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Presentation Transcript

  1. Explore ~40 million publications http://academic.research.microsoft.com

  2. Agenda • EntityCube • http://entitycube.research.microsoft.com • Microsoft Academic Research • http://academic.research.microsoft.com • Bing • Schema.org • http://schema.org/Person • Linked Pages • http://bing.com/linkedpages

  3. Who are we working with • Allen Press • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) • American Geophysical Union • American Institute of Physics • American Medical Association • American Psychological Association • Annual Reviews • arXiv • Association for Computing Machinery • Astrophysics Data System (ADS) • Begell House • The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) • Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) • BioMed Central • BioOne • BMJ • Brill • Cambridge University Press • Central & Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) • CERN Document Server • CiteSeer • Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) • CrossRef • Digital.CSIC • Elsevier • Emerald Group Publishing • HighWire • Hindawi Publishing Corporation • Humanities Text Initiative • IADIS • IEEE • IGI Global • Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information • Innovative Interfaces, Inc. • InTech • Intellect • IOP Publishing, Inc. • Journal@rchive • JSTOR • Karger AG • M.E. Sharpe • Mary Ann Liebert • MedKnow • MetaPress • MIT Press • National Institute of Informatics • National Science Foundation • Nature Publishing Group • NDLTD • OCLC • Oxford University Press • PNAS • PolicyArchive • Project Euclid • Project Muse • Public Knowledge Project • Public Library of Science • Publishing Technology Plc. • PubMed • Qscience • RACO • RePEc • Royal Society • Royal Society of Chemistry • Royal Society of Medicine • Sage • Social Science Research Network (SSRN) • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) • Springer • Taylor & Francis • United States Geological Survey (USGS) • University of Chicago Press • VGTU Press

  4. Agenda • EntityCube • http://entitycube.research.microsoft.com • Microsoft Academic Research • http://academic.research.microsoft.com • Bing • Schema.org • http://schema.org/Person • Linked Pages • http://bing.com/linkedpages

  5. Embed Author network author Citing Papers

  6. Alerts Papers Edit Export publication Links to fulltext Citation History and Context Citation History and Context References & Citing Papers

  7. Alerts keyword Top … Top … Usage History Definitions

  8. Top … Top … Sort journal

  9. Compare Domain Trends organization

  10. Ranking

  11. Editing

  12. Embedding

  13. Public API • Application Programming Interface • Supports queries against all academic entities and their basic info • With the API, you can • Work with others to share info • Help users to build useful clients • All openly available to everyone • Targeting the academic community • API is available for non-commercial use only API details at http://academic.research.microsoft.com/About/Help.htm#5

  14. http://mas.eigenfactor.org/

  15. Thank you! Alex D. Wade Director, Scholalry Communication Microsoft Research | Connections awade@microsoft.comorscholar@microsoft.com URL – http://www.microsoft.com/scholarlycomm/ Facebook: Scholarly Communication at Microsoft

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