Teaching qualifications and skills for CRS Career Development Appointment of a 0.5 FTE CRS Careers Adviser (1:1’s, workshops, supervisor development, employer contact) CRS Career development Web site Topic on Supervisors training session Research Career paths at Bristol

  24. Big issues and what we have done cont… Supervisor development 4 hour workshop for all CRS Supervisors (compulsory) Target group 800 people, 35% complete (18 months) Focus on issues that CROS demonstrated made a difference to CRS and which Supervisors have a key role Communication CRS Web site CRS E-mail list linked to Personnel database CRS ‘Events’ Leaflets / posters highlighting services e.g careers adviser, training opportunities

  25. Big issues and what we have done cont… Evaluation Annual issue of Web based opinion survey to CRS (1999,2000,2002(CROS 1),2003 (CROS 2) Gauge impact of actions, adjust priorities and ‘make cases’ as a result of feedback CRS Working Party Annual Report (2000, 2001, 2002), to VC, Registrar, all Heads of Department and all CRS via Web

  26. Can Web surveys make a difference? As a result of actions taken………… • Quality of departmental induction = 37% improvement • Frequency of project review meetings = 28% improvement • Quality of Research Staff information Web site = 11% improvement • Number attending at least 1 ‘off the job’ training session in last year= 6% improvement • Participation in Staff Review & Appraisal = 4% improvement

  27. What we need to do next… • 2002 annual report highlights a series of 17 actions • Some are much of the same e.g increase participation of CRS Supervisor training • Some new actions: • Development of a CV database/recruitment tool • Implement an ‘on-line’ induction tool for CRS • CROS will continue at Bristol as a first class performance and evaluation tool

  28. The Future for CROS • Steering Group and CROS partner HEIs recommend continuation • Final report of RCI recommends continuation • Proposal for long-term service currently with HEFCE/OST • CROS nationwide in 2005 and 2007 • New CRS Supervisors survey in 2004 and 2006 • Overview analysis of results • HERE.ac.uk web site • Case studies of good practice • Replace Research Councils surveys? • National conference(s)?

  29. Bristol Online Surveys (BOS) • CROS reused to produce ASSET survey for the Athena Project and became BOS • BOS used in Bristol for • Technicians survey • Post-graduate survey • Departmental survey • UK Economics lecturers • Other Universities using BOS

  30. Thank youQuestions?

  31. Contact Details • Pete Walker Institute for Learning and Research Technology 8 -10 Berkeley Square University of Bristol Bristol BS8 1HH peter.walker@bristol.ac.uk • Christian Carter Personnel Services University of Bristol Senate House Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS8 1TH christian.carter@bristol.ac.uk

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