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United payment card system NCC | Union Card. 2007. Contents.
Contents 1. ABOUT THE COMPANY. UNITED CARD PAYMENT SYSTEM NCC | UC2. MISSION3. NCC Payment System 3.1. About the Company 3.2. History 3.3. Geography 3.4. Participating Banks 3.5. Infrastructure 3.6. Payment System Key Indicators 3.7. Company Products and Services 3.8. Security 3.9. Certificates and Licenses4. Union Card Payment System 4.1. About the Company 4.2. History 4.3. Geography 4.4. Participating Banks 4.5. Infrastructure4.6. Payment System Key Indicators 4.7. Company Products and Services 5. PROSPECTS OF UNITED PAYMENT CARD SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 2-345678910111213141718192021222324
1. About the Company THE UNITED PAYMENT CARD SYSTEM NCC | UC is a Russian payment system that started up as a result of 100% shareholding acquisition of CJSC UNION CARD Processing Company (UNION CARD Payment System, Moscow) by CJSC National Credit Cards (NCC Payment System, Togliatti) in 2005. The united payment card system NCC | UC offers its clients a technology allowing to conduct the complete cycle of financial arrangements, from salary drawing to non-cash payment for goods and services, using bank cards. The areas of company’s activity are:- processing services outsourcing- Union Card and NCC payment systems- a wide range of services to provide non-cash payments- personalization and processing of Visa cards- consulting services in the field of payment card systems 2
1. About the Company Taking into account the company’s successful experience and the wide history in payment systems field, this strategic move furthered strengthening both systems’ market position and laid the foundation for creating a modern payment card system with a wide range of services. One of the key corollaries of this amalgamation was the creation of an integrated technology-based processing center to service all the existing payment systems’ participants in one place and designing an associated plastic card to operate in both systems. Today the consolidated characteristics of the united payment card system NCC | UC allow qualifying the company as one of the largest Russian payment systems, whose strategy is intended for developing a multifunctional card product as well as providing processing services. 3
2. NCC | UC Mission With the payment systems dynamically developing on the territory of Russian Federation, NCC | UC aims its mission at creating an All-Russian payment card system that will focus on the Russian standards of general market financial services.The operation policy of NCC | UCpayment card system is oriented towards long-term and mutually beneficial partnership. Pursuing individual approach to dealing with partners and offering flexible price conditions, cutting-edge technologies and regular diversification of services provided, NCC | UC introduces a finished bank card product for Russian market. 4
3.1. About the Company CJSC National Credit Cards CJSC National Credit Cards has been operating on financial services market since 1994.The range of company’s activities include:- Providing processing services to the banks- Developing NCC payment system and NCC plastic card services- Personalization and processing of international Visa plastic cards- Consulting services: consultations, training and supportThe specialists of the company have many-years practical experience in the area of finance and designing of payment systems.The technological package of the payment system was worked out by NCC’s specialists.The NCC company’s headquarters are located in Togliatti. 6
3.2. History August, 1994July 12, 19952001December 2, 20042005 2006 CJSC National Credit Cards was established.JSC AVTOVAZ issued the first NCC plastic card. Implementation of salary project for JSC AVTOVAZ employees using plastic cards served as a catalyst for growth.The company’s management adopted a strategy of payment system expansion to the regions of Russian Federation combined with diversification and quality improvement of non-cash payment services.The company was officially given the status of a Third Party Personalizer within Visa International system and the right to carry out personalization and processing of the cards issued by the members of Visa payment system.CJSC National Credit Cards (Togliatti) acquired 100% shareholding of CJSC UNION CARD Processing Company (Moscow).Credit card section is being actively developed. 7
3.3. Geography Togliatti, Samara, Syzran, Zhigulevsk, Chapayevsk, Novokuybyshevsk, OktyabrskUlianovsk, DimitrovgradOrenburgCheboksary, NovocheboksarskTarko-SaleYeyskMoscow Samara RegionUlianovskRegionOrenburgRegionRepublic of ChuvashiaYamal-Nenets AreaKrasnodar TerritoryMoscow Region Currently the company actively works on launching NCC system in Saratov, Penza and Kaluga regions. 8
3.4. Participating Banks Today 25 banks and their branches in 14 cities of Russian Federation are members of NCC payment system. Among the partner-banks are:AVTOVAZBANKEVROFINANCE MOSNARBANKFIA-BANKGAZBANKPOTENTIALBANKAVTOMOBILNYI BANKIRSKIY DOMTOGLIATTIHIMBANKNTBURSA-BANKPERVYI OBYEDINENNYI BANK etc. 9
3.5. Infrastructuredata for the 1st quarter of 2008 Over 1900About 90%709400 large- and medium-scale enterprises in the regions of Russian Federation are NCC salary project participantsplastic card operations take place via NCC cards in TogliattiATMs and 80 bank cash departments service cardholdersretail merchants, commercial and service network enterprises accept NCC cards; among them are Sportmaster, OKEY, Tekhnosila, Eldorado, L’Etoile, Ile De Beaute, Tinkoff, Hertz, Smotri, etc. 10
3.6. Indicators data for the 1st quarter of 2008 Over 1 mil.4 bil.30-40%15%4000 plastic cards issued roubles of payment system average turnover per monthpayment system infrastructure enlargement per yearpayment system average money turnover surplus per month roubles of average monthly amount of operations per card 11
