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Social Media Marketing: From Mystery to Mastery Part 1

Social Media Marketing: From Mystery to Mastery Part 1. Presented by Linnea Blair Advisors On Target May 26, 2011. Questions. Do you feel that you don’t fully understand how Social Media can benefit your company?

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Social Media Marketing: From Mystery to Mastery Part 1

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  1. Social Media Marketing:From Mystery to Mastery Part 1 Presented by Linnea Blair Advisors On Target May 26, 2011

  2. Questions • Do you feel that you don’t fully understand how Social Media can benefit your company? • Do you know that Social Media is an effective way to market your business but you aren’t using it well enough to get results? • Are you constantly bombarded by companies trying to get you to pay money for Social Media services you don’t fully understand?

  3. Answers • How Social Media can benefit your company • Learn to use Social Media an effective way to market your business and get results • Find out when (or if) you should consider spending money for Social Media sites or services

  4. During this class you will: • Discover how to maximize your professional profile and company listing on social media sites • Learn effective relationship building strategies for social media • Find out about new opportunities and features of social media sites • Learn to leverage your online time by using some easy social media shortcuts     

  5. Where do you get most of your business? • Existing Customers • Referrals from: • Customers • Business Contacts • Referral Partners

  6. It’s all about relationships! • Online networks mirror offline networks.  Leverage the power of your current business relationships and build new ones by creating an effective social media marketing strategy. • Social Media should be just a part of an overall relationship marketing strategy to: • Expand your ability to be “top of mind” • Expand your audience • Educate clients, prospects and referral partners about what you offer

  7. Does my business need Social Media Marketing? • 31% of business owners don’t use social media because they don’t believe their customers use it • Do some analysis and competitive research • Try it out to determine best sites for your business

  8. Social Media can be confusing… • What types of Social Media are out there • What’s best for your business? • How to use Social Media as an effective marketing tactic without spending a ton of time

  9. Why Social Media? • People do business with people they know • Social Media sites are a good connectors • Lots of people are participating • Social Media Participants tend to be “influencers” • Low Cost Marketing • Most sites are free – your cost is time • Good Search Engine Optimization from top sites • Opportunity to get your business in front of more eyes

  10. Let’s start with the “big three” social media sites

  11. Why Facebook? • Over 500 million Facebook users • 206 Million are in US • 72% of US Internet users are on FB • 30% of Facebook users in the US are over 35 • Almost 20% of US Facebook users are over 45 • More than 50% are Female • Most of America’s biggest brand advertisers are working with Facebook • Stats show they’re reaching users across the age spectrum

  12. More Facebook Stats • 50% of users log in daily • Average user has 130 friends • 700 Billion minutes a month are spent on FB • 20 Million Apps are installed per day • 250 Million people interact with FB monthly from Outside the official website • 200 Million people access via mobile phone

  13. Source: OnlineSchools.org

  14. 57% of people talk to each more online than they do offline

  15. Facebook Features • Facebook Personal Profile • Facebook Groups & Community Pages • Facebook Business Pages (formerly Fan Pages) • Facebook Places • Facebook Ads • Networking on Facebook • Social Media Applications & Link Options • Facebook “Like” Button on other sites

  16. Your Personal Profile • Purpose • Decide: Personal or business…or both • Privacy • Use Settings, Lists, Online Status • Applications • Choose wisely (and watch out for those who don’t) • Connect to Business Page • Ban the “suitcase” • News Feed Views • Check to View All

  17. Personal vs Professional Presence • Decide whether to keep personal profile primarily for friends and family or use for business • Limit the amount of marketing you do on your personal profile • Some crossover is inevitable for some small businesses that revolve around an individual • Drive traffic and fans to your Facebook Business Page

  18. Create a Business Page • Add a Professional Profile Photo or Logo • Write a good summary – use key words • Add your websites • Add content – photos, videos • Create a custom URL for distribution • Add Events • Link Applications to Blog or other networks • Drive people to your page

  19. Use Facebook Effectively • Visit often • Update status • Post items of interest (add value) • Look for opportunities to grow network • Communicate with groups • Communicate with key people • Find other relevant pages to “like” and Comment on relevant posts

