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CEF – Readiness Study

CEF – Readiness Study. TF-MSP Utrecht, February 2013 John DYER dyer@terena.org www.terena.org. Background of CEF. President: José Manuel Durão Barroso 19 Oct 2011: Press Conference, Brussels Kostas Glinos: Head of Unit DG-CNECT 26 Oct 2011: Presentation at TERENA GA Links

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CEF – Readiness Study

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  1. CEF – Readiness Study TF-MSP Utrecht, February 2013 John DYER dyer@terena.org www.terena.org

  2. Background of CEF • President: José Manuel Durão Barroso • 19 Oct 2011: Press Conference, Brussels • Kostas Glinos: Head of Unit DG-CNECT • 26 Oct 2011: Presentation at TERENA GA • Links • www.terena.org/tf-msp/documents/ecpublic/ • Proposal to be part of Horizon 2020 • Running period: 2014 - 2020

  3. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) • Transport 31.7 billion Euros • (inc. cohesion fund 10 billion) • Energy 9.1 billion Euros • Key Digital Infrastructure 9.2 billion Euros • TOTAL: 50 billion Euros

  4. Key Digital Service Infrastructures • Total Investment in key DSI ~ 9 billion • Broadband 7 billion • encourage local companies to improve connectivity for European citizens: 30 Mbps minimum at least 50% at 100 Mbps • Backbone for Public Administration 2 billion

  5. Why DSI? SOCIAL HEALTH CULTURE Global Economic Crisis Public Admin costs need to be reduced Duplication of Infrastructure – Expensive US Unified Community Anchor Network (UCAN)

  6. The NREN / GÉANT model

  7. Three Possible Scenarios

  8. EC DG-CNECT (INFSO)Tender invitation 4 Jul 2012 - SMART 2012/0048 Study of the readiness of Member States for a common pan-European network infrastructure for public services (max €500k) • Coverage • High speed and connectivity between public institutions of the EU in areas such as public administration, culture, education and health. • Core service platform • Infrastructure based existing Internet backbone and where necessary new networks will be deployed. • Generic services • Authorisation, authentication, inter-domain security and bandwidth on demand, federation of services, mobility management, quality control and performance control, integration of national infrastructures.

  9. Readiness Study Objectives Establish a Knowledge Base Analysis of Current Situation Outreach and Dissemination Scenarios and Recommendations

  10. R&E Networking Community • Agreement: • TERENA General Assembly • NREN PC • European NREN CEOs • TERENA and DANTE Management • TERENA and DANTE collaborate • TERENA point of contact with study • The Community would NOT submit proposal: • We wanted to ensure influence • Lack of expertise across all sectors • We could be excluded if unsuccessful • Positioned ourselves as a primary STAKEHOLDER to be consulted

  11. Status 31 January 2013 • TERENA contacted 14 consultancies with proposal to collaborate as primary STAKEHOLDER • EC received 5 proposals • EC Contract awarded December 2012 Capgemini Nederland, representing a consortium of Capgemini and Deloitte Belgium Project Inception Meeting: 22 January 2013

  12. Timeline 2013

  13. Community Engagement • Documentation • TF-MSP Document Store: • www.terena.org/tf-msp/documents/ecpublic • Open email distribution list • cef-discuss@terena.org • Self subscribe at: • www.terena.org/mailinglists.php • Let’s engage Email: dyer@terena.org

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