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Class 10 Summary

Asper School of Business - MBA Program 6150 Management of Information Systems & Technology April-June 2007 Instructor: Bob Travica. Class 10 Summary. Updated June 2007. Organizational…. Goals …. IS Development. Individual Organization Members. IS Management. IS Adoption. Business

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Class 10 Summary

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  1. Asper School of Business - MBA Program 6150 Management of Information Systems & Technology April-June 2007 Instructor: Bob Travica Class 10 Summary Updated June 2007 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  2. Organizational… Goals … IS Development Individual Organization Members IS Management IS Adoption Business Process 9 Organizational Teams IT DATA INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE Organizational Structure Organizational Performance IS Organizational Culture Organizational Politics IS Evaluation IS Use Issues… Problems 7,8 P P 3 2,6 4 6 P 5 2,3 P P 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology P = Frequently addressed topic. Numbers signify classes.

  3. Types of Information systems studied • Communication (email, bulletin boards, SMS, video conferencing) • Group Support (decision, workflow, shared info repositories, etc.) • Decision Making (TPS, Reporting Systems, DSS, ESS) • Data & information management (databases, ERP, portals, e-documents) • Knowledge management (Data Warehouse/Mining, Expert System, Case- Based System, CAD) • E-commerce (Websites, e-exchanges, EDI) Sum: ~20 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  4. Methods used • Lecturing • Team presentation of cases • Class discussion • Class exercises (debate, team brainstorming, itemized answer) 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  5. Information sources • Textbook • Ivey Cases • Other readings • Professional experience 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  6. Knowledge Goals Accomplishment 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  7. Key Messages • There are many ISes that can help organizations accomplish operational and strategic goals. The same type may serve different purposes. • Relationship between ISes and organization is complex, not “plug-and-play.” Keep IT hype (“silver-bullet”) at bay. • IS/IT management is about understanding both organization and IT/IS and then trying to identify optimal fit. • Think task, process, information needs, goals first – then IT/IS. 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  8. Key Messages (Cont’d) • Think of trade-offs and of whole picture. • Business people: Engage technologists in dialogue – learn and educate… • Technologists: Engage business people in dialogue – learn and educate… • … Knowledge & ignorance is on both sides. 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

  9. The End 6150 Management of Information Systems and Technology

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