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The Quilt GENI Operations Workshop Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review

The Quilt GENI Operations Workshop Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review. The Quilt PI: Jen Leasure August 31, 2010. Project Summary.

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The Quilt GENI Operations Workshop Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review

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  1. The Quilt GENI Operations WorkshopSpiral 2 Year-end Project Review The Quilt PI: Jen Leasure August 31, 2010

  2. Project Summary • The Quilt hosted a GENI Workshop for the R&E community July 22-23, 2010 in San Diego, CA at the Hilton Torrey Pines La Jolla. This workshop was held in conjunction with GEC8 the week of July 19th at the same location. • The purpose of this workshop was to educate and engage campus IT and regional network representatives who have not yet participated in GENI activities but will be key stakeholders in the scaling of GENI in the next year. The main focus of this workshop was an introduction and update on GENI projects as well as to provide information regarding operational requirements for campus and regional networks to support campus researchers who wish to participate in GENI.  • It was also an opportune time to engage regional and state networks to submit proposals for solicitation #3 INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

  3. Project Summary • Workshop Agenda: • Keynote from Suzi Iacono, NSF • Opening Remarks from Chip Elliott, GPO • Enabling GENI Connections • Campus Deployment Case Studies • Researcher and Operator Communications • GENI and the Cloud • Solicitation #3 • Workshop presentations posted to Quilt website • http://thequilt.net/meetings/GENI%20WKSP/GENI%20Workshop%20Presentations/Quilt%20GENI%20Workshop%20Presentations.htm INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

  4. Project Summary Workshop Planning Committee: • Prasad Calyam, Ohio Supercomputing Center/OARnet • Steve Corbato, University of Utah • Heidi Dempsey, GPO • Ron Hutchins, Georgia Tech/Southern Crossroads • Jen Leasure, The Quilt • Peter O’Neil, Mid-Atlantic Crossroads • Rob Ricci, University of Utah • Matt Zekauskas, Internet2 INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE


  6. Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals • GENI Spiral 2 Goals are described in “GENI Spiral 2 Overview”, section 7. Project SoWs and milestones were crafted to support those goals. On this slide, summarize project accomplishments this year that contribute to the Spiral 2 goals. • GENI Workshop was aimed at engaging more campuses and regionals by providing a high level understanding of GENI and its current capabilities as well as information to support GENI connections for researchers. Through its operational focus, the workshop aimed to support the scaling of GENI in support of the “meso-scale” infrastructure vision. • With the campus OpenFlow experiments and the national OpenFlow deployments, solicitaton #3 will provide funding for regional and state network OpenFlow deployments. INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

  7. Issues • No issues at this time. INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

  8. Plans • What are you plans for the remainder of Spiral 2? • Action item from workshop is to develop a 1-2 page summary for campus and regional network operators for a high level details of GENI and its requirements including repeatability . • Develop a mail list for workshop participants and others for operational discussions • The GPO is starting to formulate goals for Spiral 3. What are your thoughts regarding potential Spiral 3 work? INSERT PROJECT REVIEW DATE

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