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病媒管制 1. Medical Entomology for Students. Mike Service. 4th ed. 2008 2. 環境病媒管制策略

病媒管制 1. Medical Entomology for Students. Mike Service. 4th ed. 2008 2. 環境病媒管制策略 王凱淞 2006. 病媒管制 運用一切可利用的害蟲防治技術,管制害蟲的棲群,以避免 其可能造成的經濟損失及健康危害;這些技術的運用須不致 影響環境引起不良後果。 措施 測定病媒生命體系謀求適當改革,以減少棲群數目至人 類所能忍受的程度。 2. 運用生物學知識及現行防治技術,壓制其密度。 3. 設計防治程序,用適當技術,使符合經濟及保持環境素質

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病媒管制 1. Medical Entomology for Students. Mike Service. 4th ed. 2008 2. 環境病媒管制策略

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  1. 病媒管制 1. Medical Entomology for Students. Mike Service. 4th ed. 2008 2.環境病媒管制策略 王凱淞 2006

  2. 病媒管制 • 運用一切可利用的害蟲防治技術,管制害蟲的棲群,以避免 • 其可能造成的經濟損失及健康危害;這些技術的運用須不致 • 影響環境引起不良後果。 • 措施 • 測定病媒生命體系謀求適當改革,以減少棲群數目至人 • 類所能忍受的程度。 • 2. 運用生物學知識及現行防治技術,壓制其密度。 • 3. 設計防治程序,用適當技術,使符合經濟及保持環境素質 • 之原則。

  3. Phylum Arthropods 節肢動物門 1. 昆蟲綱 (Insecta) Entomology 2. 甲殼綱 (Crustacea) : 觸角2對,足5對。 如水蚤、蟹、蝲蛄 3. 蜘蛛網 (Arachnida):無觸角,足4對。 如蜘蛛、蜱、螨、蠍 4. 唇足綱 (Chilopoda):每體節有一對足及氣孔, 第一對為顎足,基部有毒腺。 如蜈蚣 (centipedes) 5. 倍足綱 (Diplopoda):每體節有二對足及氣孔。 如馬陸 (milipedes)

  4. 節肢動物危害人體的方法 • 毒害:接觸法、鑽刺法、叮咬法 • 寄生人體 • 傳播疾病 • 傳播疾病的方式 • 機械性 • 生物性:攜帶型、繁殖型、發育型、發育繁殖型

  5. 有效的病媒控制 • 鑑別病媒種類 • 對病媒生物學及生態學的知識及了解 • 監控病媒:密度及趨勢 • 衛生教育:廣為接受的完整公眾教育計畫 • 有效控制法 • 千里達瘧疾主要病媒(Anopheles bellator)棲息鳳科植物水盆中 • 針對植物移除噴藥,而引流沼澤或清除積水容器對疾病影響小

  6. Introduction to mosquitoes About 3400 species (42 genera) Worldwide distribution (3500m high  1250m depth) Important species : Anopheles 瘧蚊 : malaria, filariasis (班氏、馬來絲蟲),arboviruses Culex家蚊: 班氏絲蟲, arboviruses Aedes 斑蚊: yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis virus, filariasis Mansonia 曼蚊: 馬來絲蟲 Haemagogus, Sabethes (Central and South America) : yellow fever Psorophora (North and South America) : pest

  7. External Morphology : Mosquitoes are slender and relatively small insects, the body divided into head, thorax and abdomen. About 3-6 mm in length, some species, can be as small as 2 mm while others may be as long as 19 mm. One pair of functional wings : fore-wings hind-wings (退化成knob-like halteres) 平衡翅 Diptera雙翅目: 二對各在中胸及後胸

  8. 觸角 觸鬚

  9. Head : The head has a pair of kidney-shaped compound eyes 複眼. Between the eyes arises a pair of filamentous and segmented antennae 觸角. In females the antennae have whorls of short hairs (pilose 多毛的). In males (a few exceptions in genera of no medical important) the antennae have long hairs (feathery or plumose 羽狀的). Palp 觸鬚: below the antennae 依雌雄、種類而不同 Proboscis 吻部 : mouthpart M

  10. Thorax : The thorax is covered, dorsally and laterally, with scales which may be dull or shiny, white, brown, black or almost any color. It is the arrangement of black and white, or coloured, scales on the dorsal surface of the thorax that gives many species (especially those of the Aedes) distinctive patterns.

