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The Next Forty Years March 2012 Michael Lang, CEO Revelytix

The Next Forty Years March 2012 Michael Lang, CEO Revelytix. Sixty Years Ago. “ Turing's Cathedral ” by George Dyson In 1945 the DOD funds the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ to build MANIAC (Mathematical and Numerical Integrator and Computer)

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The Next Forty Years March 2012 Michael Lang, CEO Revelytix

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  1. The Next Forty Years March 2012 Michael Lang, CEO Revelytix

  2. Sixty Years Ago “Turing's Cathedral” by George Dyson In 1945 the DOD funds the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ to build MANIAC (Mathematical and Numerical Integrator and Computer) Command and memory address are in the same bit At that address was data represented in binary notation The only abstraction was the mapping of binary representation to decimal notation Between 1945 and 1970, computers were referred to as Numerical Computers So it began ...

  3. In 1970, E.F. Codd with the IBM Research Laboratory in San Jose, California, wrote a paper published in ACM, “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks” Codd wrote, “The problems treated here are those of data independence – the independence of application programs from the growth in data types and changes in data representation...” This problem is otherwise known as “abstraction” Codd’s paper set in motion the data management system architecture for the next forty years. These systems are known as relational database management systems (RDBMS) Computers were referred to as “Information Technology” (IT) The Last Forty Years

  4. RDBMS The RDBMS solves only some of Codd’s issues Hardware and software were insufficient to solve the whole problem at the time Applications continue to be severely impacted by the growth in data types orchanges in data representation But, applications are independent of the ordering of the data and the indexing schemes RDBMS do provide ACID guarantees for CRUD operations, --which was Codd's original goal

  5. Paradigm Shift In 1985 the mainframe/terminal paradigm was replaced by the client/server paradigm Oracle, Sybase and others ported their new RDBMS to this paradigm Thought RDBMSs had been around for ~8 years, market acceptance did not take off until they beat IMS and VSAM to the new client/server paradigm It’s hard to say which technology was the chicken and which was the egg

  6. Transactional Systems The primary early use of RDBMS technology was to create and store transactions RDBMS were and still are optimized for transactions; they are very good at this task Later, businesses wanted to analyze the collections of data being created Can systems optimized for transactions also be optimized for analysis? There are two large issues…

  7. Issue # 1 Systems optimized for creating data in a transactional framework require a fixed schema The meaning of the data elements are fixed by the schema There is no requirement for schema evolution in RDBMS because the primary mission is ACID/CRUD operations No way to say how data defined in one schema relates to data defined by another schema

  8. Issue # 2 The required data is typically stored in many databanks It needs to be moved and combined What assurance is there that similar data in different databanks represent the same thing? Analysis is not possible until precise meaning of all required data in all databanks is known Data is not easily combined

  9. Data Warehouse We have twisted the RDBMS and the client/server paradigm into the realm of analysis through ETL and data warehousing All of the data is moved to the same databank Lots of highly custom, one-off work is done to determine the meaning of each data element and how it needs to be transformed for the new target schema It remains a rigid schema and a siloed server! We need to deal with massively distributed data

  10. The Last Forty Years Siloed Information Management Systems All data in a single shared databank Rigid schemas Data and metadata are different types of things Query processor only knows about its local data expressed in a fixed schema Schema not fixed for NoSQL Excellent ACID / CRUD capability Enterprise data management remains an elusive goal

  11. Timeline 1970 - Codd proposes the relational paradigm 1977 – First RDBMS arrives, Oracle, INGRES 1980 – SQL developed and several other RDBMS arrive, Sybase, SQL Server, DB2, Informix 1985 – Client-server paradigm 1990 - RDBMS mainstream Elapsed time = Twenty Years

  12. Acceptance of New Paradigm 20 years required for large enterprises to accept an idea introduced in 1970 Why? New products had to be created A new networking paradigm had to fall into place Strategic uses of the new technology had to be articulated and translated to business uses

  13. Paradigm Shift

  14. DARPA and DAML After DARPA created ARPAnet (TCP/IP) in 1990, it turned its attention to the problem of understanding the meaning of the data Their computers could “hear” each other, but could not understand each other DARPA created DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) in 2000 to create a common language www.daml.org

