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Tropical Rainforest

Tropical Rainforest. Christine Daniel Multimedia and Internet Professor Harrison Yang. Introduction.

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Tropical Rainforest

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  1. Tropical Rainforest Christine Daniel Multimedia and Internet Professor Harrison Yang

  2. Introduction You are a historian who has been given an assignment by your boss. You are to explore the rainforest anywhere in the world with two colleagues! You have never been in a rainforest and know nothing about what is inside a rainforest.

  3. Task 1) Your job is to explore the rainforest and learn all about it! The following questions will help guide your exploration: • What is the rainforest? • Where are rainforests found in the world? • What does it look like? • What kinds of species live in the rainforest? • What do they look like and how do they survive?

  4. Task 2) Once you have gathered enough information about the rainforest you chose, you will investigate one, mysterious animal: • Describe what the animal looks and what species it is • What part of the rainforest it lives in • What does it eat • How is its behavior • Is it a solitary animals or social

  5. Task 3) After you have “explored” all these answers you are to report your findings back to your boss (your class). You will create a poster that will include: • Hand-made illustrations of the rainforest along with ten facts about the rainforest (this can also be on a separate sheet of paper typed). • Your mysterious animal along with five facts about it

  6. Process I will team you with two other classmates in your class to create a team of three people. You will work together in exploring the rainforest, investigating one animal, and creating a poster of all your findings!

  7. Rubric You will be graded on the following components:

  8. Resources • You may use these websites to gather information to complete your project: http://www.teachers.ash.org.au/jmresources/rainforest/links.html http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/00/earthpulse/rainforest/index_flash.html http://kids.mongabay.com/ http://www.christiananswers.net/kids/sounds.html http://ran.org/rainforestheroes/ http://www.junglephotos.com/ http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/rainforests/ http://www.kidssavingtherainforest.org/ http://images.ask.com/fr?q=layers+of+the+rainforest&desturi=http%3A%2F%2Fww w.sd61.bc.ca%2Fschool%2Fglanford%2Fbrooker%2Fbiomes%2Ftropicalrainforest %2Flayers.html&fm=i&ac=6&ftURI=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.ask.com%2Ffr%3Fq %3Dlayers%2Bof%2Bthe%2Brainforest • Also, view the next two slides to gather some information before you even start.

  9. Where are the rainforest located? • Rainforest grow on 4 continents: • South America • Africa • Asia • Australia • Near the Earth’s Equator, where sunlight and rainfall concentrate

  10. Inside the Rainforest • Rainforest Layers: • Forest Floor • Shrub Layer • Under Storey • Canopy • Emergent Layer

  11. Conclusion By the end of this project you would have gained a great knowledge about the rainforest, like: • Where are rainforests located and what they are • How a rainforest in constructed and what it looks like • What lives in a rainforest • Expertise about a special animal native to the rainforest By the end of this project I also hope you gain: • An appreciation for this amazing part of our earth • New friends in your class • Skills to work with your peers • Love for drawing, creating landscapes

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