  11. Wings : long and relatively narrow The wing veins 翅脈are virtually the same for all mosquito species, and are covered with scales (brown, black, white, creamy yellow, brightly). The shape of the scales and pattern they form differs between genera and species. Rest : across each other (closed pair of scissors) Fringe : along the posterior border Mate attraction 翅室 wing cell

  12. Legs : The legs are slender and covered with scales (usually brown, black or white and arranged in patterns, often in the form of ring). The tarsus (跗節) terminates in a pair of simple claws. Some genera, such as Culex, have a pair of pulvilli (褥盤). 爪間體

  13. Abdomen : Compose of 10 segments, but only the first seven or eight are visible. (scales) The last segment of the female terminates in a pair of finger-like cerci (尾毛), whereas in the males a pair of prominent claspers (把握器), comprising part of the male external genitalia, are present. In unfed female, the abdomen is thin and slender, but after a blood-meal, the abdomen becomes distended (red oval balloon). When the abdomen is full of developing eggs it also dilated, but is whitish and not red in appearance.

  14. Mouthparts and salivary glands : The proboscis is elongate and projects forwards in both sexes. Labium下唇: flexible, gutter-shaped (水溝), terminates in a pair of labella (唇瓣) encircle all the other components of mouthparts (protective sheath) All the components are hold close together in life and only become partially separated during blood-feeding.

  15. When a female bites a host, the labellum are placed on the skin and the labium curved backwards. This allow the paired mandibles, paired maxillae, labrum and hypopharynx to penetrate the host’s skin. Saliva from a pair of salivary glands (位 胸部前端之腹側) is pumped down the hypopharynx. 小顎 大顎 下咽頭 上唇(U型食管) 下唇

  16. Contents of saliva : Anticoagulant : prevent clotting and obstructing of mouthparts. Antihaemostatic enzymes : produce haematomas in the skin. Anaesthetic substances : reduce the pain and host defensive reactions. In the male, the maxillae and mandibles are usually reduced in size or the mandibles are absent, so males cannot bite. 不傳播疾病 They feed on nectar of flowers, and other naturally occurring sugary secretions. Female also feed on sugary substances to obtain energy for flight and dispersal. Only in a few species (autogenous), this type of food is sufficient for egg development.

  17. Differences between mosquitoes and flies (similar shape and size) 1. Forward-projecting proboscis 2. Scales on the thorax, legs, abdomen and wing veins 3. A fringe of scales along the posterior margin of the wing

  18. Life cycle 1. Blood-feeding and the gonotrophic cycle : Most mosquitoes mate shortly after emergence from the pupa. Usually fertilize all eggs laid during a female lifetime. (only one mating is required) Anautogenous development : blood-meal is necessary for the development of the eggs in the ovaries. Autogenous development : can develop the first batch of eggs without blood-meal. The speed of digestion of the blood-meal : depend on the temperature. Most tropical species : 2-3 days Colder, temperate countries : 7-14 days

  19. whitish After oviposition the female takes another blood-meal and after 2-3 days (tropics) a further batch of eggs is matured. Gonotrophic cycle : blood meal  eggs maturation  oviposition

  20. 2. Oviposition and biology of the eggs : Female lays about 30-300 eggs at any one oviposition. Eggs are brown or blackish and 1mm or less long. None of these eggs (C. & Ano.) can survive if they become dry. In tropics, eggs hatch within 2-3 days, in cooler temperate countries they may hatch until after 7-14 days, or longer. ovid boat-shaped hold together by surface tension (egg raft) Anopheles terminal filament : glue to the underside of floating plants (lay the eggs directly on the water)

  21. Aedes do not lay eggs on the water surface, but just above the water line on damp substrates, such as mud and leaf litter, or on the inside walls of tree-holes or water-storage pots. Eggs of Aedes can withstand desiccation : remain dry for months or even years but still viable and hatch when soaked in water. When flooded, hatching may extend over long periods because the eggs hatch in instalments. The eggs may enter a state of either quiescence, hatching in suitable conditions, or diapause and will not hatch until some specific stimulus. (environmental stimuli : change in daylength and/or temperature) In termerate regions many Aedes overwinter as diapausing eggs.

