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Established in 1919, the Police Federation is a staff association representing over 120,000 rank and file police officers in England & Wales. We negotiate, represent, and influence decision-makers on behalf of our members. Join us and receive legal assistance, welfare support, and professional representation.
A bit about us… Established in 1919 Staff association for police constables, sergeants and inspectors (including chief inspectors) We represent over 120,000 rank and file officers The only organisation which represents you, to negotiate on your behalf, supported by professionally trained reps across the country
A vast support network Local workplace reps - 24 43 Branch Boards (BB) across the country - each force area in England & Wales Split into eight regions Each Board has a Chair & Secretary Chair Norfolk – Andy Symonds Secretary Norfolk – Keith Bristo
Aims and objectives To ensure this, we measure the work we do and what we seek to achieve against our organisational aims and objectives. We have a statutory obligation to ensure that the views of our members are accurately relayed to government, opinion formers and key stakeholders.
We Negotiate To maintain and improve the conditions of service and pay of our members. We do this by: • actively participating in national, force and local negotiations; • negotiating collectively and on behalf of individual members; • using evidence-based information in our business practices; and • liaising with government and influential stakeholders to fight your corner.
We Represent We represent and promote the interests and welfare of our members, and support colleagues to achieve the required professional standards. We do this by: • meeting our statutory responsibilities; • representing our members’ interests in matters of discipline, diversity, health and safety, welfare, pensions, claims, member services, and many other issues; • ensuring that our 1,500 reps have the required skills and abilities to fulfil their role and meet their statutory responsibilities; and • providing national and local representation to ensure that our members receive the appropriate training to deliver a professional police service.
We Influence We influence internal and external decision-makers at local and national levels on matters affecting our members and the police service. We do this by: • providing clear leadership locally and nationally on issues affecting you; • listening to and reflecting issues that concern you; • maintaining an effective communications strategy; • engaging with all internal and external stakeholders and decision-makers; and • putting evidence-based information in the hands of decision makers.
Legal support if you need it Members of the Federation can receive legal assistance Our national claims department dealt with more than 6,000 new cases last year Criminal trials, misconduct investigations and hearings, employment tribunals and civil actions, inquests, judicial reviews and IOPC investigations all come under their jurisdiction
We care about your wellbeing We have a network of 1,500 trained Fed reps - to help, listen, guide and support you The Federation – with the Police Firearms Officers’ Association – established the Welfare Support Programme (WSP) – for officers involved in death or serious injury incidents Our latest demand, capacity and welfare survey showed the stresses and strains officers are under, and we are using that to evidence the issues on a wider level
What we do for you Our reps deal with complex cases and situations, know regulations inside out and are given the best training to help you They are the only ones who can be given a right of audience in misconduct interviews We put your interests first when we lobby and negotiate with government over pay and conditions - ensuring you have the right equipment, training and support to do your job to the best of your abilities Our award-winning #ProtectTheProtectors campaign helped change the law when it comes to assaults on emergency service workers
National headquarters Leatherhead, Surrey - for your use National departments focus on key business areas, such as HR, Finance, Communications, IT, Research and Policy Support, Learning & Development, Claims, Legal On-site training courses and facilities Meeting/conference rooms Hotel and leisure facilities run by professional staff - members can stay at a reduced weekend rate
How much is it to join? Student officers pay: £5.42 per month Year 1 £10.79 per month Year 2 £21.58 per month Year 3 Remember you get a tax allowance from HMRC for paying into the Federation. You need to call HMRC and add professional subscriptions onto your tax allowance. This effectively reduces your payment down at Year 3 from £21.58 to around £17.00. This equates to 15p per day in Year 1 31p per day in Year 2 56p per day in Year 3
Find out more… www.polfed.org @PFEW_HQ Email communications@polfed.org