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The Molecular Diagnostics and Mitochondrial Research Laboratory at Hwasun Chonnam National University Hospital conducts research on molecular diagnostics and mitochondrial research. Visit our website for more information.
2014년 송년정리 화순전남대학교병원 미토콘드리아 연구실 (Molecular Diagnostics and Mitochondrial Research Laboratory) 홈페이지- http://www.mtdna.or.kr 2014. 12. 26 (금)
정리 내용 • 연구원 동정 • 학술대회 발표 및 초록제출 • Accepted manuscript • 준비중인 SCI논문 • 연구과제 수행
2014년 실험실 연구원 동정 현재 신명근 교수, 박라영박사, 노지은연구원(2014. 12. 31.), 양승현석사과정, Thashma박사과정, 선철원학생(2015. 1. 6. 국민대 학부복귀) 으로 구성 • 2014. 02. 26 김환영, Trang 석사 졸업 • 2014. 05. 30 이세라 연구원 사직 • 2014. 08. 04 박라영박사 근무시작 • 2014. 10. 02 선철원 학생 (단기견습 연구원 시작) • 2014. 10. 01 김환영석사 화순전남대병원 진단검사의학과 발령 • 2014. 09. 02 양승현 석사과정 입학 (2014. 12. 연구실 시작) • 2014. 12. 01 Thasma 박사과정 연구실 시작 • 2014. 05. 01 신명근교수 전남의대 진단검사의학교실 주임교수 발령 • 2013. 05. 01 –현재신명근 교수 화순 전대병원 교육연구실장으로 발령/수행
2014 학술대회 발표 및 초록제출 1) 2014 .03.13 대한진단혈액학회 학술대회 -Diagnostic and prognostic value of mitochondria DNA minisatellites after stem cell transplantation 2) 2014.04.04~05 ASCPaLM KSLM Spring Symposium -Requirements and Examination for Specialty Certification of Laboratory Medicine -Simultaneous Presentation of Plasma Cell Leukemia and Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia -Spectrum of Mitochondrial Genome Instability and Implication of mitochondrial Haplogroups in Korean patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia 3) 2014.06.13 대한유전분자진단학회 학술대회 -CALR Mutations in Korean patients with JAK2 Mutation Negative MPN -Microsatellite Instability Status and Beta2-Microglobulin Gene Mutation in Colorectal Cancer 4) 2014.06.14 대한유전분자진단학회 교육연수 -혈액종양의 분자진단 Molecular Diagnosis of Hematological Malignancies
5) 2014.07.25 Hwasun BioMedical Workshop - Plan and strategy of CNHUHH tailored molecular diagnostics and therapeutics for intractable cancers 6) 2014.09.17 대한진단혈액학회 워크숍 - Advances in molecular diagnostics in hematologic disorders 7)2014.09.30 The 4th Korea-Germany JLCI Symposium im jeju - Translational Mitochondrial Research 8) 2014.10.18 KMMWP 4th Workshop - Serum Immunoglobulin heavy and light chain pairs measurement in MM 9) 2014.10.26 전국한의학 학술대회 - 암 환자 평생관리와 한의학의 역할 10) 2014.11.14~15 대한혈액학회 • Cryptic e1a2 BCR-ABL1 fusion with complex chromosomal anomalies in a patient with myelodysplastic syndrome on the verge of transformation to acute myeloid leukemia : The first case of Korea • - Novel prohibitin-targeting chemotherapeutics, phenyl-chloroethyl urea family, for selective killing of acute myeloid leukemia cells 11) 2014.12.06~10 56차 미국혈액학회 연제발표 • Low Mutation Rate and Modest Prognostic Impact of SF3B1, U2AF1 and SRSF2 Genes in Myelodysplastic Syndrome without Harboring Ring Sideroblast • - Altered cellular responses as biomarkers for fluoranthene exposure to the bone marrow-mesenchymal stem cells: Implications for stem cell-based in vitro models that help determine the associated hematotoxicity • - Prevalence and Clinical Impact of CALR Mutations in East Asian Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients With and Without JAK2 Mutations
2014 PUBLISHED/ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT • 주저자 및 교신저자 • 김환영 등. Profiling of biomarkers for the exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: lamin-A/C isoform 3, poly[ADP-ribose] polymerase 1, and mitochondria copy number are identified as universal biomarkers. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:605135. • 강민구 등. Serum parathyroid hormone is a new potential risk factor in multiple myeloma. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:804182. • 장민중 등. Application of bone marrow samples for discrimination of acute promyelocytic leukemia from other types of acute leukemia using the routine automated hematology analyzer. Int J Lab Hematol. 2014 Oct;36(5):531-40. • 김수현 등. A new HLA-C allele, C*06:99, identified by sequence-based typing in a Korean individual. Tissue Antigens. 