  22. 3. Larval biology : 4 active larval instars No larvae can withstand desiccation, although they may be able to survive short periods among wet mud. 須到水面呼吸 具觸角、複眼 Siphon 吸管 (Anopheles無) pointed at tip (serrated cutting structure), insert into the roots or stems of aquatic plants, thus oxygen for respiration is obtained. 氣孔 2 pairs (sausage-shaped) osmoregulation 2 pairs

  23. The larvae feed on yeasts, bacteria, protozoans and numerous other plant and animal micro-organisms found in the water. Some species are carnivorous or cannibalistic. In tropics, the time from egg hatching to pupation can be short as 5-7 days, but many species require about 7-14 days. In temperate areas the larval period may last several weeks or months, and several species overwinter as larvae.

  24. Larval habitats Freshwater : permanent : swamp, marshes, ricefields, etc. temporary collections : pool, puddles, etc. natural container : tree holes, rock pool, bamboo stumps, snail shell, etc. man made container Brackish or salt water Other: shaded, excreta, rotting vegetation Usually absent from expanses of uninterrupted water : lakes (fish and other predators) large rivers and fast-flowing water organic debris

  25. Aedes campestris的幼蟲於加拿大之湖泊 • PH 10.2,含鈉 0.48g、重碳酸鹽0.38g • campestris及A. dorsalis 於酸或鹼性之湖泊皆可生長 • 脫皮素 (Ecdysone) • 青春激素 (Juvenile hormone) 影響發育及行為

  26. 4. Pupal biology : All mosquito pupae are aquatic and common-shaped. Pupae do not feed but spent most of their time at the water surface. If disturbed they swim up and down in a jerky fashion. In tropics, the pupal period last only 2-3 days. In temperate regions, the period my be extended over 9-12 days, or longer.

  27. 成蚊的利尿作用 埃及斑蚊一次吸血約3.5ul (1.9為血漿),30分鐘內血漿中35%的水被代謝,產生透明尿液。

  28. 5. Adult biology and behavior Females require a blood-meal before or after mating. Anthropophagic : feed on human Zoophagic : mainly feed on non-human hosts Ornithophagic : feed on birds Females are attracted to the hosts by various stimuli emanating from their breath or sweat, such as body odours, CO2, lactic acid, octenol and warmth. Vision usually plays only a minor role in host orientation. Some species are attracted by the silhouette or movement of hosts. Some species feed more or less indiscriminately at any time of the day or night; others are mainly diurnal or nocturnal.

  29. Endophagic : enter the house to feed Exophagic : outside house Endophilic : blood digestion and maturation of the ovaries inside house Exophilic Aedes aegypti 埃及斑蚊: anthropophagic, exophagic and exophilic Anopheles gambiae : anthropophagic, endophagic and endophilic The feeding behavior may change. For example, in certain areas and seasons a species may be anthropophagic, endophagic and exophilic, whereas at other times, especially if there are few people but many animals in the area, the species may become zoophagic, exophagic and exophilic.

  30. The biting behavior may be important in the epidemiology of disease transmission. For example, mosquitoes that feed out of doors and late at night, will not bite young children. During hot and dry periods, people may sleep out of doors. (exophagic) Mosquitoes bite within forest or wooded areas. The resting behavior of adult mosquitoes may be an important consideration in planning control measures. For example : malaria vs. DDT (wall) control the endophilic mosquitoes

  31. Most mosquitoes probably disperse only a few hundred meters (<2 km) from the emergencesites. (control program) 100 km or more? wind ? Airport malaria ? In tropics, female mosquitoes live on 1-2 weeks, and 3-4 weeks in temperate. Male adults usually have a shorter life-span. Species that hibernate live much longer. For example, in Europe some fertilized females of Culexpipiens survive in hibernation from August until May.

  32. Mosquito control : • Immature stages : • Biological control (naturalistic control) : slow effect and also eat • harmless insects • A. Predators : • Larvivorous fish : mostly wide used “mosquitofish” • 1. Gambusia affinis and G. affinis holbrooki (warm-water fish, 原生於 • southern USA) have been introduced to over 70 countries. • They are cannibalistic and aggressive fish which have sometimes • destroy native fish. • They should not be introduced into new areas. • 2. South African guppy (Poecilia reticulata) : not so voracious, but can • tolerate organic pollution better and more heat tolerant.

