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Explore correlation, tail dependence, and time-varying dependence between SPX and VIX using copula approach and time series analysis with daily data from 1990 to 2004. Discover insights on stationarity and model estimation techniques.
SPX and VIX: A Copula Approach Kuan-Pin Lin Copula Seminar, February 23, 2006
SPX and VIX • SPX: Standard And Pool’s 500 Stock Index • VIX: Implied Volatility Index • Daily Time Series: 1990.1.2 to 2004.12.31 • Questions: • Are They Correlated? How? • Is There Tail Dependence? • Does the Dependence Time-Varying?
Notations • SPX ln(SPX) R y v [0,1] • VIX ln(VIX) V x u [0,1]
SPX • SPX is the Standard and Pool’s 500 Index. It represents 70% of U.S. publicly traded companies listed on NYSE. The index is an average of the share prices weighted by the company’s market capitalization.
VIX • VIX is the Chicago Board of Trades index for implied volatility. It is calculated based on the daily at-the-money prices in both current and future contract periods. VIX or implied volatility is not about stock price swings, but about the associated option swings.
ln(SPX) and R = 100*ln(SPX/SPX-1) • ln(SPX) is non-stationary. • R = 100*ln(SPX/SPX-1), the rate of returns. • R is stationary.
ln(VIX) and V = 100*ln(VIX/VIX-1) • ln(VIX) is non-stationary (although VIX is stationary). • V = 100*ln(VIX/VIX-1), the rate of volatility change. • V is stationary.
R V N 3783 3783 Min -7.1127 -27.5054 Max 5.5732 41.6861 Mean 0.03211 -0.0068787 Variance 1.0669 31.287 Skewness -0.10457 0.59738 Kurtosis 6.6703 6.6398 R and V are Stationary but Non-Normal
The Univariate Time Series Model Let Y be either R or V. Conditional Mean Equation--AR(p): Yt = b0 + bZt + r1Yt-1 + …+ rpYt-p + et et = stut, where ut ~ nid(0,1) Conditional Variance Equation—Asymmetric GARCH(1,1): st2 = g0 + gZt + d1st-12 + (de+ daDt-1) et-12 Dt = asymmetry = 1 if et<0; 0 otherwise. Zt is the exogenous quantitative or qualitative variable(s). In this study, Zt = [Zt1, Zt2] where Zt1 = shift = 1 if t > 1997.6.30; 0 otherwise. Zt2 = trend = (t-1997.6.30)/(2004.12.31-1997.7.1) if t > 1997.6.30; 0 otherwise.
Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Define ut = et/st. Log-likelihood function: t=1,2,…,Nln[f(ut)/st] ll(q) = – ½ N ln(2p) - ½ t=1,2,…,Nln(st2) –½ t=1,2,…,N (et2/st2) Quasi-Maximum-Likelihood Estimation is robust with respect to the potential model misspecification due to non-normality in the data: q* = (b,r,g,d) = maxarg q {ll(q)}
R V N 3783 3783 Conditional Mean Equation b0 -0.0040518 (0.011179) 0.37292 (0.064692) b1 Shift -0.39417 (0.089330) r1 -0.091304 (0.014548) r2 -0.069240 (0.014402) r3 -0.092740 (0.014991) r4 -0.072908 (0.014570) r5 -0.048615 (0.014480) r6 -0.087393 (0.013876) r7 -0.045888 (0.012269) -0.059696 (0.014356) r8 -0.044272 (0.014092) r11 -0.090808 (0.014007) r12 0.047202 (0.011774) Conditional Variance Equation g0 0.072265 (0.011100) 8.9837 (1.7231) g1 Shift 0.11154 (0.017014) -1.6184 (0.56658) g2 Trend -0.13992 (0.019960) -3.8370 (1.0113) d1 0.87859 (0.015402) 0.78062 (0.042170) de 0.0074855 (0.0065131) 0.15267 (0.026247) da Asymmetry 0.20212 (0.022551) -0.12735 (0.023865) Log-likelihood -6915.6 -9789.4 QML Estimates of Model Parameters Note: Numbers in parentheses are estimated standard errors.
Summary of Univariate Analysis I • There is 2-3 week or 12-day autocorrelation in the mean, for both R and V. • V has shifted down in the mean since 1997.7. • The mean of R has not changed.