  20. Twitter Features • Short 140 character status updates can generate quick interest • Post from Smart Phone/Website or Twitter client • Link feature to Facebook Page, LinkedIn Profile or blog can expand your social media reach

  21. Use Twitter for Networking • Follow relevant people • Connect on common topics • #Hashtags, Lists, Trends • RT - Retweets • DM - Direct Messages • @ - Replies

  22. Why LinkedIn? • 100 Million Users • 47% are in North America • Most credible professional online network • Commonly used in the business world • Having a LinkedIn profile is becoming the norm • Enhance your offline networks - online

  23. LinkedIn Features • Professional Profile • Company Profile • Groups • Polls • Answers • Events

  24. Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile • Current and Past Positions • Add a Professional Profile Photo • Write a good summary – use key words • Edit your LinkedIn URL • Add your websites & Edit titles • Add Blog feed • Use Apps – Video, Slideshare, Tweets etc. • Add relevant affiliations • Get & give recommendations

  25. Network on LinkedIn • Visit often • Update status frequently and strategically • Look for opportunities to grow network • Communicate with network • Set up a group • Join groups • Communicate with groups • Add events • Use answers area

  26. How to use Social Media sites • Facebook • Use to connect with personal friends/family • Use for business • Create a Facebook Business Page • Use to broadcast interesting news and promotions to your network • LinkedIn • Use to connect with professional connections • Use to expand your professional network • Use to broadcast what you are doing professionally to your business network • Twitter • Use to broadcast interesting items to your network – social or business • Use to create a buzz and expand your network • Use to entice people to buy, act or sign up for something

  27. Link Your Social Media Make it easy – one post goes to more than one place Be careful that you don’t create lots of duplicates with too many linkages!

  28. A word about video • Video is a powerful marketing tool • If you have your own videos: • Post to your Facebook Page • Post intro video on LinkedIn • Post links on Twitter • Create a You Tube Channel

  29. Social Networking: A word to the wise • “Google” yourself – you already show up online • Manage your online presence • Decide how you want to use social media and connect accordingly • Be consistent across personal and professional spheres • Make use of privacy settings • Be deliberate about connecting applications between social networking sites • Be smart and be aware

  30. Claim Your Presence – it’s already there! • Google Places (Maps) • Yelp • Directory sites: • Merchant Circle • Kudzu • Manta • Hot Frog • Etc: Check your area for ranking directories • Rule of Thumb – Do not pay for these sites

  31. Leverage Social Media to: • Promote your business • Network with clients and referral partners • Increase Professional Credibility • Expand Your Web Presence • Drive traffic to your website • Build Brand Awareness • Generate Leads!

  32. Social Media Marketing – From Mystery to Mastery • 3 Thursdays in June - 3 In-Depth Classes on Implementing Social Media in your business! • June 2 – Power Up Your LinkedIn Network • June 9 – Your Business on Facebook • June 16 – Tweet & Connect • June 23 – Bonus Session – Q & A • Sign up today: advisorsontarget.com/events • Investment is just $147 for all 4 sessions

  33. Need Help Getting Started? • Social Media Package: Here is what we do: • Set up and/or Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile • Set up Your Business Facebook Fan Page • Set up Your Twitter Account • Link your social media accounts to automatically update each other • Link your Blog to your social media accounts • Coach you on developing your networking strategy using social media in a way that works for you

  34. Connect with us online • We share information that we discover to help you market your business online as well as other information that is relevant to running a successful business • Connect on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/in/linneablair • Follow on Twitter http://twitter.com/AdvisorOnTarget • “Like” the Advisors On Target Facebook Page! • http://www.facebook.com/AdvisorsOnTarget

  35. Contact me for more information about managing your online success ! Advisors On Target Business Coaching & Marketing Consulting Linnea Blair • Office: 619.291.3700 • Email: Lblair@AdvisorsOnTarget.com • Web: AdvisorsOnTarget.com • Twitter: AdvisorOnTarget • Facebook: facebook.com/AdvisorsOnTarget • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/linneablair

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