  33. 3. Others : •  carp 鯉魚(Cyprinus carpio) in Chinese ricefields. • edible catfish 鯰魚(Clarias fuscus) in water-storage tanks in Myanmar to control Aedes aegypti. • Tilapia in Africa • Aplocheilus in Europe and Asia Some predatory fish, such as Aphanius dispar and Fundulus species, breed in saline water, can be introduced into salt-water habitats.

  34. Fish are unsuitable for the control of mosquitoes which breed in small container, pools and puddles that rapidly dry out. Some fish, such as Nothobranchius and Cynolebias, which are the so-called instant or annual fish, have drought-resistant eggs and these are more suitable for introducing into small temporary habitats that repeatedly dry out.

  35. Although fish have sometimes greatly reduced the numbers of larvae in certain habitats, such as pit, ponds and ricefields, they have rarely proved effective in reducing the size of mosquito populations over large areas. Other predators : rarely effective as control agents tadpoles of frogs and toads, various aquatic insect larvae, copepods, Coleoptera 金龜子, Trichoptera瓢蟲 – 吃蚊子卵 A few mosquitoes have predacious larvae (Toxorhychites). These have been introduced into container-habitats in certain areas (e.g. Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii) to control other mosquitoes but results have not been very encouraging.

  36. B. Pathogens and parasites : harmless to humans • virus, bacteria (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, etc.) • protozoan (Nosema vavraia, etc.), fungi (Coelmomyces, etc.) • nematodes (Romanomermis – commerically mass-produced) • B. t. i. (serotype H-14) : most useful pathogen • can be mass-produced, toxicologically safe to humans and wildlife • formulated as powder, can be sprayed on the water surface and kills larvae when it is ingested. (破壞消化道) delta-endotoxin : recombinant technique (transfer the gene into other inactive bacteria) 也有作成顆粒或球狀,使於水中緩慢釋放,效果延長數天至數月

  37. 幼齡的幼蟲較老齡及成蟲易受影響

  38. Bacillus sphaericus球桿菌 毒素作用原理不很確定 可 recycle,於環境中可維持 於有機化污染水也有效 對Culex 特別有效 易培養 故也商品化 但同B. t. i.都有抗菌蚊株出現

  39. Genetic control : • A. Sterile male mosquitoes (release in the field, compete) • Can be achieved by ionizing radiation, crossing closely related species to produce infertile hybrid males.  Introducing chemosterilants into breeding trays containing the larvae which make the emerging adult (both sexes) sterile. The eggs will be sterile and fail to hatch. In El Salvador the release in the 1970s of some 4.36 million chemosterilized male Anopheles albimanus (malaria vector that had developed resistance to most insecticides) over 4.5 months in an isolated coastal region (about 15 km2) caused a more than 97% reduction in the biting population.

  40. Enormous numbers of mosquitoes had to be reared to obtain control over a very limited area, the later expanded trial failed. B. Transgenic mosquitoes : “hard” excessive males incapable of transmitting parasites, virus Physical control (mechanical or environmental control) : Filling in (rubble, earth or sand) : tree-holes, ponds Drainage Source reduction : containers, piped water supply Cover : water-storage pots

  41. Environmental manipulation 環境操控: Increase water flow. Periodic opening of sluice gate. Removal of overhanging vegetation for shade-loving larvae. Planting vegetation along reservoirs and steams for sun-loving larvae. Intermittent flooding of ricefields to allow drying out every 3-5 days. Removal of rooted or floating vegetation for Mansonia. Impoundment : relatively deep permanent water. (Aedes 尤其不適合生存) sometimes stocked with fish and ducks (also helpful) When a larval habitat has been modified to reduce breeding of mosquitoes, but not eliminated, may now favor of other mosquito species.

  42. Chemical control : • Oils : the oldest control method • (可經陽光及微生物分解,對蚊幼蟲具毒性或使窒息) • interfere with the interface of air-water and cause larvae, • pupae and emerging or ovipositing adult to drown. • Mineral oil • Diesel oil (柴油) and kerosene (煤油) : 140-190 litres/ha • Addition of detergents, such as 0.5% octoxinol 辛苯昔醇, or 1-2.5% • vegetable oils (e.g. castor oil 蓖麻油, coconut oil) increase the spreading • power allowing the application rates to be reduced to 18-50 L/ha. • Commercial oils (e.g. malariol 瘧蚊殺) have improved spreading • properties so only 10-20L/ha need be used.

