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Production Processes and Capacity Planning in Manufacturing Activities

Understand the manufacturing process, types of production, specialization, & production planning for effective operations. Learn how to determine and optimize production capacity in this comprehensive tutorial by Ing. Marcela Zlatníková.

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Production Processes and Capacity Planning in Manufacturing Activities

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  1. Anglicky v odborných předmětech"Support ofteachingtechnicalsubjects in English“ Tutorial: Business Academy Topic: Manufacturing activities Prepared by: Ing. Marcela Zlatníková Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

  2. Manufacturingactivities Production- itis a processoftransformationof input factorsintooutputones Productionprocess – is a processofinteractionofproductionfactorsanditsresultisgoodsandservices. Structureofproductionprocesscanbecarriedoutaccording to variouscriteria. Theproductionprocessaccording to labourforceparticipation: √ Workingprocess- a workeraffectscurrentassetsusingfixedassets ∙MANUAL – lies in physicalforceoftheworker, toolsare usually used, e.g. handdrilldrilling ∙MACHINE-MANUAL – effectoflong-term assetsisconnected to physical strengthof a workerusing machines, e.g. electric drill drilling ∙MACHINE – uses machines on higher technical level, e.g. standing drill drilling, the worker controls and directs the machine

  3. √ Automatic process-a man checks and prepares the process , e.g. Numerically controlled drill drilling √ Natural process- a man does not participate in the process, he creates conditions for it, e.g. rising, ripening, baking, fermentation Manufacturing process according to product determination: √ Main processes- the result are products that are intended for sale a/ basic production – production of goods, the business was set up for b/ secondary production – production of components and accessories to products of basic production c/ additional production – it is a waste processing or production under way of better use of available capacity of machines d/ associated production– production of goods of other manufacturing industry

  4. √ Auxiliary processes- resulting in products that are mainly used for producer‘s needs √ Operating processes- help basic processes, e.g. Transport, storage

  5. Typesofproduction • Are distinguished by the number of produced types, range of production and its repetition • They are divided into: Piece production – is production of a large number of types of products, but only in small quantities and production is irregular from the time standpoint. Production preparation is careful. Machinery is multipurpose, workers must be highly qualified to handle different types of work. Series production – is production of fewer types of products, but in larger number of each type. It is characterized by some repetability. Depending on the number of pieces of one type it can be further divided into small-lot, medium-series and large-series production. Multipurpose machines are used, they are specialized in large-series production. Mass production– is production of a small number od types in large quantities, high repetability is characteristic. Machines are single-purpose. Workers can be low-qualified, but qualified professionals are also needed. It has high productivity, lowest costs, it allows the use of production lines and has a short production cycle.

  6. Accumulationofproduction • Istransitionfrompiece to seriesandmassproduction • By meansofaccumulationeffective use of technology isachieved • Itiscarriedout by concentration, specializationandcooperation Concentration – centralizationofproduction in oneplace Specialization – is a processof independent production by particulartypesofwork, whichleads to higherlabourproductivity, itisspecializedeither on theproductorthestagesoftheproductionprocess. Ways to specialization are unification ( unificationofshapesandsizes), typing (selectionof a smallnumberoftypesthatwillbeproduced) a standardization( usingthesamecomponentsforseveralmachines). Cooperation- iscooperationofspecializeddepartmentsmanufacturingcomplexproducts

  7. Productionplan • Threequestionsshouldbeansweredbeforethe start ofproduction: • WHAT TO PRODUCE – whichproducts, how many, design • HOW TO PRODUCE – whatrawmaterialswillbeused, material, what technology, amountofhumanwork • FOR WHOM TO PRODUCE – whotheconsumerwillbe Planning department and marketing dealwiththecompositionoftheplan. Itmust: - determinethe type andrangeofproduction • determinethe volume ofproduction • spreadoutproductionintoperiods • dividethetotalsalesandsupplyfordomesticandforeigntradeandforinvestmentdevelopment Indicatorsofproduction are: naturalunits, unitsofeffort, monetaryunits, addedvalue

  8. Productioncapacity • Is maximum numberofproductsthatthe business (ormachine) canproduce per time unit underoptimalconditions. • Itisdetermined in naturalunits Annual PC= usabletimefund/capacitytime standard Annualtimefund= numberofcalendardays in a year – numberofdaysof rest (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays) – plantholiday – planneddurationofreconstruction Usabletimefund = annualtimefund * numberofdailyworkinghours

  9. Tasks: 1/Capacityofthemanufacturerofvynilwindowsisused in 65%.Whatcouldbedone to increaseutilizationofcapacity, if in thenexttwoyearssignificantgrowthofcontractsis not expected? 2/ Specifywhetherthefollowingpoints are main, auxiliaryoroperatingprocesses: a/ footwearproduction b/ toolproduction c/ wasteprocessing d/ productionofenergyforproduction line drive e/ storageofmaterial f/ transportationoffinishedproducts 3/ Giveexamplesofpiece, seriesandmassproduction

  10. Bibliography: • Biňovec, K. Přehled učiva k maturitní zkoušce z ekonomiky. Fortuna, 2004. ISBN 80-7168-747-2. • Švarcová Jena, ing a kolektiv, Ekonomie, stručný přehled. Ing. Jena Švarcová, Ph.D., CEED nakladatelství a vydavatelství, 2006. ISBN 80-903433-3-3. • Klínský Petr, Munch Otto, Ekonomika pro obchodní akademie a ostatní střední školy 1-4.Fortuna, 2003, ISBN 80-7168-862-2.

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