  15. The World Wide Web Consortium The W3C had evolved ARPAnet into a highly reliable, distributed system for managing unstructured content using TCP/HTTP/HTML Grand slam for distributed information management The system did not work for structured content, data 2004 – DARPA hands off DAML to the W3C The W3C evolves DAML into the RDF, OWL and SPARQL standards Collectively these standards comprise what most people mean by “semantic technology”

  16. The World Wide Web The WWW brings the next paradigm shift in information technology after client/server It is a highly distributed architecture, vastly more so than client/server Domain Names Uniform Resource Locators (URL) Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) Can we build on this highly distributed infrastructure to benefit enterprise information management?

  17. Semantic Technology This paradigm assumes data is completely distributed, but that anyone/anything should be able to find it and use it RDF is the data model OWL is the schema model SPARQL is the query language URIs are the unique identifiers URLs are the locators

  18. Description RDF and OWL are excellent formal description languages Anyone can say Anything about Anything, Anywhere Descriptions are both human and machine readable Locations are already described by URLs and identified by IRIs The meaning and location of any data can now be interpreted by computers, or humans These technologies enable the new paradigm

  19. The Next Forty Years The information management technology for the next forty years will all rest on precise, formalized descriptions of “things” Schema, Data, The real world, Mappings, Rules, Business terms, Processes, Logic, Relationships between descriptions ..... Descriptions provide a level of abstraction above current information management infrastructure Descriptions are absolutely required to use distributed data

  20. The Next Forty Years DIMS Distributed Information Management System

  21. The Next Forty Years Distributed Information Management Systems Data, metadata and logic are completely distributed but, all machine readable All information is immediately accessible by computers and people Extensibility Constant change is assumed Distributed & Federated EmergentAnalyticCapability Reasoning

  22. DIMS A Distributed Information Management System is a layer above your current DBMS, just like a DBMS is a layer above a file system Both provide an additional level of abstraction Both bundle new computational capabilities into the system Both simplify the access to and use of data by applications and developers

  23. Timeline 2002 – DARPA publishes work on DAML 2004 – W3C creates RDF and OWL recommendations 2006 – the first triple stores and RDF editing tools are available, SPARQL is recommendation 2011 – The first DIMS is available We are just getting to the point of enterprise adoption

  24. DIMS SPARQL (data output) Inferred Data Rules (RIF) SPARQL (data input) SPARQL (data input) SPARQL Data Validation & Analysis Domain Ontology SPARQL SPARQL Mappings (R2RML) Mappings (R2RML) RDB Schema (Source Ontology) RDB Schema (Source Ontology) RDB RDB

  25. Maturity Level 1 No Agility; Does Not Scale Application Layer Reporting & Analytic Search Business Application Data Services Ad hoc data Services e-discovery & live data services OLTP App Store Mainframe Data Marts Text data DW OLTP App Store COBOL VSAM Data/ App Layer OLTP App Store ASCII <XML> <XML> <XML> Operational Data Analytic Excel CSV COBOL Fixed Multiple vendor DB Multiple file formats

  26. Maturity Level 2 Better; Data Management Still an Issue Application Layer Reporting & Analytic Search Business Application Data Services Ad hoc data Services e-discovery & live data services Data Service Layer Data Services (SOA, Web service..) • File Services • (ASCII, XML, Batch..) Connectivity (JDBC, ODBC, Native..) Workarounds Virtualization Layer Rationalization & Virtualization of Data Optional Cache DB OLTP App Store Mainframe Data Marts Text data DW OLTP App Store COBOL VSAM Data/ App Layer OLTP App Store ASCII <XML> <XML> <XML> Operational Data SOA Data Service Pub-Sub Service API Data Service Analytic Excel CSV COBOL Fixed Multiple vendor DB Multiple file formats Application Data Services

