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Michael "Logan" Tornabe Discussions about Flying Cars

(1888 PressRelease) No future would be complete without a reality that provides for flying cars, explains Michael Tornabe.<br>

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Michael "Logan" Tornabe Discussions about Flying Cars

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  1. Michael "Logan" Tornabe Discussions about Flying Cars (1888 PressRelease) No future would be complete without a reality that provides for flying cars, explains Michael Tornabe. Private school bus transport expert Michael Tornabe recently hosted a meeting for New York's transportation industry stakeholders. The meeting was intended to raise awareness about future transportation technologies, with hope that such concepts could trickle down and be applied to improve transport sustainability within the state. "We have studied many different concepts, from never-stopping trains and high-speed buses to solar-powered cruise ships and self-driving cars. Our list would not be complete without a flying car now, would it?" He said on a light note. Describing Moller International's concept to create a flying car following in the footsteps of their M400, Mr. Michael Tornabe explained that the vehicle is made to ascend vertically from complete rest, with no need for a runway. This would make personal flying vehicles plausible within the coming years. "There are many companies hard at work to make this technology a reality, with the latest being Terrafugia's TF-X that just joined the ranks." Describing the model, he said that the car is fitted with two main helicopter-like rotors. This is different from an initial prototype that has foldable airplane wings, and was flown successfully way back in 2012. "Vertical take-off comes with a ton of practical uses; all one would need is a simple 50-foot-radius flat landing pad as opposed to an extended runway. Major cities can easily devote some space to hold these vehicles," he said. The TF-X in particular, Michael Tornabe continued, was a strong model car, holding the power of 300 horses in its engine and capable of attaining cruising speeds of 200 mph. While mid-air, the car would utilize a rear-end duct fan to provide thrust, with propellers that could be folded when cruising.

  2. In conclusion, the patented inventor explained the advantage of partial computer control on the technology. "Being able to engage automatic cruising and landing would enable the vehicle to detect and avoid crowded air traffic areas, bad weather and restricted landing spaces." About Logan Bus Company & Michael Tornabe: The Logan Bus Company & Affiliates was set up in Logan in 2003 by well-known entrepreneur, inventor and patent-holder Michael Tornabe. From 700 contracted routes given by the NYC Department of Education, the company has grown to become the largest private school bus operator within the state of New York, plying over 2,000 routes today. Speaking of the brains behind the operation, Michael Tornabe has always been the entrepreneurial success story, having founded a successful Long Island roofing company prior to the bus company's inception. While businessman-ship flows through his veins, Michael Tornabe has a passion for cars, preferring to be under-the-hood - in the heart of operations - rather than at the forefront. His excellence with car service rightly distinguishes his fleet of buses among the best-maintained fleets. Privately, Michael Tornabe avidly supports several charities including the Wounded Warriors, NYPD, FDNY, Queens Boys and Girls Club, and the NY State Troopers. His heart lives to see children protected so that they can benefit from the education that would shape their futures. Learn more at http://www.loganbuscompany.com

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