  43. The addition of organophosphate or carbamate insecticides to high-spreading oils greatly enhances their effectiveness. In tropics, oils have to be sprayed on breeding place about every 7-10 days. Less frequent applications in cooler temperate areas. B. Paris green (cooper acetoarsenite 銅醋酸亞砷酸物) Pellet : float on the water surface When ingested by surface-feeding larvae, such as Anopheles, it acts as a stomach poison. Granule : sink against bottom-feeders (Culex, Mansoni and Aedes) Repeated applications are usually needed. 因毒性強,雖無抗藥性,又有替代藥,已少用

  44. C. Insecticides : Because their persistence in the environment and accumulation in food-chains, DDT and other organochlorine insecticides should not be used. Less persistent and biodegradable insecticides should be used, such as organophosphates and carbamates. Organophosphates : malathion馬拉松, fenitrothion 撲滅松 (Sumithion), pirimiphos methyl亞特松 (Actellic) (極毒致癌、已禁用) temephos 亞培松 (Abate) :使幼蟲神經中毒,但也傷害水生之無脊椎動物。 對哺乳類毒性低。作成球狀、顆粒(1%)或膠囊式,慢慢釋入水中, 可達數週。 加入飲用水源? Carbamates : propoxur安丹 (Baygon) (可滅蚤)

  45. Pyrethroids 除蟲菊 : permethrin百滅寧, deltamethrin第滅寧 但同時殺死其他水生昆蟲及甲殼類,甚至是魚類,必要時才使用。 Low in toxicity to mammals (but at high doses can affect the nervous system) and are practically nontoxic to birds. Permethrin is registered and sold in a number of products such as household insect foggers and sprays, tick and flea sprays for yards, flea dips and sprays for cats and dogs, termite treatments, agricultural and livestock products, and mosquito abatement products.

  46. In organically polluted water insecticides are less effective and either higher dosage must be used or the more effective organophosphates such as fenthion芬殺松 (Baytex) or chlorpyrifos 陶斯松 (Dursban) applied. Chlorpyrifos : more toxic to larvae than most other insecticides cause high mortalities among fish and other aquatic organisms not so widely used In tropic, insecticides usually have to sprayed on water every 10-14 days, and more frequently on highly polluted water. Mansonia larvae can be killed by spraying herbicides, such as diquat 大刈and 2,4-D二氯苯氧機乙酸.

  47. Larvicides are usually applied as emulsions or oil solutions, but granules (0.25-0.6 mm) or pellets (0.6-2 mm) or capsules are better for penetrating dense growths of aquatic vegetation. Slow-release granules or pellets can be scattered over marshy areas when they are relatively dry. When they become flooded, the granules release toxicants into water. Sprayers : operators, machines on truck, aerial spray

  48. Insect growth regulators (IGRs) : • high coast, low toxicity to human, 對特定發育階段非常有效 • I. 擬青春激素模擬物質 (juvenile hormone mimics) • arrest larval development 或成蟲不孕 • Methoprene美賜平 (Altosid) : safe for use in drinking water. (WHO) • with an attractive bait that foraging fire ant workers take back to the queen. • affects the queen's ability to reproduce, so when existing workers die normally within a 3 week period), no new workers are created to replace them. Starvation and elimination of the entire colony.

  49. Pyriproxyfen百利普芬 : inhibits flea eggs from hatching and affects all developing stages of the flea life cycle. 12 months period of activity 其他藥物 : fenoxycarb、hydroprene II. 幾丁質合成抑制劑 (chitin synthesis inhibitors) Diflubenzuron 二福隆 (Dimilin) : immature stage 蛻皮時或稍後即死亡 Integrated control : biological + insecdicides

  50. 2. Control directed at adults : • Personal protection : • Mosquito screening : strong plastic or non-corrosive metal • 6-8 meshes/cm (exclude most mosquitoes) • Mosquito net : 9-10 meshes/cm (against night-biting mosquitoes) • should be placed over beds before sunset • can be impregnated with pyrethroid (permethrin) • Small spray-guns : permethrin dissolved in kerosene or in an equql • mix of kerosene and white spirit • pressurized aerosol canisters • commonly used to spray bedrooms early in the evening

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