Summary of Univariate Analysis II • There are persistence and asymmetry in the variance, for both R and V. • V has negative asymmetry in the variance, while R has positive asymmetry. • Both variances have shifted since 1997.7. For R, it has shifted upward, while the variance of V has shifted down. • Negative trend since 1997.7 in the variance is found for both R and V.
R V N 3771 3771 Min -7.1431 -22.762 Max 5.6179 40.279 Mean 0.037887 -0.25852 Variance 1.0616 30.1526 Skewness -0.10551 0.71943 Kurtosis 6.7016 6.6016 QML Residual Analysis Note: First 12 observations are deleted due to 12 lags used in the model estimation.
Standardized Residuals (Shocks) [yt] = QML estimates of (et/st) for R (top) [xt] = QML estimates of (et/st) for V (bottom)
y x N 3771 3771 Min -4.4787 -2.7928 Max 3.0657 6.1353 Mean 0.029033 -0.041349 Variance 0.58414 0.67322 Skewness -0.25272 0.62969 Kurtosis 4.2856 5.6791 Box-Pierce Test for ARMA Q1 1.7974 (0.18003) 1.4037 (0.23611) Q5 7.6692 (0.17543) 3.4198 (0.63556) Q10 8.6022 (0.57023) 5.1606 (0.88019) Q15 13.840 (0.53770) 8.0135 (0.92324) Box-Pierce Test for GARCH Q1 2.7150 (0.09941) 0.011653 (0.91404) Q5 8.8391 (0.11566) 2.2517 (0.81333) Q10 10.923 (0.36355) 11.741 (0.30276) Q15 15.488 (0.41687) 15.304 (0.42975) Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Uniform 0.0003 0.0003 Normal 0.0432 0.0394 [y] and [x] Numbers in parentheses are p-values. K-S test critical values (N=3771): 10%, 0.019892651; 5%, 0.022070442; 1% 0.026458526
Summary of Univariate Analysis II • Standardized residuals y and x are i.i.d. • They are non-normal. • They are uniformly distributed. • Ready for copula-based correlation analysis.
Scatter Plot of (x,y): x on horizontal and y on vertical axis
Scatter Plot of (u,v): u=FX(x) on horizontal and v=FY(y) on vertical axis
N= 3771 c = -0.67468 t = -0.47510 r = -0.64935 Unconditional Correlations of (y,x) • Pearson = c • Kendall = t • Spearman = r
Unconditional Correlations of (y,x) • y (SPX shocks) and x (VIX shocks) are negatively correlated. • Is there a tail dependency?
N= 1411 c = -0.413 t = -0.246 r = -0.362 N= 474 c = 0.176 t = 0.008 r = 0.010 N= 474 c = -0.017 t = -0.035 r = -0.052 N= 1411 c = -0.639 t = -0.374 r = -0.530
N = 524 c = -0.339 t = -0.206 r = -0.305 N = 419 c = 0.196 t = 0.029 r = 0.030 N = 278 c = -0.069 t = -0.031 r = -0.048 N = 665 c = -0.058 t = -0.054 r = -0.081 N = 365 c = -0.085 t = -0.060 r = -0.089 N = 225 c = 0.027 t = 0.029 r = 0.044 N = 223 c = -0.107 t = -0.081 r = -0.121 N = 598 c = -0.613 t = -0.354 r = -0.505
The Bivariate Copula Model • Sklar’s TheoremF(x,y) = C(u,v)u = FX(x) in [0,1]v = FY(y) in [0,1] • F(x,y;a)=C(FX(x),FY(y);a)=F(FX-1(u),FY -1(v);a)where the estimated or empirical margins areu = FX(x), v = FY(y). a is the parameter(s) in the copula C.
Likelihood Function • Since most members of Archimedian copula family assume positive dependence, we re-define:yt = estimates of (et/st) (shocks of returns based on SPX)xt = estimates of (-et/st) (shocks of negative change in VIX) • Assuming independent sample observations of (x,y), the likelihood function is: L = (x,y) f(x,y;a)with f(x,y;a) = 2F(x,y;a)/xy = (2C/uv)(FX/x)(FY/y) = c(FX(x),FY(y);a) fX(x) fY(y)where fX, fY, and c(u,v;a) are the density functions.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation • The log-likelihood function is:ln L(a|X=x,Y=y) = ln c(FX(x),FY(y);a) + ln fX(x) + ln fY(y) • Since fX and fY are the estimated density functions of X and Y from the first stage of univariate model estimation, they are independent of the unknown association parameter a in this stage. We have,a* = arg max (x,y) ln L(a|X=x,Y=y) = arg max (x,y) ln c(FX(x),FY(y);a) • Because of tail dependence both in the left and right, we assume the copula takes the mixture of Gumbel and Gumbel Survival copulas.
