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ELFE2. On ICT in education: some perspectives. Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009. Tjeerd Plomp ( professor emeritus) University of Twente Enschede, the Netherlands. ELFE2. Some conclusions ELFE1. Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009. ICT in education offers opportunities for :
ELFE2 On ICT in education:some perspectives Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Tjeerd Plomp (professor emeritus) University of Twente Enschede, the Netherlands ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 Some conclusions ELFE1 Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 ICT in education offers opportunities for: More up-to-date information Cross-curricular skills Independent learning & working Teaching according to each student’s need and resources available Teamwork among both teachers and students ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 Some conclusions ELFE1 Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Also some risks of ICT in education mentioned: Focus on surface in stead of depth Copying from Web and other students Students left alone in front of screen Less focus on oral, writing and analysis skills Increased workload both for teachers and students ELFE2 090914
ELFE Some general ‘wisdom’ Conference 21-22 November2005 ICT is means, not goal in itself Our society has transformed from an industrial society into an information or knowledge society => Has consequences for education and for how schools function and teachers teach In 21st century our perception of what is ‘good’ education has to change – this pertains to all components of the teaching-learning (T/L) process ELFE2 090914
ELFE Did you know? 3.0 – 2009 Edition (YouTube) Conference 21-22 November2005 The projected top ten in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004 (US Secr o Educ) ‘we are currently preparing students for jobs that do not exist, where they will use technologies that haven’t been invented yet to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet’ Reportedbout Google that: in 2006 up to 2.7billion searches/month now: 31 billion searches/month! ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 This presentation: Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 1. Importance of curricular perspective 2. Education in 21st century 3. International/global initiatives 4. Some research findings (such as from SITES 2006 study) 5. Concluding comments ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 Learning: interaction between actors and goals of education and p t n e l m a e n g n and n a g c i i o n h c n n a a s g u m o c l aims t i n content g learning process student teacher materials & infra structure Curricular perspective Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 ELFE2 090914
ELFE Components of a curriculum Conference 21-22 November2005 ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 Assessment Time Aims & Objectives Location Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 The Curriculum Spiderweb Rationale Content Grouping Learning activities Teacher role Materials & Resources ELFE2 090914
Curriculum perspective ‘Sources’: student – subject - society Knowledge economy – Information society: Knowledge no longer primarily knowing facts and theories and being able to reproduce them (‘old’ knowledge – reproductive skills) BUT: ability to find relevant data and to derive meaning from it (lifelong learning skills) (‘new’ knowledge – productive skills) ELFE2 090914
Lifelong learning skills: In new circumstances, being able to generate and evaluate answers to open, non-standardized questions, to set own learning goals, to plan and regulate own learning to evaluate own progress Need for analytical, creative and synthesizing skills ELFE2 090914
’21st Century’ skills(ATC21Skills project) I. Ways of thinking Creativity and Innovation Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Learning to Learn II. Ways of working 4. Communication 5. Collaboration (Teamwork) ELFE2 090914
’21st Century’ skills(ATC21Skills project) III. Tools for working 6. Information Literacy (includes research) 7. ICT Literacy IV. Living in the world 8. Citizenship – Local and Global 9. Life and Career 10. Personal & Social Responsibility – incl. Cultural Awareness and Competence ELFE2 090914
Implications for education: - Other balance needed between ‘old’ and ‘new’ enable learners to become more active and make them more responsible for arranging their own learning process teachers becoming more ‘professional coaches’ ELFE2 090914
Emerging pedagogical practices for information society(Voogt & Pelgrum, 2003) New goals: students become competent in information management, communication, and collaboration, and metacognition. Less structured sources of information as learning materials. Traditional boundaries between subjects to be bridged ELFE2 090914
Emerging pedagogical practices for information society (contd) 4. Gap between discipline-related knowledge taught in schools and application of knowledge in real life to be bridged 5. Boundaries between the school and outside world need to fade. => More focus on needs of individual learners => Other ways of assessment: more open, more formative ELFE2 090914
Obvious role of ICT in realizing new vision on teaching and learning: as a general tool (e.g. word processing), as digital learning resources (e.g. tutorials, simulations, web-based materials, digital encyclopedia, etc), as network and communication tools (e.g. internet browser, email software), as digital tools (e.g. microcomputer based laboratories, statistical tools, accounting-bookkeeping software) as production tools ELFE2 090914
No neglect of ‘old’ knowledge’:what has traditionally been valued as important knowledge and skills BUT schools should reflect a good balance between what is traditionally valued and what is considered important in the information society. ELFE2 090914
Possible shifts in pedagogy (adapted from Pelgrum et al., 1997; Pelgrum, 2001) ELFE2 090914
Possible shiftsin pedagogy (contd) (adapted from Kozma et al., 1999) ELFE2 090914
Change perspective From study ELFE 1: Policies on pedagogical innovation using ICT often only partially implemented! Fullan (2007): Real innovation is multi-dimensional ELFE2 090914
Dimensions of innovation/change: new materials: e.g. computers, educational software, open source materials, etc, new teaching approaches: e.g. students working more independent of the teachers, often in small groups on projects with the teacher in a different role new beliefs about what is good education: e.g. assumptions about what should be taught and about what are appropriate methods. ELFE2 090914
Change is process, not an event! Not reasonable to expect schools and teachers to change at ‘a point in time’ Schools may introduce step-by-step new elements in their curriculum and pedagogical approaches Different schools may decide for different emphases and priorities! “There are many ways leading to Rome” ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 3.International/global initiatives Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Three projects (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) (iii) USA / International Experiences with Technology in Education (IETE) Also one conference: (iv) EDUsummIT ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Multi-stake collaboration: Natl Educ Depts & Minitries of AUS, FIN, POR, SIN, UK (founding countries) Intrntl assessment agencies: OECD, IEA Intrntl researchers headed by Barry McGaw (UoMelbourne, AUS) Corporations Cisco – Intel – Microsoft ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Why? - Profound economic and social changes require new skills - Many initiatives have focused these 21st Century skills BUT: Lack connection between 21st C classroom practices and national and international assessments. Growing consensus on what 21st C skills are but little agreement on measurable definitions. There are many methodological and technological issues that need to be addressed. ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Targeting on following skills (considered critical to individual economic success and important to effective functioning at the personal and societal levels): Creativity and innovation Critical thinking Problem solving Communication Collaboration Information fluency Technological literacy ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Indicators of success Acceptance, recognition, and participation by stakeholders Problems identified, solutions developed, and widely available. ICT-based assessment of 21st C skills incorporated into national and international assessments. ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (i) Assessment and teaching of 21st Century skills Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Final report: August 2011 For information: http://www.atc21s.org/ ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Purpose/Goals: To identify a set of indicators that are relevant for enabling the regular monitoring of the use and impact of ICT in primary and secondary education. To describe scenarios for monitoring ICT in Education in the European Union. ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Main products: Policy issues and concepts Available and needed indicators Proposal core indicators & priorities! Statistical overviews Scenario’s for EU ICT monitoring ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Proposed categories of indicators: Infrastructure Curriculum & content (including pedag approaches, assessment) 3. Outcomes and attitudes (e.g. competencies, digital literacy) 4. School leadership (e.g. change management) ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Proposed categories of indicators (contd): 5. Connectedness (e.g. natl/internatl cooperation, public-private partnerships) 6.Teacher training (e.g. teacher competencies, pedag drivers license) 7. Support (e.g. way and extent of technical and/or pedagogical support) 8. Transversal issues (e.g. equity, safety, financing) ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (ii) EU - Indicators of ICT in Education (IIE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Not much available for ‘outcomes’ Many indicators for conditional factors Final report: October 2009 Project director: Hans Pelgrum (w.j.pelgrum@gw.utwente.nl ) ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (iii) Internatl Experiences with Technology in Education (IETE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 USA initiated, but similar to EU-project Research questions: What international ICT indicators are currently being collected? What are limitations of these data? What progress has been made in measuring ICT impacts on teachers, instruction, and learning? ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (iii) Internatl Experiences with Technology in Education (IETE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Research questions (contd):: What policies and systems are in place to guide effective ICT investments? What set of indicators will be most informative for policy and feasible to collect on ongoing basis? What partnerships and data collection methods will be required to make possible an annual compendium? ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (iii) Internatl Experiences with Technology in Education (IETE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 High-priority areas: Improving student learning through enhanced instruction Increasing teacher capacity to teach Data systems to support continuous improvement Project: identify gaps and needed indicators ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 (iii) Internatl Experiences with Technology in Education (IETE) Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 Survey of Ministries of Education of 24 highest productivity countries No new data collections Final report: August 2010 Country profiles Recommendations for annual compendium For more information: Bob Kozma (bob@robertkozma.com ) ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 Few conclusions on projects: Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 It is good to have - apart from national initiatives - a number of international/global projects 21st century skills linked with ICT: not only to teach, but also to assess EU and USA project on indicators for ICT in education ‘talk’ to each other and will suggest ‘clients’ to communicate => one common set of indicators ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 EDUsummIT Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 International Summit on the Future of ICT in Education: A Call to Action The Hague (Netherlands) - June, 2009 Researchers, policy makers and practitioners discussing summary of 40-50 years of research on ICT in education compiled in International Handbook on ICT in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt & Gerald Knezek, Eds) ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 EDUsummIT Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 From Call to Action (amongst others): (see www.edusummit.nl): To better understand student technology experiences in informal learning environments, in order to inform work in formal settings To develop new assessments designed to measure outcomes from technology enriched learning experiences ELFE2 090914
ELFE2 EDUsummIT Bled (Slv), 14-15 September 2009 From Call to Action (contd): To develop and use distributed leadership models for technology use in schools and teacher education programs To develop and use models for teacher learning on technology use in schools and classrooms at the pre- and in-service levels Also: attention for the needs of developing countries ELFE2 090914
Research (1) - SITES2006:survey of pedagogical practices and the use of ICT in it. Survey of Schools (principals and IT coordinators) Math & Science teachers. Grade 8 is target grade. Random selection of 400 schools and (in principle) per school 2 math and 2 science teachers SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Research questions What are the pedagogical practices adopted in schools and how is ICT used in them? What ICT is used and how is it used in specific situations where ICT has been employed relatively extensively within a pedagogical practice What teacher, school, community and system factors are associated with different pedagogical practices and ICT-use? SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Conceptual framework SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Participating education systems SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Pedagogical orientations Traditional orientation: focus on content goals typically the teacher plays the main role as instructor and assessor in the learning process the students follow instructions and work on assigned close-ended tasks SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Pedagogical orientations Lifelong learning orientation: Typically require students to work in teams on open ended real world problems Emphasis on developing problem solving, collaborative and organizational skills Students play an active role in identifying the learning problem as well as how to tackle it The teacher plays a facilitative role in the learning process SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
Pedagogical orientations Connectedness orientation: Provide opportunities for students to learn from local and/or international experts Provide opportunities for students to work and learn with peers in other schools, which may be located in the neighborhood or in distant locations Provide opportunities for students to develop global understanding & cultural sensitivity through collaborating with students from other countries SITES2006 ELFE2 090914
SITES 2006 - Pendulum swing 1998 - 2006 Change in presence of lifelong learning approaches in schools as reported by principals: ELFE2 090914