2014 Jan;83(1):61-3. • 강민구 등. Feasible Quantitative Detection of Cytomegalovirus from Urine Sediment in Stem Cell Transplant Patients. Clinical Laboratory. 2015; in press (accepted) • 최현우 등. Alteration of the SETBP1 Gene and Splicing Pathway Genes SF3B1, U2AF1, and SRSF2 in Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia . Ann Lab Med. 2015; in press (accepted) • 서보영 등. Donor’s constitutional chromosomal abnormality identified after sibling bone marrow stem cell transplant in pediatric patients with acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Ann Lab Med. 2015; in press (accepted) • 김혜란 등. Mitochondrial DNA Aberrations and Pathophysiological Implications in Hematopoietic Diseases, Chronic Inflammatory Diseases, and Cancers (review article). Ann Lab Med. 2015; in press (accepted)
공저자 • Evaluation of the BD Phoenix system for identification of a wide spectrum of clinically important yeast species: a comparison with Vitek 2-YST. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2014 Aug;79(4):477-80. • Effect of exposure to interleukin-21 at various time points on human natural killer cell culture. Cytotherapy. 2014 Jun 17. pii: S1465-3249(14)00596-9. • The p.R168Q mutation is associated with the Bw phenotype and a predicted decrease in the stability of the resulting ABO glycosyltransferase. Transfusion. 2014 May;54(5):1298-304. • The first known case of blood group chimerism in monochorionic dizygotic twins in Korea. Ann Lab Med. 2014 May;34(3):259-62. • Association of BDNF promoter methylation and genotype with suicidal ideation in elderly koreans. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;22(10):989-96. • 3' Splice site sequences of spinal muscular atrophy related SMN2 pre-mRNA include enhancers for nearby exons. ScientificWorldJournal. 2014 Jan 27;2014:617842. • Identification, genotypic relation, and clinical features of colistin-resistant isolates of Acinetobacter genomic species 13BJ/14TU from bloodstreams of patients in a university hospital. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Mar;52(3):931-9. • Circulating mucosal-associated invariant T cell levels and their cytokine levels in healthy adults. Exp Gerontol. 2014 Jan;49:47-54.
2014 Submitted Manuscript: under review Low rate of mutation and modest effect of SF3B1, U2AF1, and SRSF2 on prognosis in the myelodysplastic syndrome without ring sideroblasts. BMC Cancer, under review Direct confirmation of quiescence of AML stem cells using single cell culture, their molecular signature and clinicopathological implications. BMC Cancer, under review
2014 Manuscript preparation Pending submission Immature teratoma and subsequent development of acute promyelocytic leukemia with underlying XYY syndrome in a pediatric patient (case study) Coexistence of acute promyelocytic leukemia and primary plasma cell leukemia: careful consideration in diagnosis (case study) No recurrent mutation of SF3B1,U2AF1 and SRSF2 spliceosomal gene in multiple myeloma but polymorphisms of these genes are associated with the prediction of worse prognosis Clinicopathological implications of mitochondrial genome alterations in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia Manuscript preparation The Prevalence of CALR Mutation in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and the Coexistence with JAK2 Mutation Spectrum of mitochondrial genome instability and implication of mitochondrial haplogroups in Korean patients with acute myeloid leukemia Novel prohibitin-targeting chemotherapeutics, phenyl-chloroethyl urea family, for selective killing of acute myeloid leukemia cells SETBP1 Mutation analysis in MDS/MPNpatients Serum fibrin degradation product is a valuable tumor marker for multiple myeloma
2014 연구과제 수행 1) 한국연구재단 해외우수연구소유치사업 2) 환경성 질환연구센터 3세부과제 (소아암 백혈병 환자에서 사립체유전체 분석을 이용한 환경요인과 질환과의 상호작용 연구) 3) 보건복지부 암정복사업 (Prohibitin 미토콘드리아 단백체 타깃 암진단키드 및 표적 항암치료제 개발) 4) 미래창조과학부 산학연공동연구법인지원사업 (위탁과제) (고감도 다중검출 바이오센서기반 진단플랫폼 임상시료 적용 분석평가 연구 5) 중기청 과제 (Prohibitin을 maker로 활용한 백혈병 진단키트 개발 ) 6) 한국연구재단 중견연구자사업 (2014. 8 종료과제)
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