  27. Maturity Level 3 Best Practice; Solid Data Management & Reduced Risk Application Layer Reporting & Analytic Search Business Application Data Services Ad hoc data Services e-discovery & live data services Data Service Layer Semantic Search (RDF Search, SPARQL) Data Services (SOA, Web service..) • File Services • (ASCII, XML, Batch..) Connectivity (JDBC, ODBC, Native..) Semantic/ Catalog Layer Semantic Storage Layer RDF <XML> data Storage Semantic Integration Services Meta data services Virtualization Layer Rationalization & Virtualization of Data Optional Cache DB OLTP App Store Mainframe Data Marts Text data DW OLTP App Store COBOL VSAM Data/ App Layer OLTP App Store ASCII <XML> <XML> <XML> Operational Data SOA Data Service Pub-Sub Service API Data Service Analytic Excel CSV COBOL Fixed Multiple vendor DB Multiple file formats Application Data Services

  28. Where Revelytix Tools Fit in a Semantic Framework Application Layer Reporting & Analytic Search Business Application Data Services Ad hoc data Services e-discovery & live data services SPARQL Queries Data Service Layer Semantic Search (RDF Search, SPARQL) Data Services (SOA, Web service..) • File Services • (ASCII, XML, Batch..) Connectivity (JDBC, ODBC, Native..) Semantic/ Catalog Layer Semantic Storage Layer RDF Data Store RDF <XML> data Storage Semantic Integration Services Meta data services Virtualization Layer Rationalization & Virtualization of Data Optional Cache DB OLTP App Store Mainframe Data Marts Text data DW OLTP App Store COBOL VSAM Data/ App Layer OLTP App Store ASCII <XML> <XML> <XML> Operational Data SOA Data Service Pub-Sub Service API Data Service Analytic Excel CSV COBOL Fixed Multiple vendor DB Multiple file formats Application Data Services

  29. Two Use Cases Classifying swaps and aggregating risk by counterparty using the FIBO ontology Working with EDMC and regulators Information provenance to infer which data sets to use for specific applications Working with customers to automate data discovery and access in very complex, large data centers

  30. Financial Industry Business Ontology Graphical Displays FIBO Business Entities Securities Diverse Formats Derivatives Corporate Actions Loans Built in Semantic Web Ontologies RDF/OWL FpML FIX ISO 20022 Industry Standards Input XBRL OMG MISMO Generate UML Tool (via ODM) Industry initiative to define financial industry terms, definitions and synonyms using semantic web principles 30 11/17/2011

  31. Business and Operational Ontologies provides source for Requirement #1: Define Uniform and Expressive Financial Data Standards Business Ontology (AKA “conceptual model”) Defines Transaction types Defines contract types Defines leg roles Defines contract terms Model from Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect Includes only those terms which have corresponding instance data Agreement is a IR Stream has party swaps Operational Ontology (Semantic Web) IR Swap Narrowed for Operational use has party swaps IR Stream 11/17/2011 31

  32. Demo Architecture

  33. Data Set Inference Data Set Relationships Version of, mirror of, index of... Provenance History and origin of data Transformations, relocations... Best Source Inference Describe activities and processes Describe goals Freshness, speed, completeness, authoritativeness.. Infer best data source for your task

  34. Why Now? External • Regulatory demands of robust data quality controls and proof of data reliability Internal • Monitoring and controlling Operational Risk • Internal expectations to find more productivity and reduce expenses

  35. Data Set Suitability Many business activities require the use of multiple data sets Analytics, audits, risk, performance monitoring Data landscapes in large enterprises are extremely complicated Lots of related data sets Poor metadata management tools Finding the right data sets for a particular activity is difficult We need more description Data sets need to be described better Processes, activities, and goals must be described better

  36. Ontology Overview

  37. Suitability for Use User describes activity E.g. External audit of manufacturing processes Rules engine reads knowledgebase of descriptions Data sets, activities, processes, goals, people... Rules engine infers which data sets are best for the activity

  38. Closing Paradigm shifts in IT*occur over a period of 20 years and last about 40 years We only have 2 examples, small sample Highly distributed data is an expensive problem Applications take longer and longer to build Analysis is incomplete, because the data is incomplete Compliance with policies, regulations and laws is very hard to determine *or numerical computers, depending on the era

  39. The Shift is On (we are in the middle of an IT paradigm shift) A Distributed Information Management Systemis available now

  40. Revelytix.com for much additional information Thank You

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