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Challenges and Opportunities in Coastal Mapping: Strategies for Ocean Conservation

Explore the importance of ocean and coastal mapping, data standards, and collaboration to address environmental needs and conserve marine resources. Learn about successful mapping projects and initiatives driving innovation and efficiency. Join the movement for sustainable coastal management!

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Challenges and Opportunities in Coastal Mapping: Strategies for Ocean Conservation

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  1. NOAA’s Ocean and Coastal Mapping Challenges National Ocean and Coastal Mapping Strategic Action Plan Workshop 26-28 February 2008

  2. Mission - To understand and predict changes in Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and and marine resources to meet our Nation’s economic, social, and environmental needs

  3. IOCM - The practice of acquiring, managing, integrating and disseminating ocean and coastal geospatial mapping data in such a manner that permits these data and their derivative products to be easily accessed and used by and for the greatest range of users and purposes. IOCM requires intra- and inter-agency coordination with a focus on streamlining operations, reducing redundancies, improving efficiencies, developing common standards, and stimulating innovation and technological development.

  4. NOAA Mapping Authorities Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Coral Reef Conservation Act National Marine Sanctuaries Act Coastal Zone Management Act National Coastal Monitoring Act Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act National Invasive Species Act Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act Titanic Memorial Act Hydrographic Services Improvement Act Coast and Geodetic Survey Act of 1947

  5. Ocean and Coastal Mapping Activities Nautical Charting Shoreline Mapping Coastal Hazard Assessment and Ecosystem Restoration Benthic and Coral Habitat Mapping Coastal Topography and Bathymetry Storm Surge/Flood Inundation/Sea Level Rise Modeling Living/Non-living/Archeological Resource Assessments Land Cover and Coastal Vegetation Mapping Coastal Change Analysis Tide/Water Level Observations Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) OCM Data Management (NGDC and NODC) etc., etc., etc.

  6. Ocean and Costal Mapping Challenges Data Standards and Acquisition Protocols Vertical Datum Transformation (VDatum) Consistent National Shoreline Shallow Water Bathymetry National Digital Elevation Models Coordination/Collaboration of Data Acquisition Activities Habitat Classification Schemes

  7. Prospective Success Stories • California Seafloor Mapping Project • West Coast Governors’ Agreement on Ocean Health • North Carolina Integrated Coastal Mapping Project • New York State Coastal Mapping Lidar Project • Long Island Sound Seafloor Mapping Project • OR and WA State Seafloor Mapping Initiatives

  8. Map Once……..Use Many Times

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