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Highlights of the Staff Survey 2011 Cheryl Kershaw Director of Surveys and Research

Highlights of the Staff Survey 2011 Cheryl Kershaw Director of Surveys and Research. Introduction . Methodology Participation Employee engagement measures Year on year changes Areas for improvement Areas of strength Employee engagement index.

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Highlights of the Staff Survey 2011 Cheryl Kershaw Director of Surveys and Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Highlights of the Staff Survey 2011 Cheryl Kershaw Director of Surveys and Research

  2. Introduction • Methodology • Participation • Employee engagement measures • Year on year changes • Areas for improvement • Areas of strength • Employee engagement index

  3. Survey Participation and Response Rates in 2011

  4. Response Rates

  5. Participation

  6. Participation

  7. Response Rates

  8. Comparisons with other universities

  9. Benchmarking with 37 other universities • 6 top scores (5 are statistically significantly different) • 79 scores above the median (52 were statistically significantly different) • 22 scores on or around the ‘norm’ i.e. median • 41 below the median (22 were statistically significantly different) • 2 of the lowest scores in the benchmark group

  10. Employee Engagement

  11. What is Employee Engagement … It’s all about: .. getting employees to “give it their all” - commitment .. employees as advocates – ambassadors for the employer .. becoming an employer of choice .. improving productivity and quality of services …morale

  12. Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result)

  13. Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result)

  14. Employee Engagement (Low Score is a good result)

  15. Year on Year Comparison

  16. Year on Year Comparison • A year-on-year comparison of questions which can be measured has revealed 95 issues were statistically significantly different; • 19 issues deteriorated • 76 issues had improved

  17. Top Improvements

  18. Deteriorations

  19. Areas for Improvement

  20. Areas for improvement • Workload and bureaucracy • Managing change • Staff who are considering leaving and career progression • Communication • Leadership/visibility of senior managers

  21. Workload and bureaucracy

  22. Managing change

  23. Considering leaving & career progression

  24. Considering leaving & career progression

  25. Communication

  26. Senior management

  27. Staff’s comments and suggestions for improvement • Communication (610 respondents) • Feeling valued/supported (484 respondents) • Job satisfaction (411 respondents) • Relationships/cooperation (394 respondents) • Management – immediate and local (376 respondents)

  28. Areas of strength

  29. Areas of Strength

  30. Pay and benefits

  31. Equality and diversity

  32. Working environment

  33. Quality service

  34. Working together

  35. Work life balance

  36. Feeling valued

  37. Staff’s comments on what they like about working at Northumbria University • Job satisfaction (769 respondents) • Pay and benefits (746 respondents) • Relationships/cooperation (687 respondents) • Feeling valued/supported (450 respondents) • Job security (367 respondents)

  38. Employer of Choice

  39. Employer of choice

  40. Employer of choice • Employee Engagement Index (KPI) at 3.41 in 2011 (was 3.21 in 2008). A score of 3.00 or above indicates an organisation to be considered an Employer of Choice. • Responses relating to the questions on whether ‘the organisation is a good place to work’ are generally linked to staff views of what might happen in the next 12 months and what has happened in the last 12 months. • How change is managed, communicated and explained in the organisation is key to maintaining good employee engagement and avoiding ‘survivor syndrome’ in businesses where significant change takes place.

  41. Questions?

  42. Focus for 2012 Actions • Workload and bureaucracy • Managing change • Staff who are considering leaving and career progression • Communication • Leadership/visibility of senior managers

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