3.7. Products and Services The company provides the following products and services to the NCC processing center clients:debit cards – widely used for salary payment (magnetic stripe card technology)credit cards (magnetic stripe card technology) A complex of services available via NCC card: 1. Cash withdrawals.2. Credit payments to card account.3. Creditrepayment.4. Utility payments.5. All mobile network operators’ service payment.6. Other services payment (Internet, TV, etc.)7. Tax payments.8. Account-to-account transfer.9. Card deposit transactions. 10. Internet banking.11. Opportunity to use extra international Visa card on one card account.12. Mobile control of card account status via SMS and e-mail.13. Overdraft on a debit card.14. 24 x 7 customer support in Russian and English languages.15. Services payment through a web-site. 12
3.8. Security Information security within the payment system is provided by a number of measures designed for its maximum protection and privacy.CJSC National Credit Cards has a wide experience of development, implementation and securing systems of information encoding. This kind of activity meets all the requirements of RF legislation and is carried out according to the license for conducting technical servicing of encoding facilities and the license for providing services in the field of encoding. 13
3.9. Certificates and Licenses The Third Party Personalizer Certificate of Visa International payment system enabling to personalize and process Visa cards.Certified partner of Wincor company granting the right to act as a supplier of WINCOR NIXDORF banking equipment. 14
3.9. Certificates and Licenses Certificate of trademark registration N139080 of 02.28.1996 by Rospatent.Certificate of computer program official registration N2003612348 NCCSHOP of 10.14.2003.Certificate of computer program official registration N2003612347NCCCARD of 10.14.2003.Certificate of computer program official registration N2003612346 NCCCASH of 10.14.2003.Certificate of computer program official registration N2003612345 PCCASH of 10.14.2003.Certificate of computer program official registration N2003612344 PCSHOP of 10.14.2003.LICENSE #LF/07-3383 of November 22, 2002 given by FAGCI for technical servicing of encoding facilities.LICENSE #LF/07-3384 of November 22, 2002 given by FAGCI for providing information encoding services. 15
4.1. About the Company CJSC UNION CARD Processing Company Union Card company, founded in 1993, is a Russian interbank payment system with more than 300 members - financial institutions.Union Card is one of the first Russian card payment systems to provide the complete range of financial services – from technology to processing and interbank clearing and settlement within Union Card network which covers all the regions of Russia as well as the Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.Company’s headquarters are located in Togliatti and Moscow. 17
4.2. History CJSC UNION CARD Processing Company was established. A group of private individuals and trading banks acted as its founders.The processing infrastructure was created. Communications modules allowing banks to connect to the Union Card network and exchange information were installed. A unified payment system for participating banks meeting RF Central Bank requirements was introduced in the fall.Development of the acquiring network was being carried out intensively. The number of participants equaled 457 banks and branches, and the amount of cards reached 2.7 million. A universal nation-wide processing network was created. Any bank could connect to the nearest Union Card center or issue cards, including international ones. Union Cards and STB consolidate their networks of plastic card payments in the context of promoting new technologies on the Russian market and strengthening their market positions. CJSC National Credit Cards (Togliatti) acquired 100% shareholding of CJSC UNION CARD Processing Company (Moscow). April, 1993 1998 19992002 2005 18
4.3. Geography The geography of Union Card operation embraces all Russian Federation regions as well as the Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan. 19
4.4. Participating Banks The Union Card system includes more than 300 participating banks within the whole geography of company operation.The issuing policy is based on the potential of medium and small banks, but large Russian banks such as Alfa Bank, Bank of Moscow, Gazprombank, Evrofinance Mosnarbank, Mezhprombank, Svyaz-Bank, Transkreditbank, Ursa Bank, and many others remain the most valuable payment system participants. 20
4.5. Infrastructuredata for the 1st quarter of 2008 About 30010 80027 000 participating banks in RF regions and CIS countries are the members of UC payments system.ATMs and terminals service UC card holders. commercial and service enterprises accept UC cards. 21
4.6. Indicators data for the 1st quarter of 2008 Over 6 mil.15%6 bil. consolidated UC plastic cards issue. increase in systemannualy. roubles of average monthly money turnover within the payment system without consideration of inter-bank transactions. 22
4.7. Products and Services The main activity of the company is providing interbank processing services . The distinctive feature of interbank processing is that the clearing is carried out only among the payment system participating banks. This allows speaking of the local product as an optimal solution for salary projects.Besides, Union Card develops own namesake plastic product with a wide range of facilitiesfor cash and non-cash payments. 23
5. Prospects of Development of the United Card Payment System NCC | UC The certification of CJSC National Credit Cards by MasterCard international payment system (in the future by AMEX and Diners Club) is supposed to become one of the stages of company development in 2007. These measures will allow attracting new partners and clients of the system.In current situation of intense competition Russian banks prioritize issuing a functional and inexpensive card product. Being time-proved, finished and universal as well as offering loyal conditions and a wide multi-service network for social and business sphere, this product becomes even more attractive. Our company is open for cooperation and partnership relations
22 a Novopromyshlennaya str.Togliatti, 445009, Russiaphone +7 (8482) 407-163fax +7 (8482) 407-208e-mail: ncc@ncc.volga.ru 10 1-iyKoptelskiy pereulokMoscow,129090, Russiaphone +7 (495) 975-51-24www.ncc.volga.ru