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Discover Hope and Understanding: Seven Sayings from the Cross

Reflect on the profound scriptures of Matthew, Psalms, Isaiah, II Corinthians, Hebrews, and Proverbs to find solace and insight this Easter. Explore the significance of the cry of "Why?" and unravel the mystery of Jesus' forsakenness on the cross.

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Discover Hope and Understanding: Seven Sayings from the Cross

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  2. SCRIPTURES Matthew 27:45-50 Psalm 22 Isaiah 53:5 II Corinthians 1:2-4; 5:21 Hebrews 2:18; 4:15; 5:4-9 I Peter 1:6-7 Proverbs 3:5-6

  3. WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? It is very human and completely okay not to understand, or be able to see what God is doing in the really hard and dark places of your life.

  4. OBSERVATIONS 1. There is a popular idea around Christian circles that holds the promise that God will deliver those who believe in Him. 2. This idea is protected from attack by the “belief myth”. 3. Those who hold this idea are doomed to either hypocrisy or apostasy.

  5. POSSIBLE UNDERSTANDINGS • Jesus is quoting Ps. 22 to himself. • This is the moment of actual fulfillment of II Corinthians 5:21—utter mystery. • This is Christ’s sense of forsakenness—a flawed perception. • It is both fact and accurate perception.

  6. THE CRY OF “WHY?”

  7. I. The cry of why is a cry to “My God.”

  8. II. The cry of why is the cry of hope for every believer.

  9. III. The cry of why is a most personal matter.

  10. The victor is the person who has been beaten to the depths, and who still holds on to God, for that is what Jesus did.” Wm. Barclay

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