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Audio Technology. Outline the changes that have taken place from the first recordings of the human voice to the present day internet audio. (provide information on early styles of recordings, LP's, cassettes, CD's and MP3's). . Acoustical recording.
Audio Technology Outline the changes that have taken place from the first recordings of the human voice to the present day internet audio. (provide information on early styles of recordings, LP's, cassettes, CD's and MP3's).
Acoustical recording The earliest methods of recording human sounds involved the live recording of the performance directly as it happened. This was a mechanical process, called acoustical recording. The sound of the performers was captured by a diaphragm. This happened when a needle connected to the diaphragm cut “grooves” that could play the recordings at home. There are many types of acoustical recordings
Although the acoustical recording was very high tech for its time period there were some very obvious problems like compact ability and effectiveness
Phonautograph This was the first device that could record sound waves, as they passed through the are. The down side to this was that the sound couldn't be played back. This device was intended for the visual study, and just so happened that it could double and be in the group of the acoustical recording devices.
Phonograph/Gramophone The phonograph was an “up-grade” from the phonautogaph. Thomas Edison created the phonograph. Like most Acoustical recording the phonograph also have a needle the dug deep grooves, but unlike previous ones, the phonograph was able to be played back.
Electrical recording Both phonograph cylinders and gramophone discs were played this mechanical device, The Electrical recording device was the next newest form to audio. Its purpose was to improve the quality of audio recording. While the other devices used only one piece of equipment to record the sound the electrical recording device used two, and that one small change made it possible to play back at home. Soon after this the microphone , and tape recorders were invented.
Magnetic recording Typically made out of tape reel, 7" reel of ¼" recording tape. Used up in tell the 60’s the magnetic recording device was mainly used in places like theaters, and dinner parties.
Further devices. • Further developments included the cassette player, tapes, CD, CD players, all the way up to iPods, phones and mp3’s. Without these said devices many medical and teen devices wouldn't even exist.
Bibliography • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sound_recording • http://www.aes.org/aeshc/docs/audio.history.timeline.html • https://www.google.ca/search?rlz=1C2KMZB_enCA535CA535&q=Audio+time+line&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.52164340,d.dmg,pv.xjs.s.en_US.CQsooEYev9Y.O&biw=1440&bih=799&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=FBUzUoSWItj54AO9l4DwDA#facrc=_&imgrc=MZL2SxMfzu8bKM%3A%3BiNS6A83jzHcyQM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.mrpopculture.com%252Fthereport%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2011%252F11%252FMr.-Pop-History-History-of-Audio-Telephone.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.mrpopculture.com%252Fthereport%252Fpop-culture-audio-and-telephone-history-a-timeline%252F%3B600%3B373