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Booker T. Washington

Discover the transformative power of economic self-help philosophies from Booker T. Washington to Reaganomics. Explore key concepts like popular sovereignty, Gospel of Wealth, and trickle-down effect. Learn about historical movements such as McCarthyism, Detente, and the Columbian Exchange. Gain insights into political ideologies like republicanism and separation of powers. Uncover the significance of influential figures like Huey Newton and explore pivotal events like Marbury v. Madison. Delve into the evolution of economic theories and social movements that have shaped our world today.

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Booker T. Washington

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Booker T. Washington Economic Self-Help $ Show me the Money!!! $

  2. Booker T. Washington Key Phrase? $ Show me the Money!!! $

  3. Transcendentalism Truth from Nature TRUE THAT!

  4. Transcendentalism Key Phrase? TRUE THAT!

  5. Popular Sovereignty Let the people decide! Power to the People, man!

  6. Popular Sovereignty Key Phrase? Power to the People, man!

  7. Gospel of Wealth The Rich SHOULD Give Back AMEN!!!

  8. Gospel of Wealth Key Phrase? AMEN!!!

  9. Taylorism Time = Money Eliminate wasted motion

  10. Taylorism Time = Money Key Phrase?

  11. Hoovervilles That’s SOO ghetto! Slums in the Depression

  12. Hoovervilles That’s SOO ghetto! Key Phrase?

  13. Get those REDS!! McCarthyism Commies in the USA

  14. Get those REDS!! McCarthyism Key Phrase?

  15. Ike like Domino’s! Domino Theory If one falls, we all fall

  16. Ike like Domino’s! Domino Theory Key Phrase?

  17. I’m MAD! Massive Retaliation Mutually Assured Destruction

  18. I’m MAD! Massive Retaliation Key Phrase?

  19. Huey Newton is NOT a cookie Black Power Take Control

  20. Huey Newton is NOT a cookie Black Power Key Phrase?

  21. Bird Brain! Hawks and Doves Vietnam: Yes or No?

  22. Bird Brain! Hawks and Doves Key Phrase?

  23. Loosen up, will ya? Detente Relaxation of Tensions

  24. Loosen up, will ya? Detente Key Phrase?

  25. Trickle-down effect Reaganomics Supply-side Economics

  26. Trickle-down effect Reaganomics Key Phrase?

  27. Food products, livestock and diseases, OH MY! Columbian Exchange Old World -New World Swap

  28. Food products, livestock and diseases, OH MY! Columbian Exchange Key Phrase?

  29. Worth its weight in gold Mercantilism Trade with the colonies

  30. Worth its weight in gold Mercantilism Key Phrase?

  31. Half is better than none. Half-Way Covenant Eased church requirements

  32. Half is better than none. Half-Way Covenant Key Phrase?

  33. Kant you understand? Enlightenment Age of Reason

  34. Kant you understand? Enlightenment Key Phrase?

  35. Dear God in Heaven! Deism God watches

  36. Dear God in Heaven! Deism Key Phrase?

  37. I believe! First Great Awakening Religious Revivals

  38. I believe! First Great Awakening Key Phrase?

  39. I am RIGHT! Republicanism Consent of the People

  40. I am RIGHT! Republicanism Key Phrase?

  41. Separation of Powers Tree branches of government, mon Division of government

  42. Separation of Powers Tree branches of government, mon Key Phrase?

  43. Big Brother’s Big Brother Checks and Balances No one gets too powerful

  44. Big Brother’s Big Brother Checks and Balances Key Phrase?

  45. Judicial Review That’s unconstitutional! Marbury v. Madison

  46. Judicial Review That’s unconstitutional! Key Phrase?

  47. Hit the road Jack! Internal Improvements/ American System National Transportation System

  48. Hit the road Jack! Internal Improvements/ American System Key Phrase?

  49. I’m a stay-at-home mom! Republican Motherhood Women as wives and mothers

  50. I’m a stay-at-home mom! Republican Motherhood Key Phrase?

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