Gumbel Copula • CG(u,v;a) = exp{-[(-ln u)a + (-ln v)a]1/a}, where a>1. If a = 1, u and v are independent. • cG(u,v;a) = (1+a) [uv]-1-a [u-a + v-a - 1] -2–1/a • ln cG(u,v;a) = ln(1+a) – (a+1)(ln u + ln v) – (1/a+2) ln[u-a + v-a - 1] • Kendall’s t and Tail Dependency: tU = 2-21/a, tL = 0a = 1/(1-t) = ln(2)/ln(2-tL)
Gumbel Survival Copula • CGS(u,v;b) = u + v – 1 + exp{-[(-ln(1-u))b + (-ln(1-v))b]1/b}, where b>1. If b = 1, u and v are independent. • cGS(u,v;b) = cG(1-u,1-v;b) • Kendall’s t and Tail Dependency:tL = 2-21/b, tU = 0b = 1/(1-t) = ln(2)/ln(2-lU)
Gumbel Mixture Copula • CGM(u,v;a,b,w) = w CG(u,v;a) + (1-w) CGS(u,v;b)where 0 w 1 • Kendall’s t = w(1-1/a)+(1-w)(1-1/b) • Tail Dependency: tU = w(2-21/a)tL = (1-w)(2-21/b)
Gumbel Gumbel Survival Gumbel Mixture a 1.7635 (0.02316) 2.6319 (0.30713) b 1.8814 (0.02486) 1.8321 (0.03387) w 0.13106 (0.035226) t 0.43296 (0.007445) 0.46848 (0.007022) 0.47592 = 0.131* 0.62004 (0.044337) + 0.869* 0.45417 (0.010091) tU 0.51852 (0.007645) 0 0.09004 = 0.131* 0.69870 (0.039991) tL 0 0.55455 (0.007036) 0.46939 = 0.869* 0.54014 (0.010211) Log-likelihood 967.13 1211.2 1264.3 ML Estimates of Copula Parameters Note: Numbers in parentheses are estimated standard errors.
Summary of Copula Analysis • Gumbel mixture copula fits the data better than either Gumbel or Gumbel survival. • There is negative dependence (0.476) between y (SPX shocks) and x (VIX shocks). • There is negative tail dependence more on the lower-left (0.47) than on the upper-right corner (0.09).
Conditional Correlations • Does the correlation change over time? • Can we forecast correlation based on the historical dependence relationship? • Study of time-varying correlation is important for portfolio diversification strategy and for risk management.
Pearson c Kendal t Spearman r N 3672 3672 3672 Mean -0.6675 -0.4757 -0.6403 Std. Dev. 0.1550 0.1325 0.1573 Min -0.8936 -0.7531 -0.9148 Max -0.1556 -0.1305 -0.1895 Discrete Statistics of Rolling Correlations
Conditional Correlation Model • To allow for time-varying dependence between x and y, the autoregressive conditional correlation can be formulated similar to the structure of conditional variance as follows (Patton [2006]):tt = w0+w1tt-1+w2 s=1,…,12|ut-s – vt-s|/12 • The last term is the forcing variable computed from the 12-day average of probability differentials. This is because the 12-lag AR process was used in constructing the data (u,v).
Asymmetric Conditional Correlation Model • Further, to allow for asymmetry in the conditional correlation equation:tt = w0 + w1tt-1 + (w2 + wd Dt-1) s=1,…,12|ut-s – vt-s|/12 where Dt = 1 if ut<0.5 and vt<0.5; 0 otherwise.
Future Research • Conditional Copula. • Copula-based Asymmetric Conditional Correlations. (To be continued) • Time-Varying Multivariate Dependence is a more realistic and practical application.
References • A. J. Patton, “Modelling Asymmetric Exchange Rate Dependence,” forthcoming in the Journal of International Economics, 2006. • A. J. Patton, “Estimation of Multivariate Models for Time Series of Possibly Different Lengths,” forthcoming in the Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2006. • G. Tsafack, “Dependence Structural and Extreme Comovements in International Equity and Bonds Markets,” Universite de Montreal, CIRANO and CIREQ, January 2006.